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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. I would agree with you in that the CGI alone doesn't justify the whole movie, after all it's looks like the done the new CGI only for test the technology in preparation for the Sky Crawlers movie. But there's not the only additions inluded, they re-recorded the dialogs and even the have some variations from the originals, and the remastered music sounds even great, or did you make the anology with Star Wars because the sound were remastered in Skywalker Sound? xD Anyway my point in this is that the CGI is cool, but it seems to me most likely you did a poor check in the material and anly focuses on the animation and obviously you dislike Oshii's work
  2. The bottom pics are the originals To me is logical that you see the original animation better because the detail level on each frame is insane (like the others works of Mamoru Oshii) but IMO the CGI animated secuence looks better GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_2_0_0.bmp GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_2_0_1.bmp
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEarWEgUB7Y
  4. Just put my hands on the DVD Wow The CG modifications are great, the diving scene is awesome But I still hope for a new movie or even a new season of S.A.C
  5. Good news here Via ADC I just managed to acquire all the scripts for the rest of the series, so I'll finish this project first meanwhile Gubaba finish to check the scripts on Frontier
  6. At least the guys of aegisub claims that his program works on Mac, since I'm use windows I've no idea
  7. So, now you are in a parallel universe? xD I have to ask, the guys of your local fanboard are teens? if the answer is yes I wouldn't be surprised
  8. I try to instruct them, but first I've fun with them
  9. In a world where money talks, this is the most rational thing to do I still want to throw a DE on HG HQ xD Still, the issue here is not the licences thing and conspiracy plots. Even here at Chile when a company request and/or threat another for sell his products in detriment of other one that company gets sued for a big bunch of money
  10. Well, always when I meet people like him, the first word that I say is HERETIC, and then I invite them to check even wikipedia for a culture shock
  11. Maybe they play basquetball on valks xD
  12. Never You know whom blamimg of it
  13. Well, I'm go with the download option because buy them from here, with shipment cost and all is too much money So, if you guys wants a cool DVD subs just wait
  14. I'm still waiting for gubaba for corrections of the scripts so I istill have the originals extracted direct of THORA release
  15. look in the OST 3
  16. +1 Is too good, I wonder why this track was left out in the series
  17. He can confirm it, He's doing the sub work
  18. Regarding the Shinsen translation, here is my comment http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=682509
  19. Well, in the local websites here the desscusion is how someone can be consider a geek or a pseudo tech fan if didn't know Star Trek.
  20. I don't remember were I read it, but an explanation for the Enterprise being constructed in earth was something about calibration on a gravitational enviroment for warp travel
  21. I'm most interested on the Trekkies civil war than the movie for now
  22. Enter Sandman for almost 6 years in midi format, and now almost 2 years as MP3
  23. well, now I see 3 seeds
  24. I just hope that Macross doesn't end as a "flavored" franchise as Gundam with shows and merchandise À la carte
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