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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Looking forward to this in spite of the apparent lack of Eastwood content.
  2. Damn, if they start changing the story from the comics I'm going to have to stay out of these spoiler threads ...
  3. The only bad thing is I'll be in and out of Japan too early for their release ...
  4. Conversely, I'm not really a fan of zombie movies, but Walking Dead has made me realise that I quite like zombie comics. The trailers look good when seen through the eyes of a reader of the comics, so I hope the real thing will deliver the goods. And I really hope they get a deal to do the whole thing - this is not a series that could be wrapped up quickly in a single episode (or follow-on movie) if it was axed.
  5. I'll definitely pick up a few of these if they come true. Probably more than one Monster, too. That's the spirit!
  6. Brazil was damn cool, but I think you'd have to have lived in 80s England to appreciate it fully. Bladerunner, no two ways about it. With or without the voice-over, but definitely without the happy ending.
  7. Fifth Element-style opera would work for Macross.
  8. HAHA, lots of fitness myth in that movie. Still.. Awesome. The BS and the mindgames are the best bits about that movie. IIRC Arnold was very nice about telling Lou's mother that her boy was looking really great, he'd win the contest for sure - given another year! At least I think it was Pumping Iron, it's been a while.
  9. Now I want to see Pumping Iron again ...
  10. Always a bit of a worry when buying expensive high-tech gear from abroad - what do you do if the company goes bust (or even just stops production) the day after they deliver your birds? Nice bird, though.
  11. Macross Metal - I could absolutely go for that. Hmmm ... Veffidas would have looked good in leather ...
  12. No doubt 3D cinema will continue to get better and better in technical terms. At the moment I don't see how it can be usefully applied to most types of film, unless it's so good that you no longer notice it (that's one of the good things about Avatar's 3D, it was rarely "in your face"). Hey, once proper 3D takes off in the cinema, I bet they'll put in lots of hidden bits so all the completists have to see the movie three times from different parts of the cinema, just to make sure they haven't missed anything! And no doubt we will all be forced to buy 3D TVs when they stop broadcasting in 2D before the technology is good enough.
  13. I like how that is what you take away from my post. Anyway, it's not like he can see her gums from that angle.
  14. Well, if they can make Robert Downey Jr into a black man, I only hope they can turn Jason Momoa into this: The only Conan artist: Frank Frazetta
  15. I haven't really come across anyone saying they thought it was that great (except on non-SF forums, but what do they know!), most people who liked it also admit it had its shortcomings. In my opinion, it was just a very well-executed film (and fun to watch just for that), but it's clearly no Bladerunner.
  16. Don't worry, there could be a perfectly realistic explanation ... maybe a punch is needed in police actions, where use of the cannon would be overkill ... like stopping drunken space pilots or something ...
  17. On The Beach has the best post-apocalyptic ending ever. Not going to spoil it for anyone by saying what it is, though.
  18. Speaking of books (because the film was pretty poor), Nevil Shute's On The Beach is one of the most harrowing post-apocalyptic stories I've come across. It's probably enhanced by my first reading it during the cold war, but the scenario is still plausible today.
  19. You know there has to be another origin story ... what Zeitgeist twist can they add to the radioactive spider this time? Perhaps it's a spider mutated through climate change? Or maybe it's an escaped terrorist spider with a tiny dirty bomb?
  20. I'm sure I saw something a couple of times ... this is definitely going to drive up DVD sales.
  21. I don't know, though, for a 3D movie the alien chicks were a bit ... you know, flat.
  22. Cool - one more for the Book Depository wishlist.
  23. I think the 3D is necessary, not so much because it's 3D but because the seems to look crap in 2D, judging from the trailers. However, even if the 2D is 'fixed' for the DVD, I still don't think it will work on a small screen - hence the comparison to Last of the Mohicans that a lot of people arund the interweb have been making. You just don't get the sense of immersion and scale that you do in the cinema.
  24. Just started watching Last Exile. A little slow going and a tad Porco Rosso-like (I like Porco Rosso), but it looks promising. You can't really go wrong with aerial battleships. Well, not in the universe inside my head.
  25. Er ... time to actually build some models?
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