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Everything posted by Vile

  1. That is looking very nice indeed, MaveRick ... It does look a bit strong, your grey makes it look too much part of the vehicle rather than the Valk. Actually, I like the white colour in the artwork, it kind of gives the right feel for a disposable booster.
  2. This is just too cool not to be turned into a zombie movie: Zombie ants infested with mind-controlling fungus!
  3. Aargh! They're messing with my head! The new BSG is still warm - this has got to be the weirdest remake scenario ever. And it says it's based on the original series. I wonder if everyone working on it will be uninfluenced by the new series ...
  4. I remember the wait for Alien 3, which pretty much ended for me with an interview with Sigourney Weaver where she said they could only get her to come back by promising 'no guns'. Which was a bit rich, given how she showed no gun aversion during pre-Aliens publicity ... I've probably never gotten over that, so my hatred of the film may be because I'm viewing it through bloodshot-coloured glasses. The fourth movie was just fluff IMO, like Whedon practicing for Firefly. So, for me, the first two movies are the only ones worth the adulation. I'll reserve judgement on this prequel until I see it (and I admit I will see it, even if the reviews say it's crap). Lemme see, who else did some prequels for a 25-year-old SF franchise recently ... ?
  5. I've seen the model kits around for a while, and they are very pretty - I would probably check this out just for the dogfights. As it is, I also like most of Oshii's stuff, so I hope we can see some fan screencaps soon. Or, hey, even an official version would be fine by me.
  6. That's also my view. What I found mind-boggling back when the movie was released was the much-touted opinion that it was hard to follow - I wonder what those people would have made of Electric Sheep ...
  7. I firmly believe that George Lucas makes stuff up as he goes along, but he did say something to that effect in the preface of a re-issue of Splinter of the Mind's Eye (now there's a book to avoid):
  8. Times like these* I wish I had held out for the compilation box set. Ho, hum, I guess I'll have to shell out for the Season 4. *Times, that is, at the end of a show.
  9. Sorry for the obfustication, guys, glass reinforced plastic (GRP) is more commonly known as fiberglass!
  10. Thanks for that marker tip (pun, can't be helped), nickster! I've used the same principle for years when working with glass-reinforced plastics, but I never made the leap sideways to apply the same thing on smaller stuff.
  11. What are you saying?! Gigile rocked!
  12. Anyway, it should be "Back in the Village".
  13. Quit stating the obvious. Everyone wants to see another Conan movie. By strange coincidence, I was watching Conan the Barbarian last night. I can't decide whether I like the theatrical release better, or this DVD version with the extra bits at the end. Damn, I wish the entertainment industry would stop messing with my mind ...
  14. Macross Plus was good Macross, anyone who says different is wrong. BattleTech is definitely not Macross, and I think the mech designs should reflect that fact.
  15. Those are just way to pretty, shinagami. You destroy the self-delusion of us lesser modellers!
  16. Erm ... 0
  17. Yeah, I could live with this ...
  18. Not quite, it's more like "details which are not relevant to the rules of the game". Granted, that has no relation to fluff as our navels know it, either.
  19. Just watched the trailer, and it doesn't look like my cup of tea. It looks like it's just superficially like the original - people have numbers, the architecture's so cute it's creepy, and big while floating spheres are out to get you. But the acting is not doing a thing for me, especially James Caviezel. Patrick McGoohan was more menacing than anyone else in the village - the viewer wanted to get inside his head as much as Number 2 did. I may watch the beginning of this if I get the chance, but I have low expectations.
  20. Soon as it drops of the 'View New Posts' page!
  21. I totally lost track of Battle Tech after the first set of books with the Forbidden Mecha Art (using the work 'art' very loosely). Still a fun way to while away an afternoon of one's youth. Man, how I wish I had those afternoons back again, though ...
  22. Not sure this is quite the gothick horror I always saw when reading the book, but it's got Matt Lucas in it so I'll give it a go.
  23. I bought a lot of my Macross kits before I ever saw any of the anime. A cool-looking kit is a cool-looking kit no matter what kind of show it crops up in. Mind you, I'm personally not that keen on the VF17 as it appears in Macross 7 - here I have to agree with posters about the hand-drawn animation vs. what we see in Frontier, but hey, that's just technology marching on. Just finished Macross 7 and, while there were slow bits and silly bits and repetitive combat bits, IMO it's definitely Macross through-and-through. I still prefer Frontier, but I suspect that's only down to appearances.
  24. It's the nature of internet forums that questions get asked again and again, year in, year out. Yes, there is a Search function, but 90% of people don't like, use and/or understand them. It doesn't really bother me - I only read threads that look interesting from the title or preview and if i don't like it, I don't go any further. In my line of work I spend enough time smacking my head against the wall of ignorance, and that's dealing with professionals who really should know what they're talking about. It's just not worth getting angry at people I don't know in a forum I read for fun ...
  25. Now, people who come on forums and say, "Hey, I'm writing about this planet, it's only 1,000 km in diameter, but I could have normal gravity there if I had a black hole in the centre, right? And then it could have a normal atmosphere, too! What do you think?" - they really tick me off!
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