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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. looks like this time indeed will be a horrible raw
  2. what url works for today??
  3. Sheryl on Saotome mansion = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XdUIw7t9YQ
  4. Lion Full version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3zPWRcJHHM
  5. That's not for sure, if we have the great bitch replacing her blood samples
  6. For all I read here and there the hatred is not against Robotech. The real hatred is against HG because they have done everything possible to prevent Macross distribution out of Japan That means we still have to trust in fansubbers, and we could not obtain quality merchandise properly translated. Yes, I HATE HARMONY GOLD
  7. that's the best IMHO the rest are just funny
  8. WOW that cards look great...
  9. The question now is how sheryl will survive? /Speculation mode ON According to Dr. Klan the V-type infection "is transmitted via blood or bodily fluids" So the new infected will be Alto, because they kissed in ep 10. After that, Alto kiss Ranka for the movie scene. So in certain point he must start to have the symptoms of the disease. Assuming that the fairy proyect was trying to replicate Q1 the most probable thing is that Ranka will be the cure, but first they all were entering panic since her songtress of hope might be sick, at the time they discover the real nature of the skills of ranka before the bitch (Grace) could do something. Besides, of course Ranka will do everything to save Alto /Speculation mode OFF Sounds good, but as always has a 99.99% of probabilities that I'm dead wrong xD
  10. men... we do not have a time machine to watch ep 19
  11. Nobody has begun to demand that to burn the heretics yet... xD
  12. A reverse Culture Shock??? that's weird, but don't surprises me
  13. according to ep 14 I'll buy that
  14. I believe that luca's footage is a flashback when alto is recruited
  15. Lunar's EP 17 are out late...
  16. According to Dr. Klan & Michel PI is Mao Nome... ERGO All theories about Sheryl or Ranka being Mao relatives are busted
  17. nah... It seems we have to wait till tomorrow to get GG
  18. Chibi Macross... a la Klan I say xD
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