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Everything posted by dodiano

  1. Anyone has some basic measurements of the Main Instrument panel? That I could start with?
  2. Thanks guys this is excellent material!! I saw the videos you posted wish he stayed more in certain parts or detailed parts of the cockpit but Dan's 3D models are very detailed!! Thanks I will keep you posted on my progressI hope I can talk to Dan and get some basic measurements for a Start! I found this pic not long ago! I remember from the TV series it has a bit more controls and also have the Handles for the 3 modes... What are your comments on this? The other one from DYRL seems just easier...
  3. Hi, I've been a member of quite some years on this forum although I read a lot I am not much of a guy that talks much on the Forums. I have a small company named www.throttletek.com we specialize in throttle quadrant replicas, flight controls and even full sims for entertainment and training purposes! This is not a commercial for my company but more a request for help for a fellow Macross fan and cockpit builder. I want to make a mockup of the VF-1S Cockpit! I even want to make it flyable with Flight Simulator X or any other software just for the fun of it! I even thought of using my WII and use it to Play the ROBOTECH game just for fun. I just want to know if some of you fine gentlemen couold help me with detailed pics of the Valkyrie cockpit and closeups of Flight controls and panels inside the pit! I want to make it flyable within Flight sim limits... Even thought of using a Touchscreen to emulate the communication touch screens within the Flightdeck itself! Anyways if someone can help me out with pics ... well it would be amazing!! Thanks in advance for the help! Regards Roberto
  4. Wow!!! This is the most amazing piece of work I have ever seen!! The detailed work and love put into this is very overwhelming...! Congratulations my friend and thanks for sharing this is very inspiring and I wish I could have the talent you have for detail and also the skills to make something like this for myself! Nice work once again!! Regards, Roberto Soriano
  5. Please post Pics if you do! Actually the Non swapping mod seems easy to do !! Please keep us posted I am interested in making the transformation too!! Regards, Roberto
  6. Yes this guy made an amazing Job it basically made a toy out of the model Kit!!! Hopefully someone can get inspired from here and make a Mod for the Model Kit to make it more Toy Like? His work is amazing! Roberto
  7. These Pictures are of another Model Kit discussed in the Forum long ago! This is not my work I am just posting it but I cannot find the Thread this guy managed to make the conversion without Swapping parts!! Take care! Roberto
  8. Bee...!! Congrats on your purchase!! Enjoy!
  9. Love Robotech!! Amazing work Dude!! One can only hope a Movie comes out!! Excellent work keep it up!! Roberto
  10. Simply beautiful!! Still hoping Bandai will someday release the Perfect Transformation Toy! Regards, Roberto
  11. Either way I still want a VF-2SS TOY... Perfect Transformation 1/60 VF-2SS, VF-2J and Metal Siren... $79.99ea at HLJ.COM OR BBTS.COM or Toys R Us hell even Walmart.... Regards, Roberto
  12. GO DUDE GO DO IT!!! WE NEED A VF-2SS !!!
  13. How much you want for the VF-2SS 1/100 Recast kits??
  14. Will contact him! Thanks for the Tip... Regards, Roberto
  15. oH GREAT!! THANKS FOR THAT!! Yeah I´ll make them all SDF-1... I want to make My Cannon Fodder Skull anyways... Ok now who could make custom decals for the Cokpits I want to have the names of me and my Kids for their Valks fer example : PILOT R. SORIANO Etc... Thanks. Roberto
  16. Thanks for that tip, now a question what was Hikaru´s VF-1J number?? for the plane?? 102?? 101?? 001?? tHANKS. Roberto
  17. Hi, I have a VF-1J Hikaru and also a VF-1ACF which I want to place the stickers on but I want to make them Skull Squadron all of them maybe not the Hukaru just a bit of help, did the Skulls belong to the Prometheus?? Daedalus or SDF1?? Thanks. Roberto
  18. dodiano

    Vf-1j Max

    That is so true!! LOL! Roberto
  19. dodiano

    Vf-1j Max

    Thanks for that Ghostryder! Roberto
  20. dodiano

    Vf-1j Max

    Well, Just was a no harm intended question, actually I am getting back into this communitty and trully is not my intention to get bashed or attacked by no one! I heard a roumour and just wanted to know... And yes it would influence my decision on getting one probably from a fellow member, but since they have re-issued teh VF-1A Max maybe someone knew something... Really sorry... And Mr. Hamann I´m not cheap... Thanks for your answer promethuem5. Kind regards, Roberto Soriano
  21. dodiano

    Vf-1j Max

    Some one mentioned me that the Max and Mylia´s Valks might be re-issued does someone has an idea that when could that be? Thanks. Roberto
  22. dodiano


    Why just cause you don´t like it?
  23. dodiano


    How about you read this.
  24. dodiano


    I know that this is the Toy forum but maybe some of you guys will agree with me! Did you see the Movie Stealth??? Amazing film !! Director Rob Cohen actually managed to get that fast feeling of the flying action really amazing!! So I was watching the documentary from how they made the film and he says ¨most of this stuff has never been done in FILM ¨ NOT!!!! Man these guy is totally a Macross Plus Fan not to mention the rest of Macross fast sequence actions!! I mean did you guys see the plane´s cockpit it is very similar to the one in macross VF-1X The screens on the side show you the person you are talking too?? That looks familliar to me!! Well Rob Cohen if you ever read this DUDE GO DIRECT MACROSS!! Most of us will apreciate the copycat!! By the way I love the movie don´t take me wrong! Regards, Roberto
  25. Lol!! Actually we play with them only under my supervision he is really amazing kid he is very careful and he knows not to play rough with them we have a lot of fun!! Sorry I meant Macross not the ROBO%$#$ Word!! Take care, Roberto
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