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Ensign G

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Everything posted by Ensign G

  1. Judging from Tisinc's prices, it doesn't matter if they're 1st or 2nd editions....they are both faaaaaaaar expensive.
  2. ack! $275 for 1st editions Roy's?!? 1/48 Roy
  3. I think he is basing prices speculated here. For example, I read that in another topic that generally 1st editions are $10-$15 more expensive than the 2nd editions....bam! $225 for 1st editions as compared to $215 for 2nd edition roy's. sheesh! and I was selling my roy for a measley $120 w/ strike pack a few months ago. good thing no one wanted it.
  4. Does anyone know when the MPC Alpha's will be released or is toynami pulling another fast one on everyone saying that it's ready for release but it really isn't?
  5. Will the MPC Alpha's not be released here in asia, meaning we have to order ours stateside then?
  6. follow up question to my previous one, does the $175 price range pertain to the 1st or 2nd edition that is selling on ebay? thanks
  7. should one pay more for the 1st edition or is the value of both the 1st and 2nd editions the same?
  8. Watched it, slept through it, didn't like it. I'm all for consistency so I guess all the changes made it incoherent with what Hogwarts looked like in the first 2 movies.
  9. Thanks. I browsed through some of the threads and kinda pieced it together and so far I still have 10 hours left on my DSL connection. i'm not using a router so i guess the slowdown is because of something else? thanks!
  10. can anyone help? i've been trying to download this this but when i click on the link, I instantly save everything and then when i try to click on the saved file, windows media player pops up and says that.."Cannot play back the file. The format is not accepted". Please tell me what and how to install the proper codec. Thanks you all.
  11. Is it just me or the Yamato 1/48's prices starting the increase in value? been checking ebay for prices and I couldn't believe the price of the low viz. $189-up. Also the Roy is starting to sell at $150-up price range. Should I be worried and start buying everything before the prices become too steep?
  12. is it just me or is the VF-1S Roy becoming more and more scarce? I hardly see anything on ebay and the ones sold are now hovering the $140 price as against $99~120 prices for other 1/48 valks.
  13. I love the Takara box. I only wish it had a flip top so you can see the masterpiece that is inside of it. Hasbro isn't bad at all. Prime is everything everyone ever wanted in a transformable figure. Now....if only I can keep this sucker MISB w/o any fear of battery corrosion!
  14. Anyone? The casing that stores the batteries to light up the matrix is a piece by itself. It's powered by two watch batteries and you don't have to pry anything open unless you need to change the batteries. It's also removable so you don't have to worry about damaging anything. I'm too lazy to get a picture of my own. So I borrowed this one from Remy's website.......... thanks for the info Spacy. Here's a pic
  15. Anyone?
  16. Does anyone know if the battery can be stored inside the MP prime or does one need to pry it open for storing? I really hate to open the sucker up just to remove the dam batteries!
  17. I guess i'm one of the lucky few who got 2 of the original issue that had no head visible head gap and no pimple. Seeing as the improvements aren't that big a deal, then I'm sticking to what I've got
  18. My girl just gave me a MP Prime for Christmas and it's great! She's been wanting to give me a 1/48 valk but it proved to be too expensive for her!
  19. So you guys didn't order the us version (pics seen at previous pages) Only the battledamage versions are now available? available now is the Takara version that has some molded wear but no burn or black marks. Hasbro's should be available end of jan and will feature the same molded wear but it will also have burn and blak marks painted on it. takara=long stacks, grey gun hasbro=short, supposed black gun Actually, it looks like Hasbro's has a grey gun too. And I don't see all of that black crap on his forearms, just a little on his shoulders. Remy got one: Looks like hasbrow has pulled a fast one. I though they said black gun? That would have at least compensated for the "short stack". Now before anyone reacts, let me state it clearly that I'm not a Hasbrow basher. It's just a shame coz I was excited to see the gun black at an official release. And now they will expect to "correct" it with future releases. Sheesh! I hate variants. They drive me nuts. Mr.Sci-Fi: My toy shop here in the Philippines gets them for retail and shares the savings with his customers (Thanks Malvin!). I guess shipping to a southeast asian country cuts down a lot from the overhead. But that was just for his 1st batch which quickly vanished. Next 2 batches were increased to the equivalent of $95 and $100 respectively. He says that the demand is so overwhelming at this time that the suppliers jack prices up for the few remaining stocks. He also advices that the next production run for Takara should be late January and prices should cool off by then.
  20. Got mine for the equivalent of $86 USD. no shipping and i got to choose from a sealed box! naturally i got the one in the middle as boxes form both ends are crumpled. C10 MP prime at such a sweet deal! woohoo!
  21. can anyone tell us what kind of battery does prime have or if it is installed already? Isn't it unwise to keep a MISB of prime due to the chance that the battery may "leak" in the future and thus ruining the toy forever?
  22. For those who were asking what the $25 extra for the japanese MPc is, I'm willing to gamble....better packaging? Better grab this baby fast coz demand will be high for this..... "Ken-on-steroids-and-holloween-costume doll" hehe
  23. Isn't the low viz an invention? hehehe. Well, at least i'm planning on getting it. The Hikaru 1S looks a little too "explosive" but this is the Valk that i've been waiting for all my life!
  24. My 2 roy's and fastpacks do not have anything to seal them inside. I guess Yamato planned this as I bought mine still inside the case of my seller!
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