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Everything posted by Vinnie

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was cheering for Shinji and Unit-01 to beat the Angel. The VF-171's would have done much better if they neutralized its AT field first.
  2. Because I don't have Macross Plus handy, did it look like the holographic image of "Repair Satellite Echo, may be more your style" during the "Rubber dog---- from Hong Kong" briefing in OVA 1?
  3. I don't think a special tighter fitting female suit needs to be made either. However, the differences between genders is readily apparent in contemporary non-gender specific flightsuits, survival gear, and armour. It's more the basic principle of exaggerating the differences in anatomy to ensure a viewer can readily identify a character's gender, and along the lines of what Che was initially suggesting.
  4. Not necessarily. It could be an LRIP (Low-Rate Initial Production) model. In all likelyhood it is either given a Block number that designates it LRIP or simply a group of serial numbers that those familiar with the fielding program would recognize as LRIP. A letter designation could also be given (as in the case of the VF-11A,) but I think we already know there's several variants of the VF-25.
  5. Big thanks to Gattai for being the first to deliver a subtitled version. I'll take 90% accuracy in 72 hours, than 100% a week later. I just need enough to get the jist which is way more than I get from the raws. New ending theme is way better than the one they showed with the first episode. I'd actually purchase and listen to it on its own.
  6. I of course am asking for my own selfish reasons, but I do believe this is an idea everybody here can get behind. How hard would it be to make a female version of the pilot model?
  7. Wait...I completely missed something. What happens in DM:VF-X2? I just assumed it was more of the same spec ops filler stuff as DM:VF-X and M3.
  8. Just saw the subbed version of Ep1 and I'm impressed. I didn't watch the deculture edition a million and three times, so I didn't have as much of a bias about how the first episode should be. That said, I'll have to agree with some of the earlier comments that the deculture edition had a much more epic feel to it. However, the impression of massive scale in storytelling that the deculture edition present had the unfortunate side-effect of marginalizing the characters. I remember most comments about that edition being about how bland and one-dimensional most of them were. Now I think they may actually be likeable. I guess the bottom line is that the deculture edition will truly be a "for fans only" whilst the broadcast version will be much more suited to the casual anime viewer. I'll view it as a SDF:M vs DYRL and a Macross Plus OVA vs Movie: "The truth lies somewhere in the middle." EDIT: Opening Animation and song was great. It's no Evangelion - Cruel Angel's Thesis (which probably ranks as one of the best and even most parodied TV openings ever) but a winner. Credits Animation and Song...somewhere below Macross Zero but above fingernails on a chalkboard. I tolerate it only so I can see what's on next week. I mean, I know Y.Kanno has it in her to do a closer. Come on, where's After In the Dark or Real Folk Blues?
  9. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Main_Page I thought this was newsworthy of the Movies and TV Series forum since the site was practically (is?) official. Of course, I can't find what I'm looking for now...
  10. I agree! I went from "This isn't anywhere near as cool as don't be late" to "hey this is a catchy tune that can stand on its own" Anyone got translated lyrics yet?
  11. LOL Good performance. Too bad he didn't have the Karaoke version and a decent mixing setup, or that might be a good remix/cover. I am really loving this song!
  12. I appreciate it because I can hear the vibraphone. Is that a karaoke thing to cue the singer as to the melody, or are the vibes part of the songs instrumental track. If the latter, I love this song even more!
  13. A note on HyperCarbons and Energy Converting Armor: They might not be as sci-fi as previously thought. While I'm sure the original reference to Hypercarbons in the canon universe was a suggestion of some sort of advanced carbon fiber based composite material, the advent of that material may be within the next few years. Carbon nanotubes, because of their structure actually have some of the highest theoretical tensile strengths of any material on the planet. Should nanotubes be mass-producable at high purity and in longer lengths (currently only .005-.01m in large scale) they would form the basis for a carbon fiber material stronger than Kevlar. The added benefit of ultralong carbon nanotubes, especially multi-walled ones with larger diameters, is that they're highly conductive, and have surface resistances lower than many conductive metals. Also, being pure carbon with relatively low density, it's lighter than many polymers. While I have no idea how flow of electricity or thermal energy would increase strength of a material, a carbon-nanotube based armor would be able to rapidly transfer electricity or heat across its surface. Final note, if hypercarbons are a pure carbon, then nanotubes are likely it as there's only a few possible orbital geometries of carbon molecules.
  14. Yeah, I thought if there was a karaoke version floating around out there, that might have meant maybe a 'Don't Be Late' single had been released with a full version, karaoke version, and maybe another tune.
  15. So if there's a karaoke version out there, is there a normal version yet?
  16. Wait...I've seen a Y.Kanno as the artist on one of my usual XM channels, I think either 80 (the Move) 84 (Chill.) Is this one in the same or someone else by a similar name?
  17. Ah, I was going to point that out too! As far as Alto's moodiness in the first episode goes, if you want to see some real whiney emo boys ages 20 to 60 hang around a group of pilots that haven't flown in a week or more due to maintenance, weather, or simply lack of missions. I find that aspect of Alto's character realistic and relatable. Also, if they're developing him as a dreams of being a military pilot but can't due to medical/scores/incedent etc. he'll end up an interesting character.
  18. As I'll say again. If it's anything like Mikimoto's Gundam: Ecole du Ciel manga, it will be a good series and I'm all for it!
  19. I've been following Mikimoto's Mobile Suit Gundam: Ecole du Ciel manga. I don't know anything about Gundam, but I like Mikimoto. All I've got to say, is if it's anything like that, the next Macross will be pretty sweet. I think Ecole du Ciel is what Macross 7 Trash should have been.
  20. Thanks for the heads up!
  21. I think they should get Happatai instead of an idol. Then the theme song for the show could be Yatta. They could even fly VF-19s with fig leaves painted on the abdomen! What a happy song! What? Oh am I about 5 years late with that joke? Sorry. I just discovered Yatta the other day and thought it was amazing.
  22. I think that brings new meaning to "Hybrid" car.
  23. Dang dude! I'm impressed doing manga by hand without computer aided graphics is no easy feat. You also did a hell of a job with all the different mecha and spacecraft. My hat's off to you! Any plans to continue or do something else in the Macross realm?
  24. Yeah, I think you mean Remove Before Flight. I stopped working on it after I got back from Iraq. I love the characters (and have days invested in that damn VF-4 model,) so I have plans to continue with it soon in a slightly different direction. I'm working on getting my artwork up to snuff so I can do a slightly more serious story with lighthearted moments as opposed to the 'gag panel' format.
  25. To get scientists and engineers you have to build more laboratory and workshop facilities. To get soldiers, apparently you just have to wait for them to show up. That really sucks because on one of my missions I took 7 out of my 8 recieving wounds that laid them up for 10-20 days. I had no way to respond to UFOs for a couple weeks. Also you can control how your interceptors engage the UFOs. It's just like the original with Standard/Cautious/Agressive attack patterns. Those buttons are right below your status update window in the world view (see your screenshot with the interceptors.) I do like how you can double team UFOs now though. I'll post some more thoughts later, but I am enjoying this!
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