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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Well, I've seen it. I gave it a fair shake, but the original is better in every way except SFX (and even there you can't really fault it, especially for the time). Colin Farrell should have kept his Irish accent, too. I had to go home afterwards and re-watch the Arnie version right away.
  2. Well, I thought it was an okay movie but it didn't push any buttons the way Alien or Aliens did when I first saw them. http://hijinksensue.com/2012/06/18/the-fassbender-and-the-furious/
  3. My guess is that this is not going to have much connection with the xenomorphs, but concentrates on the space jockeys instead. Maybe those cylinders the ship is carrying are advanced bio weapons based on the xenomorphs? While the first ship in Alien was carrying some of the raw samples. Could be these are two different ships and two different planets. Could be they're the same and the cylinders eventually morph into those eggs. Of course, the trailer might not show the xenomorphs because that would destroy the surprise. As for the relative timeline, we'll have to wait and see - unless the 'prequel' business can be taken at face value. I don't think having humans in this, even this being the same ship, precludes it being a prequel to Alien. I'm sure The Company has pulled off harder cover-ups in its time.
  4. That's just the way the genes tumbled in the family. And diet, but mainly the genes.
  5. I keep trying to read this but it's just coming up blank. Prob'ly just the wind.
  6. Hey, it worked for the Zatoichi movie. Maybe they can have Young Bilbo morphing into Old Bilbo while tap-dancing. Although it should probably be called slap-dancing if it's a hobbit.
  7. Meanwhile, in Korea ... where they put the "drug" back in "drugstore". Even the toothpaste gets you high.
  8. The only way to improve Bladerunner is to make another Final-Really-This-Time-Director's-Cut. Take out the dream sequence again, leave off the voice-over, cut the crappy driving-off-into-the-countryside theatre ending. There, perfect. I'm willing to concede someone could do a re-imagining of Bladerunner which will be better than any of the original versions. The chance of that happening is about a billion to one. Especially if it's in 3D. Thank Grud.
  9. I don't think the building should have exploded at all if the idea is to prevent the escape of biohazards. It should have been contained underground. What bugged me was the way they were whining about lack of fuel, spares and weapons when they were in the midst of a battlefield! I'm sure the walkers didn't take any of the guns or walk off with the keys to the army vehicles. Was that a Humvee with a .50 calibre I saw? Have none of these scriptwriters ever played Aftermath!*? *Obscure role-playing reference for today.
  10. Finished the season finale over Christmas - at this point, I just don't know what to expect of the next season. The show has moved so far from the comic storyline and cast that there is no way to tell if they will return. I guess I'll still watch it, but I'm pretty disappointed.
  11. The 3D Avatar I saw was fine, but I just watched Tron at an IMAX and it was really hard to focus. I really don't think this technology is ready. I want 3D when I can watch 3D holographic gladiatorial combat in a coliseum, with smell-o-vision. Until then my brain is happy to interpret a 2D projection as 3D. I'm gonna have to track down a 2D version to watch it again. And again. And again. Tron rocked the first time, the first time still rocks, and it's rocking again the second time.
  12. Just watched episode 5, and all resemblance to the comic seems to be gone. It's still an okay series, I guess, but it was a great comic.
  13. Nah, zombie brains must be immune to the effects of cellular disruption, otherwise all that rotting business would surely put an end to them double-quick. My vote is that they thaw out and shamble on (that's what happens in World War Z, anyway). Don't think I've seen an instance of zombie popsicle in the comics yet.
  14. Almost certainly the best way to maximise the fun.
  15. Haven't watched it all yet. I'm disappointed by the not unexpected censorship of the sex and language. Of course, flesh-eating zombie gore isn't going to corrupt any minors, so that's okay. The comics are a long way from "rampant sex". They just show realistic but not very explicit human interaction given the circumstances. And now for something completely different.
  16. Elevators that talk to you. In three different languages. If you're only going one or two floors, the voice makes you wait before letting you out so it can finish talking.
  17. Can't beat that 55mm slug thrower!
  18. I think the first season is 6 episodes, right? I'm not against changes to keep things fresh and surprising, but I hope it doesn't drift totally away from the comic story ... I like the comic story ...
  19. Probably watched Mad Max one time too many.
  20. With his helmet on, he was a dead ringer. That, and the small shoulder and elbow pads, reminds me of the original Dredd look. Waitaminnit - is that a moustache?! Someone should tell him he's not in a beauty contest ...
  21. Seconded!
  22. Can't say I'm that keen on the look, if this is the look. The background looks 21st century normal to me, not Megacity 1 curvy and futuristic. The uniform is rather understated, although in an odd way reminiscent of the original Judge Dredd art. Really don't like the Lawgiver.
  23. Finally a film that has a reason to be 3D.
  24. There are disadvantages to using guns against the zombies, if the series follows the comic in that respect. Say no more ...
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