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Everything posted by Vinnie

  1. I definitely like that one as well. They use it in episode 8 I'm pretty sure the Pirates of the Carribean track we're all thinking of is called "He's a Pirate." DJ Tiesto does a great dance remix. @mike_s_6 Thanks for doing that website! It's been an awesome source of music info for this series. Your links on the side to CDJapan got me to buy the 3 singles and the OST, including First Press of Ranka's Single. Hopefully you get some advertising credit for it.
  2. I'll put money in if anyone does any. I'd like some for the back of my flight helmet or to wear as my unit patch on my flight suit to mess with people. Was considering doing my nameplate with UNS Wings and U.N. Spacy just to see if anyone noticed.
  3. Any other day of the week, and I'd think you were talking about me.
  4. I was writing off Infinity as just another Sheryl pop song until I heard the "leaked Sample" on the Gabriel Robin Fansite - MacrossF Music Leaked That low-tempo point it starts at has, sultry, jazz feel to it. It moves into an orchestral accompaniment to give it a real epic tone as it picks up the pace, and then breaks into the upbeat pop tune we're familiar with. I think when I hear the OST in a month, the complexity of the piece will make it a winner for me.
  5. Finished the subs and here's my new favorite episode ranking: #1 Star Date #2 High School Queen #3 Bye Bye Sheryl Also, is Sheryl's school uniform blue and white because she's in the pilot program, whereas Nanase and Ranka are in the Performing Arts program?
  6. It was first played in episode 6 when the Recon VF-171s launched and episode 8 when Alto swoops down from the mainsail, I mean rooftop, in his Ex-Gear and sweeps Sheryl away.
  7. I think this scene from family guy best answers that question: Doctor: Mr. Griffin, you're fine. Peter: Oh now you're coming on to me? Lois: Peter, he's not coming on to you, he's telling you you're healthy! Doctor: Can't it be both? It's the same crowd that the more dramatic tone of Macross Plus or the grim, rather unlikeable characters of Mac Zero are more realistic and thus how the franchise should be. While I've never had a gorgeous blonde chasing a panty stealing lizard around in a piece of military power armour, this episode I think best captures the interactions of pilots in their non-flying time. There's tons of jokes, goofing off, people running around in their underwear, ball-busting, playing pranks in juvenille fashion, etc. I could relate to it aside from the high school setting (and attractive girls.) And while I would never want Shin or Isamu in my unit, these SMS guys would fit right in.
  8. I think there's something wrong with me, because I was quite fascinated with the wide spout shower head, and wondered what kind of school this was that could lavish such attention to interior design on things as utilitarian as shower stalls.
  9. Because Sheryl so the mechanics of the controls don't necessarily apply to just the VF-19Kai. And for Battroid, same as the normal HOTAS controls the Battroid, just do the same translations for Guitar HOTAS. Which still makes way more sense than SMS's human resources department.
  10. They're all amazing. Sagittarius 9PM Don't Be Late. is my current favorite, but it may be replaced by What 'bout my star? or Infinity when I hear the full tracks. Most Singable goes to: She's an Alien! - The SMS Chant Best Background Track "He's a Pirate or Sounds like Pirates of the Carribean OST" although the more common background track used during the egg cracking scene does evoke memories of Jade, from the Macross Plus Soundtrack.
  11. Move forward and back for pitch, up and down for roll (and ROCK!!!,) pedals still control yaw (and distortion effects,) whammie bar controls the throttle. From an engineering and aviation perspective the guitar HOTAS doable (maybe even kind of cool) and doesn't challenge my suspension of disbelief anywhere near as much as the idea that a PMC would have to hire high school kids.
  12. I haven't named any aircraft, but I talk to one of my helicopters, 556. Me and her (this one has a female personality) have come to an understanding: "I like to fly and so does she." So while 556 will give other pilots problems and break, we always get to go flying. I've logged half of my flight time over the past year with her. I just talk nice to her and have a gentle touch. Perhaps I can convince the crew chief to let me name 556, Sheryl. Oops! Forgot to make my comment on the episode: Definitely remniscent of some of the Evangelion episodes, although I think that led to my enjoyment of this one even more. It played off my sense of nostalgia and humor at the same time, and filled the empty void left by last week's mecha pr0n. I can't wait for the subtitles so I can get some of the jokes and key info, although this one was great without them. Absolutely loved the eyecatch! I laughed...a lot. On the relationship front, we're a third of the way into the series, and I just don't see any sort of a Alto - Ranka love triangle. I mean she's so far behind at this point for winning him over and Sheryl-Alto looks to be a solid pairing after this ep. I'm guessing the only catalyst for change here
  13. Maybe a dating flight simulator similar to how Sakura Taisen was a dating strategy?
  14. I may be nostalgic for mid-90s anime, but I seem to remember some pretty funny scenes from Evangelion that were just audio over a background pan shot.
  15. Thanks! I love you guys. I'll be back in bit with some stuff.
  16. No Pics yet. Aztek sent me his WIP cockpit model from his gorgeous VF-1 and I've been filling in the missing details. Right now I need to do the flight controls, and was wondering if anyone had any good reference pics of the throttle and cyclic...joystick...whatever fighters have for pitch and roll from the DYRL cockpit. When I get those knocked out, I'll post some WIP shots.
  17. I just presumed they had an old senile teacher that lecutre them on the history of the Third Impact Space War 1 over and over again. Given that Army Warrant Officer Aviatiors can go right from High School to Flight School, I'd imagine that Mihoshi Academy education is the basic high school math and science and instead of arts and literature, they recieve vocational courses that are the same as military aviators (meteorology, aerodynamics, IFR, ICAO regulations, etc.) I think not everyone in the school is military bound, because in the next episode isn't Ranka a transfer student for the performing arts? Edit: Speaking of Zentraedi Farmers. Has anybody else wondered what a hippocow burger with hippowcow cheese would taste like? I bet it's as delicious as it is cute.
  18. Wait wait wait...I got another one! "They were serving Pineapple Salad at The Last Supper." Ah, 9 years of Catholic school is finally paying off.
  19. Yeah, but if you put all the original CF VF-11C photoage back to back, you get like what 1 maybe 2 minutes worth?
  20. Wouldn't that be something on the order of 20-30 feet long?
  21. Really? I felt a little dissatisfied with this episode, almost like it wasn't...long enough?
  22. That's because the only boobie in this episode is Sheryl's. Not too big (like Nanase and Klan,) not too small (Ranka-chan,) but just right... I imagine Luca had good reason for doing what he did. I'll reserve judgement on his actions until I get a subbed version. Although in the previews, it looked like he litterally "Had all his eggs in one basket"...wait what?
  23. Awesome episode. But I really need some subtitles. I thought being mostly mecha pr0nz I'd be okay without it, but I feel like I missed out on some key stuff without the dialogue. It left me strangely unsatisfied at the completion of the episode. Love the hints of the new song we get, need to hear more. I still Sheryl.
  24. Definitely not cool... 3 Arrested in Japan for Spreading Anime via Share Program - Anime News Network
  25. Wow...just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore. I think that'll pretty much seal the deal.
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