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Ensign G

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Everything posted by Ensign G

  1. What's the difference between th eold and new crotch system? I only have the old one and I was able to break the plastic that holds the tab. Pictures will be quite appreciated! TIA and a happy new year to y'all
  2. Which one will you guys buy a Beagle worth $205 USD converted or a Toynami version worth $187.5 USD converted? Please help me decide!
  3. My choice is all Toynami Cyclone right now. I was just wondering if earlier batches (i.e. 300+) and those in the 1,200+ have different build quality. Again thanks in advance for any information.
  4. I found a local seller that carries the Scott's Cyclone for about $187 converted. I have a choice of getting one with the following numbers: 344 395 1273 (or somthing like that) With eugimon's statement above, is there a problem with the earlier releases? Please help! I'm torn which one I should get. Thanks in advance fellas!
  5. Previous null vote and got to play around with it just now. Perfect for me. I love it!!!! One more thing, I have stright skulls. YES!
  6. I just got mine. Yamato has finally won me over. It has everything I like about the 1/48 and more, while it doesn't inherit what I don't like about the 1/48s. Could it be that Yamato has finally earned enough to get a better qc guy? hahaha!
  7. That is a good price for a 1/48 even by Philippine standards. I just bought a new 1/48 GBP from a guy here who got it from Singapore. Damage: $80 converted. Pretty happy with it considering my first one costs about double that price. Although I am eagerly awaiting to get my 1/60, the new found prices of the 1/48 is too hard to resist.
  8. Thanks for the info.
  9. Can someone tell me if there is a difference between the 1st issue 1/48 GBP and the latter release? Thanks for the help y'all!
  10. I'm with you on that. If Roy never saw a reissue, it would probably fetch 500 bucks already!
  11. All of a sudden I'm a Mac0 lover! That thing looks sweeter than candy! I'm a gonna get me multiples! yummy!
  12. When the 1/48 Hikaru 1st came out, everyone here was bad mouthing it due to QC problems. That was one of the reasons I didn't snag one earlier and felt bad that i had to pay about 160 bucks for it later on. From what I remember, sales of the Hikkie 1S was really bad. I guess that just made it more rare. If Yamato will make reissue decisions based on how well the first release sold, things will look dim for the Hikaru 1S.
  13. Err...current exchange rate is Php 54.5 to a $1. So, $300 would be just Php 16,000. About half of your keyboard!
  14. Exactly what is the THS? Is it exclusive to the Galaxy Force line or do they plan to do this with G1? I would love a G1 Prime made into this!
  15. i've been holdong out on the 1J because of the GBP. i bet a whole lotta people did as well. if they release a bundle set, then i guess there are no problems as it is confirmed that they will sell a GBP separate set.
  16. Ultra Magnus is toit! I gotta have this
  17. Still no word if this is going to be bundled with a 1J?
  18. Wish i had a low viz....that would go great even with the prototype color!
  19. Sniff....it's beautiful!
  20. Roy's VF-1S was pretty scarce before until there was a 2nd and 3rd reissue. I believe there's enough to go around. Of course, demand for this is higher so it may as well be hard to get. Hikaru, on the other hand, was left with initial poor sales making a 2nd run difficult to imagine. I think Hikaru will be harder to find in the future so I suggest getting this first. I just love the color scheme and it was bad-a$$ in the final scene of DYRL?
  21. Ever since they stopped production of the MP Prime, it has been getting harder and harder to find. Unlike the Hasbro counterpart where only the difficult find is the gray gun version. I guess the long smokestacks, great box (along with the cardboard trailer), and un-"damaged" paint job makes it more popular than Hasbro's.
  22. wow! the 1st set of head and hands are great? where canone get those?
  23. What number did you get? I was under the impression that the latest batch they were offering had less QC problems
  24. any pictures? can't seem to find them in amazon.
  25. I'd gladly buy it off at that price if you'll include shippine here in asia!
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