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Everything posted by dodiano

  1. Yeah actually this thread was made by me for this.... Just arrived The PROMETHEUS !! Right now is on the sea tests but I hear a squadron of Valks will soon be assigned!
  2. Hey guys just got the FLAGG It is hugeee... Man I did not realize how big this playset is... Now for the tough part... Fly it home Lol
  3. Man I love how you have hanged that Elintseeker!
  4. Not bad !! Could be a good start!
  5. I have thought of several Upgrades I might implement to the USS FLAGG (PROMETHEUS) I need 1/60 support vehicles for starters and Crew.... Any ideas?
  6. Saw the Astroplan stuff.... Man No way!! I meant stuff like the Third party TF that are high quality not plastic crap toys!!
  7. Yellow was not a knockoff it was a G2 I have it in my collection!
  8. @no3ljm Thanks man! It was an amazing find! I am so excited about this Flagg and my kids too! Will have pics once I get it home! @glane21 wow is it 1/60 very nice. You have pics of it transformed?
  9. Well found this pic not long ago. I think scale wise looks pretty good to me .
  10. Actually this is my one and only GIJOE collectible bud... I have to be honest.... There is a double morale here LOL... I love GIJOE toys I think vehicles are great and the action figures, but as a good friend of mine says "stay focus" ... I have the flagg and I have been looking into the terror dome which I think is the second greatest playset for the Joes... After that is going to be the space shuttle, then another playset.... LOL ! And no money for the VF-1D I want and the pair of M&M ... So the double Morale here is that the Fagg will serve as my Prometheus the perfect excuse LOL! I love these amazing Joes playsets but Id rather invest my money on Macross. Terror dome is so cool!!! (drools) LOL
  11. Totally will do! And sorry for the double post!! Dying to get that Aircraft Carrier!
  12. We where talking with my kids yesterday after I bought this... And it is a long shot but I will love to take out the actual building structure (sorry don't know how to call it) and make a scale 1/60 Prometheus Type building structure and place it there instead! There is so much space for the 1/60's.... but I have to say the Skystriker is so cool!!! Might get me one! LOL!
  13. Oh oops! Guess that would have been the place... SORRY! Either way very Happy with the New PROMETHEUS...
  14. Just let me get it down to my Home country... Moving it is not going to be easy!! That deck is huge... Another thread about this where?? Just bought the damn thing yesterday??
  15. Well I am the Proud owner of a very nice condition USS FLAGG which I intend to make a Prometheus and a display stand for my Valks!! Here are the pics of the purchase!!
  16. Sorry for the lack of updates! A lot of real life work! Will have more pics soon!
  17. Roberto Soriano desde El Salvador! Miembro de este Foro desde 1998 antes que fuera hackeado y cambiado!! Saludos
  18. Lol!! Wish I could! Will have more Updates soon I am installing the Switches... Nothing exciting there... LOL!! More updates soon! Regards Roberto
  19. Oh there it is Thanks EXO!
  20. I was trying to look for the facebook post on the macrossworld facebook page about this project but it was erased.... Hop I did not offend anyone... Anyways I will try to have more updayes soon.
  21. Little test of the backer with the 15 inch screen I plan to use for this project!
  22. Ok finally some colour added... Forgot to buy a couple extra switches will have to go back for them... Coming right up engraving the red switches!And some of the grey switches with legends!
  23. Totally agree with you sir!
  24. Ok Guys so switches are being painted and well I got my Ishtar today and had no Base so I made one Here are the pics
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