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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Speaking of SRW, has anyone played the latest "Super Robot Taisen" D for GBA. This game has hot stuff like, hmm, UC Gundam, Macross and Megazone 23 at the same time :-) Comments ? PS: Too bad time I'm so ridiculously broke I can't afford to buy a GBA
  2. Cool. Now I'm hoping for a Londo Bell vs Neo Zeon. :-)
  3. Bringing this thread full circle (and ironically, back on topic) there was an interesting link posted on the old MW forums, once upon a time. It was an interview with one of the veteran Gundam staff discussing G Gundam. Basically, after Tomino had had enough ( sometime after F91 bombed, I believe) Sunrise basically forced G Gundam onto the staff. "Hey, you're making this new show for us. Make the Gundams whacky and stereotypical. And since DBZ is popular, make it about fighting" Sunrise told them. "Uhh...isn't this patently offensive to many different countries." asked the staff? "Nah, just put a 'Neo' in front of the country names." There was a lot more, but it basically dispelled any notion that G Gundam was the result of any real artistic writing. Perhaps somebody still has the link? Exactly. A couple years ago, I've read an interview of a G Gundam staff member, and he said almost the same things. He said something like "At the time Bandai bought a lot of Sunrise stocks, so they forced this parody of a show on us. That's sad but well, Bandai had the stocks and thus the power." PS: The Ape-Amuro-Camille-Judo sequence is a cosmic message, the key to the destiny of mankind. If you don't get it, that's sad. However don't ask me how a cosmic message lost itself in the opening of ZZ Gundam. <_<
  4. Well, Judo didn't need a mentor, because he can evolve from an ape to Amuro to Camille to himself.
  5. Please don't ruin it for people who enjoy cliché scripts written by liberal arts college dropouts. Also, this thread needs more Gato catchphrases. Random phrases ending with "For my noble comrades who died for the spacenoid cause" will do.
  6. I'm surprised it help up after the first viewing to you. The openings are catchy
  7. That's a title after my own heart
  8. When the designers come up with yet another RX-78 wannabe, the fans are like "LOL lazy designers these robots all look the same. Please go find some idea". When the designers come with something fresh, the fans are like "LOL stupid designers and their new robots. Please bring the MONOEYE ZAKU !!!" Oh well... Anyway I agree with A-Bombz, a lot of Gundam mechas are goofier/uglier than the Turn A. First, Zeta, V and Turn are all great series and yet they're filled with goofy, cheesy and ugly "Monster of The Week Trying to Kill Our Renpou/AEUG/Liga Militia/Inglessa Militia buddies". Zeta is one of my fave when it comes to story/chara, but the cheesy MAs deployed by the Titans are quite something... Also agree with what ChrisG said. It seems to me a lot of fans (not directed to anyone particulary) are into the franchises just because "OMG the robot kicks ass". Sure I do like mechas but that ain't the only thing in the show. I'd rather watch Turn A Gundam (which has goofy mechas but incredibly good story and characters) rather than Gundam 0083 (which has "OMG super powerful robots of death" but crappy story and cardboard characters). (PS: I still like both :-) ) PS: I propose we replace all the mechas from series with a single generic RB-79 Ball, so people could focus on the story and the characters
  9. Tiens salut ! Hmm ben en fait je ne me rappelle de ces MP, mais attends je sors mon casque avec une lampe dessus et je file de ce pas dans la grotte :-)
  10. True. One day I showed CCA and then 0083 to a buddy of mine, and he was like: "Hey, why do the good guys pilot boxy Jegans ?" (ie GM Custom).
  11. That's kinda my point about Macross zero, how realistic is it that all the mechs appear more advanced than those from the original series that came after them? The same problem can be found in all prequels/retcons stuff... But I do feel like you on this point. Of course, I don't want Macross Zero to be a doppleganger of First Macross, but I would have like a bit more of "visual continuity". Also, what bugs me in the Macross universe is the uniforms and pilot suits change with every friggin' series ? God knows Gundam has his continuity problems, but the fact the Feddies keep the same uniform for decades and decades is a very nice touch. For example, it would have been a nice touch to see Isamu or Gamlin wear a slightly updated version of Hikaru's uniform. PS: This Destroid is hot, but I still prefer the classic ones.
  12. As a retired MW mod, I know the things can be pretty crazy when it comes to modding this board, Roy got it right: at some point politness gimmicks become luxuries the mods can't afford if they want the job to be done. :-) De rigueur catcphrase: Can't we all get along ?
  13. 1) It has a lot of GMs 2) The GMs are doing stuff Therefore, it rules
  14. Yeah, Kawamori and co were FREAKIN' GUNDAM OTAKU in their school days. If I remember correctly, they even had some kind of Gundam fanzine; and Studio Nue got to write one of the most famous Gundam reference books, the infamous Gundam Century. In my books, Tomino series+Tomino novels=heavenly stuff. Everything else I barely care, especially the comedy "One Year War perpetual rewriting." And yeah, another vote for a Gundam-related section, in one form or another. If it's good enough for the Froating Gang, it's good enough for us
  15. You're talking about this one, right ? http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?BAN904329 Anyway, I have been owning this one since its release, and it's the cutest thing ever. And by "ever", well I mean "ever". Hello Kitty and Hamtaro looks like Hitler plushes compared to this Haro. I love my Haro !!
  16. Hi guys, Since MW models experts are gathering in this forum, I need your advice. How much is worth the little guy on this pic (not mine) ? It's the transformable SD Elintseeker kit made by Bandai in the early 90s. Thanks
  17. I would the hobby companies to focus a little more on ships when it comes to famous anime series. I mean we have a gazillion of Valkyries plamodels, but no decent, affordable SDF-1 Macross. And of course there are a lot of Macross ships that should be made into kits (ARMD, Oberth, Megaroad etc...) I'm a big fan of Miyatake designs, and I think his stuff deserves some plamo rendition Same thing goes with Gundam. Yeah, it's nice to see the RX-78 Gundam rendered in plamo from the original version to the Unit N°246225 piloted by Bobby Nocontinuity in the latest side story. But where are my Ra Cailum and my Reinforce Jr. kits ? I DEMAND ANIME SHIPS PLAMODELS !!
  18. The Froating Head Pantheon.
  19. I demand a colony drop on Agent ONE. (just kidding)
  20. Nah, the despotic reign of Yoshi is over. Sure, I grew accustomed to the delicious power, but I no longer have the interest to mod. So I would rather leave the work to dedicated people rather stick around as good-for-nothing mod. PS: I retain my MW diplomatic powers, so you should always agree with me. Always. And oh, I also brought back these dated jokes about flippin' out ninjas.
  21. I love ya. Let's get drunk (hand out a bottle of Yoshinol to Agent ONE)
  22. I used to be in the models collector league with something like 120+ models (mostly old Bandai, Arii and Imai) but I stopped collecting last year and sold most of it. First I grew tired, and anyway my "Lol, poor college student, lol" style of life didn't really allow my to keep collecting such expensive stuff. The only stuff I kept as "collector pieces" is my beloved (complete) collection of SD Samurai Macross models. I sold the rest of my 120ish models collection (still have a dozen to go though). As far as new models go, I still buy one Gundam/Macross/related plamodel here and then, but that's only on a "buy it, build it, dammit !" basis. The same thing goes for Macross toys, I totally stopped buying and collecting these. I still have a diverse collection of Macross books, games and LPs, though However, there is still a thing I'm fond of, that's the Macross models boxart. Hmm, the delicious boxart. I wish someone could publish a Macross artbook with all the Imai/Arii/Bandai/Hasegawa boxart...
  23. Hint 1: My country surrenders on a regular (some even says "scheduled") basis. Hint 2: The official beverage of the forum is named after me. Hence...
  24. At least the North American Gundam fanbase is comprised of a lot of UC fans. Gundam Wing is the only Gundam that has been broadcasted in France, thus 99.99% of the fanbase is made of 12-15yo Wingers. Each time I try to venture on a French Gundam forum, things go like that: Yoshi: Hello, I would to discuss the whereabouts of Yu Kajima circa 0093. FrenchHeeroDuo3314: LOL WTF MAN I ONLY KNOW HEERO BUT HE'S THE COOLEST EVER MAN. MAN HE KICKED THE SUMMED ASS OF OZ. Yoshi: .... FrenchHeeroDuo3314: MAN DO YO KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND A DIVX OF GUNDAM SEED 34. THAT ALMOOST AS LEET AS GUNDAM WING. Yoshi: .... FrenchHeeroDuo3314: LOL BYE IM GONNA BUY ONE OF THESE HGUC EVEN ITS CLEARY RIPOFF OF GUNDAM WING. JAPAN POWAA !! (IM A GENERIC ANIMEFAN SO I WORSHIP EVERYTHING JAPAN) Yoshi: Screams like a 8yo schoolgirl.
  25. Too many great Gundam sites have gone... At this point I'm pretty sure it's a conspiracy from this damned Jupiter Empire
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