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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. You might want to give hobbywave.com a try. I know they have some of them not sure about all the one's you are looking for though.
  2. Nice sniper custom kit. I have one waiting for me with a semi built RX-78 OYW kit and have been just to lazy to finish it up.
  3. Looks great, I was on the limb about this kit especially after not seeing any "real world" builds but this is definitely changing my mind.
  4. I have to say, I'm fairly impressed with the quality of the kit. Picked it up off a member on the board and really like what I'm seeing with it. Not as sturdy as the later MG Gundam kits, but leagues above most of them in detail. I'd definitely recommend anyone buy any of these kits if they are still on the limb about it and thankfully, bandai will be releasing add on packs separately as well as bundled together with the full kits. I'm hoping to get my Ozma unit built soon and going to refurbish my already built Alto unit so hopefully everything separates just as easy as they came together. By any chance, for all the people who used stickers on their Alto unit kits and don't plan to use the decals be willing to part with them?
  5. I'd personally recommend the wash method like others mentioned above me. Even when I first started building Gundam models, I'd use the q-tip and wash method and the finish was leagues better then using a panel lining pen. I must have owned 3-4 different panel lining paint pens and all of them had to "thick" of a look to them. Check out these sites to get an idea of how to do washes or just google it. gamera and fichten The paint pen method will work (thats all gundam markers are) but it won't give you the best result unless you do some cleaning up (erasers, etc) and the wash method may be faster.
  6. Welcomed news for sure for me. I'm glad I won't have to repurchase Alto and Ozma's armor/super packs for my kits. Lets just hope they will be reasonably priced compared to the bundle kits that will be offered.
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