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Everything posted by Vinnie

  1. Macross M3 Opening with the Max & Millia VF-4 / VF-5000 blasting through battlepods. Not as big a fan of the Variable Glaug, VF-14, VF-9 versus the bugs. Short, but yet another reason why I love the VF-4. Might I also add from Macross Frontier Alto's Initiation fight set to Ranka's "My Boyfriend's a Pilot" Some people thought the contrail heart was kinda hokey, but I thought the scene overall was some nice fast-paced mecha pr0n.
  2. So SMS are soldiers for...Prophet?
  3. LOL Okay. Not really. I suppose I'm just nostalgic for 80s naval aviation (or what I can remember as a kid.) Back when a carrier air wing had as many different types of aircraft on board as it did squadrons. Also not fair for me to call the VF-11 junk...just bitter that it replaced the VF-4 before it had a chance to be in the limelight. I do draw a lot of comparisons from the VF-4 to the F-14, especially since both have long range missiles designed only for the airframe (or are airframes designed to carry the missile.) Back more towards the topic at hand (although still not much to do with Ep 6.) The VF-25 doesn't sound like the next generation UN fighter from the Compendium entry, but something for Frontier's defense forces. That's why I'm wondering if it's analogous to the VF-9. The 9 was supposed to be a low-cost fighter for colonies within the UNS, that beat the VF-4 in terms of maneuverability. It seems to to outperform the current Main VF, is in the hands of a PMC, and has the modularity to accomodate any budget.
  4. The VF-11 was junk. It was a low cost, easily mass produceable fighter with some kickin engines. It looked neat, and Isamu sure gave it a good rep in M+ OVA 1. I think the VF-11 in addition of low-cost to manufacture was also probably relatively low-cost in terms of maintenance. Not too many complex or real proprietary systems. The VF-4 that it replaced was a superior fighter, just old, and probably a maintenance hog. It had a lot of legacy systems from the VF-1 (verniers, avionics, etc) and systems that were just unique to the fighter design (beam cannons, missiles.) Probably very much like the F-14 towards the end of its service: outclassed in many respects by more modern aircraft, a maintainers nightmare, but still the best dogfighter ever. Lightning fanboyism aside. Some other contemporaries of the VF-11 that are better fighters than the Thud include the VF-14 and the VF-9. Speaking of the VF-9, I'd equate the VF-25 to the VF-9 in terms of performance compared to peers and mission/purpose more than a main UNS fighter. Right now only a special ops unit / colony has purchased it. I don't recall seeing that this is the next gen NUNS VF. EDIT: Forgot to mention the issue of modularity where the VF-11 also wins out. A VF-4 is basically taking a FAST Pack on every mission whether or not you want more or less kit. The VF-11 on the other hand can be customized for a variety of roles and threat levels.
  5. What are normal run-up times on fixed wing fighter aircraft with glass cockpits? I know military helicopters take around 15-30 minutes depending on mission equipment. That of course would make for a boring episode...great mecha pr0n though.
  6. I just noticed on AnimeSuki that there's a fansub group called Deculture. Ironically, they aren't working on Macross Frontier.
  7. Wait...so what's the problem?
  8. Oh...so this is where the expression: "Her swimsuit was so tight, it looks like it was just painted on." comes from.
  9. You know who else could probably sing well? Lucy! I mean she is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara. And if there's one thing this flyboy needs, it's a sexy voice on ATC sending him out on a mission or welcoming him back home. Plus a 21 year old military officer who still wears her hair in a ribbon? WTF. You know this girl's a little freaky. Gotta love the freckles too. Mmmm... There’s a certain couple that I know. They’re strictly lovebirds, A pair of turtle dove birds. He’s a guy who wants the world to know. So ev’ry day You’ll hear him say I Love Lucy and she loves me, We’re as happy as two can be, Sometimes we quarrel but then again How we love making up again. Lucy kisses like no one can, She’s my missus and I’m her man; And life is heaven you see Cause I Love Lucy Yes I Love Lucy and Lucy loves me.
  10. I think she's only underdeveloped in Mic-lolicone form... Oh you meant as a character.
  11. the Daniel Akkerman Orchestra? And I actually liked the music selection from the galaxy network chart artists...
  12. Oh, don't do this to me...don't make me pick here...that's not fair! EDIT: I guess now I know what it feels like to be the male protagonist in a Macross series...
  13. So now that episode 6 is out, are we going to lock this one and start a new poll?
  14. I don't think it does, but it definitely includes KK. Which means she's got a staggering lead over Ranka and isn't too far behnind Sheryl. WTF?
  15. Oh, does gundam 00 not work for the purposes of the analogy? I never watched it but figured it was close enough in content and air dates.
  16. Dude. That's so messed up. I mean who would come up with such a complicated system that looks only to waste the time and resources of our members and in the end circumvents the whole reason why we post the poll in the first place. Especially when the Gundam 00 fans have already established who their favorite girl is. Oh wait...
  17. Or...to keep people active and give us a little more to talk about. We can do a poll each week and track who's in the lead like a US presidential primary.
  18. Or post one every 5 episodes and then see how people's thoughts changed over the series. I'd be really interested in that.
  19. Sheryl had me at: Alto: Why do people sing or want to fly? Even to the extent of going into space? Sheryl: Isn't it obvious? Like we could do anything else. Alto: Is that right...I fly because I'm meant to. She gets me. (or theoretically would if it were me instead of Alto) I fly because I'm meant to. I could love a girl like that almost as much as I love flying. Granted the package that comes with it is quite nice as well (which wouldn't eliminate any of said candidates,) and I'm a complete sucker for girls that can sing (which would narrow the field to two.) but the understanding of a drive and passion, philosophy of hard work and not leaving her destiny in anyone else's hands was what won out in the end. Ranka had my vote up to episode 4, then I had to rewatch 1-4 from a pro-Sheryl perspective to confirm my choice. My only question is, what color is her hair supposed to be? Blonde, Strawberry Blonde, Blonde with pink highlights? Also, I'm glad there was a choice for "all the Zentraedi Women." Not my pick, but I sure thought about it. EDIT: Wow, based on all the talk in the feedback threads, I thought Ranka would've been the hands down winner.
  20. Alright here's all I have for official artwork, plus some of my own fanart sketches that may help. If you go through the Remove Before Flight comic thread, there's a few comics that have the M+ service uniform that may help as well, but they're a little lower quality.
  21. I watch whatever comes out first and get the corrections on the given MW feedback thread. The majority of the feedback to the fansubbers seems to be a call for more accuracy even if it is at the expense of turnaround time. I was trying to say that if 2 of the 3 fansub groups were to follow that suggestion, I'd like at least one group to continue the ASAP philosophy.
  22. I want to thank all the fansubbers as well. Without you guys I wouldn't know the awesomeness that is MacrossF. However, I'm going to break from the pack here, and say that if there's one group that wants to deliver speed over accuracy, you'll have my support 80% (<-Get it. Like Accuracy. Nevermind) I'm good enough with English that I just need the jist of what's being said to enjoy the show. I'm not analyzing it to figure out if Ranka is "the only survivor" or "one of the survivors," Army Captain/Navy Lieutenant/Taii is all the same to me (we get paid the same,) and while "care to place a wager" is way different than "how goes the business," I don't mind the occasional non-critical scene being chalked up to lost in the translation. That stuff doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show, but not watching does. I am a Macross junkie and I just want my next fix!
  23. Why does Mikhail look so worried or unhappy in all these fanarts?
  24. Credit goes to the Macross Mecha Manual for this and other great posters.
  25. Ugh...Zero. If I thought that was the one disappointment to the Macross franchise before, Frontier really drives the final nail in the coffin for that OVA. Frontier is actually enjoyable to watch whereas Zero, I was just wondering when the next dogfight was going to happen. Edit: Alright, maybe not entirely true about M0 only being worth it for the mecha pr0n. But Frontier certainly delivers on the parts where Zero was a failure as far as a Macross series goes.
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