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Everything posted by grogall

  1. Yes, I know what you mean! I went from 0 in the DX series to a complete collection in 2 month, also nicking my bank account just a little ðŸ˜ą
  2. Not necessarily, the High Metal R line is still going strong and the released both the VT-1/VE-1 in 2018. I'm sure they planed this for the 40th Anniversary of D.Y.R.L.!
  3. So who wants to bet, that shortly after the release of the VT-1 Super Ostrich in July they will hit us with the VE-1 Elintseeker for release in Nov/Dec?
  4. If someone can find that video, we'd know....ðŸĪ”
  5. The Complete banner...
  6. Looks like there is a video somewhere... And the website is up! https://tamashiiweb.com/item/14813/
  7. Wow, You go away for a couple of hours, and Bandai hits you with a PO for the next day...ðŸĪŠ Quick start for the 40th Anniversary...😍 So price is 32,500 yen! Looks like we get a proper tail number! 👍ðŸŧ Compare to the VF-1D
  8. grogall

    Hi-Metal R

    I wander when they will complete the Vermillion Platoon for the DX line?... ... ... ... ...
  9. Will we ever really know!?
  10. @jenius Thanks! Good review! Agree on all points good or bad...👍ðŸŧ
  11. Ok Thanks! But there is quit a bit of weight difference between a Super DX then a Super Yami since there are hardly any metal parts in the Yami...
  12. Have you tried this stand with a DX and Super/Strike parts? or anyone else? Would like to know if they hold!
  13. Like I also said in my previous recap from 29 December. I agree that the pegs should be a simple thing to fix but they ignore it! The crap about the stabilizer numbering is point 2, But I have sort of gotten used to the peg thing since this doesn't make the model fall apart... but still would be great if they worked on it! I also agree the the DX is vastly improved over the Yamy, but the could have done some things better! I still enjoy the DX series for its posse-ability and clear printing which I have been lucky to have only one tiny dot somewhere where it shouldn't be. I still look forward to your great review of the Mechanic Edition. So please keep them coming! ðŸĪ— On second thought, maybe they are not fixing the pegs since they can come out with V2 in 15 years and say new feature "we fixed the pegs" ðŸĪŠ
  14. It will be around 33,000 - 35,000 yen Like the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, I take it we will get more news in April, After they deliver the second batch of the Mechanic Edition....
  15. The site clearly states that a second release will be in April 2024, The lottery for this was held in November soon after the first release was sent out!
  16. grogall

    1/55's revisited

  17. @shazamHave fun with it! I really enjoy mine as well and it's a great box! Hope they also make the Roy Focker version they teased us with a couple of years ago.
  18. So does this mean it might come in 1/48 as a DX Chogokin version?
  19. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    I just like them for the simplicity of there transformation...😇
  20. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    @Slave IV Thanks! That Canon Fodder VF-1A is also my favorite from that series...😉
  21. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    Will the 1980's Takatoku GBP also fit the 2000 Bandai reissues?
  22. grogall

    1/55's revisited

    Honestly you can't beat a Valkerie that can be transformed in any of the three modes in under a minute and has a firing gunpod! ðŸĪŠ
  23. @MKT Thanks! So it looks like they might do it... Sure the Destroid Monster would be the largest of the Destroids, the others would be around the VF-1's size. Since they might do SDF-1 wich is also a large model it still is a possibility!? Guess we will have to wait and see....
  24. I was wandering... Will we ever get Destroids in 1/48 from Bandai? Has there been any rumors? After all some of the Chogokin models are massive so size shouldn't detour Bandai from making them.
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