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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. Next question... Which is the file system of the Drive? fat32 or NTFS???
  2. Damn 20 days out for work and now I have to read a lot...
  3. I really don't know so I vote all of them
  4. UPDATE Today Gubaba send me the script for the episode 4, and since the next week I'm on vacation I'll be able to work on the DVD 2 For all the people waiting for the Macross 7 subs, things are complicated because the scripts for the rest of the series that I have are made in the old *.ssa format (is the OLD central anime release), so there's no styles and the colors and positions of the text are included individually on each line of dialog, and I really don't have the time right now to make all the edits and re-styling myself. So I have to wait until things calm down at work
  5. +1 The Lion version Rocks
  6. Just for ask those numbers includes international sales, or it's just Japan?
  7. I just hope they survive... I'm not, she's desperate for a lead now that she believes jack betray her
  8. Look at the bottom of the forum, and select to show more than 30 days to pick the old threads
  9. Thanks to you too, for your feedback
  10. You should edit your signature anyway
  11. Ok guys. This is the Long version Patch for DYRL Yesterday I ask boinger to do some test for this with the frontier subs and works fine. Now I do it myself on DYRL for re-check so here is http://rapidshare.com/files/180483251/Macr...Method_Subs.rar I've made some adjustments to the guide this time, in order to do the remux with the *.SUP streams directly from my DVD-5 version, ans avoid to do all the subbing job again xD
  12. So now is KlangForever?
  13. I have to check some tricks first since already I don't have the scenarist streams, so I need to check how it works with the sup tracks (theoretically it works, but we haver the color pallete issue) PD: I'm almost done with the version 2 of the first DVD Maybe late night I'm finish, I have something that I need to test Done http://rapidshare.com/files/180235531/Macross_DVD_V2.rar Since I figured that most of people will use the long method, I'm only updated this one There was corrected some messy characters in dialogs, the flick in points when we have sub on top and bottoms and some too long lines were adjusted
  14. This is a VERY old anime, tekes me back to the times when the VHS was the king xD If you are interested on checking out, look at mininova
  15. UPDATE Thanks to Boinger, we have a little characters bugs found them into the script, also I noticed that the first lines are slightly off screen at the beginning too Version 2 is on the way problably out on tuesday I'm going to start a version 2 right now
  16. For translations Disagreements, write to Gubaba xD
  17. The only thing I can say regarding the image creation software is that from the source (ADC) the torrent says that was DVD decrypter the one used. But anyway, the doubt I have is if you first rip the dvd and then you make the image? If does it, try to get the iso directly from the retail disc without ripping Now the muxman thing... I used a new set of folders to make things easier of understand... in the end backfires to me You almost get the answer by yourself, the thing you must to do is open the *.SST files and change the directory line
  18. that was a type error xD sorry
  19. I found them in tokyotosho.com
  20. Thora Just release the Ep 11-13 Subs
  21. DVD 1 just released xD http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28180
  22. Macross Frontier Vol 1 DVD Eng subtitles patch http://rapidshare.com/files/178886779/Macr..._subs_patch.exe Please Remember the ISO's file size Long Method with tutorial http://rapidshare.com/files/178906892/Macross_DVD.rar Again, I want to give thanks to Gubaba for his cooperation to the project
  23. Hey guys, this thread is for the bootlegs not the Shippers, plots, remake movie, etc As for me, I try to support the franchise by buying the CD's or something related when I found a good price (import here is almost suicidal) But seriously. why I should bother in buy a BD or a DVD without subs or dub? Just to put them in a showcase, that's only would increase the quantity of dust to clean xD My personal choice is to make myself the DVD patches with the better subs that I can found around and share it free. And of course, I'm doing only the english subs because If I do the spanish (which would be the logical in my case) in a matter of weeks I found them for sale in regular anime stores (not joke), and I refuse to support that. Not to mention that I truly hate HG
  24. I think is more important to add some type of CMS than a chatroom or a shoutbox
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