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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. Now I'm really depressed...
  2. Change of topic WAR IS COMING... Google to Launch Operating System Official Google Blog
  3. Hey, I'm Chilean I've to say I'm totally agree with you Since I'm part of the "Spanish Fandom" I think my point of view could be interesting I could say I'm a "old School" anime fan since I grown up viewing old anime series such Space Battleship Yamato, Starzinger or even Robotech at the '87 when it was firts aired here, but years later was re aired and I was aware of the HG stuff because at the time I already see DYRL on a VHS tape without any kind of subs. I think there's no much people like me right now in the fandom, because the gross of the fandom are basically teenagers that unfortunately only have a tenuous grasp of english, so they are forced to rely on people like shaloom to get the news. As example I could tell you about something that happened last night in another spanish anime related forum. A guy about my age open a thread asking about the Robotech/Macross order to view, because he wants to remember "old times" and he get confused between both franchises, then a 17 years old boy answer getting things worse mixing all the stuff. So I try to clarify some things and try to guide this guy into the macross stuff (for the robotech stuff I just say I'll pass) Another thing I noticed is something related to the fansubs. At least 60% of things I saw (manga mostly) is translated upon a English scanlation, and to make things worst BAD translated. So you could find 3 different versions of something at some points. The final point is, those guys who know japanese are Very well valued for the fanbase because all you explained, cases like shaloom I've never see before, but I'm pretty sure that most than one user on MG used to think about him as "Shaloom-sama"... Really painful
  4. That episode IMO is one of the best of the non plot related episodes in both seasons. The way I see it, she do all of it to prove Saito she REALLY is better than him. I mean, at the beginning of the episode he was the one on control of the situation, but only because Motoko was struck with a bunch of idiots (you can even count Batou on that group) and only she and Ishikawa being the ones capables to counter saito's moves Then you must remember that Saito says that snipers are a valuable asset at the time, and the fact that all the section 9 has an unconditional allegiance to her. So, the best way to win Saito allegiance in that situation would be to force that one on one encounter and win it totally, disabling Saito's eye and hand.
  5. At the time I found it on asindvdclub.org fansubed
  6. Ok guys Finally I bring to you the pack of subs for Mac F DVD 3 Enjoy http://rapidshare.com/files/250550321/Macr...ntier_DVD_3.exe MANY thanks to Boinger for his help on this
  7. Case closed then????
  8. Now I am going to try to play Ace Combat with a control of Guitar Hero...
  9. Now I'm downloading Ep 21 from the Destiny bot, and with my old Mirc 6.12 xD
  10. I wonder how much time will pass until shaloom delete those post xD
  11. I think is better fuse both threads
  12. Get out of bed. Resistance is futile. Wake up and assimilate the day...
  13. Like OptimusX said, the scripts for Macross 7 came in the old SSA format what it means basically that all the lines of the script needs to be checked because the styling process is line to line (color, position, etc) That could be done, but takes a lot of time. I'm remember that I tried to do it for the last DVD of M7 that I subbed, but in the meantime CA released the pack so I left them
  14. Well, at any case I feel sorry for all the fandom that buy Shaloom's story, but the reality is until gubaba or someone interested put their hands in a trustworthy transcription of the interview nothing is achieved Like I said, I put some of my google-fu on the issue on question and I found at least how to shop the magazine I'll put the links if anyone is interested. http://cgi.ebay.com.my/Weekly-Famitsu-Vol-...emZ200330642931 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...mp;category=280
  15. I lost As far as I know the black hole is about to blow earth, so all the big ships are something like scape vessels
  16. And where is yours for Nanase???
  17. I think we should thank to Final Vegeta and Magnuskn too xD they were the ones to brought all this here xD Anyway, I take a look on the macross generation forum and... Someone has started to make questions about the existence of the books, and they put a link to MW as prove of their existence and one image file attached (I'm not registered there, so I can't take a look) http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/mac2_eb_mac2.htm funny
  18. Interesting He says that the Studio Nue Entertainment Bible is a set of 15 mini books, where the first 11 were focused on lineart and the last 4 are the (in)famous text stories
  19. well, he says that the novel comes in the Studio Nue Entertainment Bible any chance to prove it???
  20. You forgot The Last Guardian AKA Project Trico
  21. That was just vaporware.
  22. Rising was confirmed in the Microsoft E3 conference this morning
  23. If that is the case, WB could easily ends making a Macross's movie instead of Robotech I like the idea xD
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