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Everything posted by grogall

  1. Nooo! This is the only addiction im getting help with... πŸ€ͺ
  2. Well glad I ordered it before the thing skyrocketed to oblivion, Have 1 boxed and one converted, so good for now....πŸ˜‰
  3. Wasn't meant to be negative! I was just letting @danth know that the lottery was over. To make sure it's not something that's being held again! and that he should try a third party dealer. Although when the second release is sent out in April the price should come down somewhat, but it still remains to be seen. Don't know why this actually became such a hot item all of a sudden!? πŸ™„
  4. At the moment, no! Expect VE-1 to be announced shortly after the release of the VT-1...πŸ˜‰ I wrote a complete overview of all the releases.....
  5. But remember that the Lottery for this was held back in November, It remains to be seen what happens after that...πŸ€”
  6. I'm actually good just using the TV version on the VF-1D....πŸ˜‰
  7. I’m sure I’ll find something to slap them on…πŸ€ͺ
  8. Drugs finally arrived from LP, With Fedex fracking up the delivery 4 times, A month after ordering I finally get what I paid for....🀬 In four different packages πŸ€’
  9. Well since the two figures by the tent, look about the same size as the others, I'm sure they will fit! Did anyone notice the Minmaii is holding a helmet?
  10. One of the early prototypes, still has a TV hud in the cockpit. The final version shouldn't have that!
  11. Great pictures of the (Mech Guts) VF-1S Hickaru, for those who might be thinking of getting one when the second release, is released in April!
  12. Thanks, I did use a Visa Infinite card so the insurance if something doesn't go through is very high! (trust me, you don't have a chance against someone using a black Visa card) As off that, I did get an email today from LP that the rest would be shipped but still no tracking #. I think that what @Spark-O-Matic said about LP not really having stock of the items listed might have been the problem, but then it should have been listed as being able to ship in 7 days or what ever takes them too get the order filed, days! I usually (Unless Preorder) only order things from website that actually have stock! In Europe most off all companies will ship in 48 hours if the have the item in stock, if they don't people will complain and then they lose customers. but I think then LP should have said "look we don't actually have stock at the moment but we will be able to fore-fill your order within 7-10 days. But things that are marked as being in stock should ship within 48 hours... After all my money was transferred with Visa almost immediately! Like Steve Jobs once said, "we don't want your computer to break since the money that paid for it, doesn't break either"...
  13. @Spark-O-Matic If the admins want, I can send them the correspondence with LP. But I'm not sure if it will do any good. I posted it here because we also talk about ordering here if there is not a dedicated thread for a model!
  14. People please be aware of LUNA PARK! Two and a half weeks ago I ordered seven DX Chogokin VF-1's, These where all marked as being in stock on there website! After several correspondence why my package wasn't being sent I was asked to use another store in the future... Yesterday the sent me a tracking number for my shipment, but only one of the seven items ordered is being delivered! I HIGLY SUGGEST NOT TO USE LUNA PARK! this seems to be another Nippon Yassin in the making! WARNING ABOUT USING LUNA PARK!
  15. I'm sure that this is a prototype but in late state of development, you can tell that they are still using stickers on the fast packs, The prototype from November also had gaps in the fast packs, The pictures of the ostrich on the Tamashi website could be a further along developed model, we'll have to see and wait till July/August to see if they fracked it up...πŸ™„
  16. More pictures of the Ostrich at Tamashi Nations...
  17. They were easily available before the release on the 17th of November! I preordered two when I was visiting Japan, One was at 39,000 yen the other at 42,000. I think a lot off people ignored the prerelease offers when they where low since it was a second release of the Hikaru VF-1S, only with strike parts. When they finally saw the real picture most people scrambled to get one. I'm sure that when the second lottery release is delivered in April the price will come down somewhat! But still good luck trying to score one!
  18. I think the reason why this would be more popular then the VF-1S (Mech Guts) is that it hasn't Been released yet, in this scale by any other company. Yamato already released the Hikaru VF-1S and Strike/Super parts with (Mech Guts) details, So a lot of people will probably only get the (Mech Guts Edition) when they are new to the series or wan't to replace the one in there collection with a better version... This also went for the VF-1D... I can recall there was actually someone in this forum who was offering a conversion kit for the Yamato Valk, Too convert any VF-1 to a VF-1D back then. So things that weren't released before are usually highly thought after!
  19. Not the VF-1D? πŸ˜‰
  20. Yep, I know how you feel, it's February.... From the picture that where taken at Tamashi Nations in November which showed a quick mockup with decals, the orange is a lot lighter then the model that they are displaying now. But like I said we will have to wait till July-August to be able too discuss if the used the right hue for the orange, Since the got the colour of the GBP almost perfect I'm very hopeful they will get it right...πŸ€”
  21. Well, not exactly....πŸ₯΅
  22. Yes, with you on that as well! We can hope and see...πŸ€” The two in the video could be the ones that where displayed at Tamashi Nations in November, while the one shown now, is a further too production release.
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