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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Research is for school.
  2. Still watching Macross 7. Hey, it's current if you've never seen it before, okay?
  3. Got myself (literally) perma-banned on a Traveller RPG forum. I got so angry at certain board policies that I had to ask them to ban me permanently so I couldn't come back and get annoyed again.
  4. IMMU* it just takes them that long for their superbly powerful fusion reactors to recharge their stonking great capacitors for the next fold. And they've all got really cool photovoltaics which are insanely efficient and just paint right onto your hull! *IMMU = In My Macross Universe
  5. Well, according to the official movie site it looks like the release won't be quite that limited, though there are no overseas dates yet. It's set for 12th June in New York and Los Angeles - check the sites for release dates near you: http://www.sonyclassics.com/moon/ Be careful with that trailer, though - unless there's a big twist in there, I think it gives a lot of plot away. On the other hand, being touted as a return to cerebral SF, maybe it does have that twist.
  6. I sometimes wonder if the movie industry is secretly trying to kill of cinemas ...
  7. Damn, pity if it's only going to be a DVD release for me - this is one film I'd like to see on the big(ger) screen.
  8. Just came across this - looks interesting in a Space Odyssey kind of way. I haven't looked around for more info yet, does anyone know more? CLICK FOR MOON TRAILER
  9. Thanks, jardann, that's just what I wanted to hear! With my glacial kit-building speed, waiting for the paint to dry will not be a problem ...
  10. I'm watching, for the first time ... Macross 7! Go, Firebomber!
  11. That was great, how long did that take you to do? I loved the attention to detail, like the Defender's ankle movement when it started walking. Can't wait!
  12. What is this "face" of which you guys speak? Oh, I get it, that's the bit you have to scroll up to see.
  13. I'm just getting back into building my kits (as opposed to hoarding them, as I have been doing for the last 10 years). I guess I'm a bit behind the times because I still use a brush and enamel paints. I've read a lot about you airbrush gurus with your fancy acrylics and spraying Future about before applying decals, but has anyone tried anything similar for enamels? I want to avoid any silvering when applying decals on a mat enamelled surface. I haven't experimented, but I would guess that a coat of Future under my decals wouldn't react well to being covered by an enamel wash.
  14. A Phalanx and a Super VF-1D, and another Phalanx in what will become, shall we say, disassembled form ... I'm going for an urban camo scheme, which is just starting to come together. The wrecked Phalanx is an older kit which was never finished. These are not going to be masterpieces, because I'm just starting to get back into modelling after 10 years on the wagon. I also can't be bothered with airbrushing any more, nice as they are, because I only have time to snatch the odd building moment here and there. I don't want to spend half of that cleaning an airbrush.
  15. I am just re-assembling Darth Vader's TIE fighter after about 5 years in a box, and up pops this thread. Coincidence? I think not.
  16. I dunno ... I think they're kind of cute ... in a Dalek-sort-of-way ...
  17. Never too late for some SketchUp tips!
  18. That's an excellent tip!
  19. Very nice indeed, and it's good to see honneamise's Ghost and Oberth in colour. Your 'toy-look' ships are good enough for any display shelf, I'd have to say.
  20. Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus - hope this is one vehicle whic makes it all the way to the paintshop! I agree with the good captain, those containers would look good in vac-form, and it would cut down the weight.
  21. The Tomahawk will always have a special place in my heart, being my first Marcoss kit (before I'd even heard of Macross). Outstanding weathering, and I like that the missiles look pristine - it always pains me to see a well-weathered model with equally well-weathered expendable munitions! Oh, and I second the call for more info on how you did that searchlight, it looks great.
  22. Eight? Aww, I'm missing Max and Hikaru, and is that other one Roy? Do you remember what paint you used on them? I'm thinking of trying enamels, but they do look a bit non-stick to me ...
  23. I love seeing these little machine warriors completed (or nearly so) - nice job there, Kylwell! If only they were a little less pricey, I'dd add a few to my ever-growing collection of unbuilt models ...
  24. Really looking forward to seeing one of these birds with some paint on!
  25. That's a nice looking goose you've got there! Are all those metal bits scratch parts or do they come with the kit? I often look longingly at at Ma.K. kits in model shops, but I can't really justify the cost when i have a wardrobe full of unbuilt models at home ...
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