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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. Guld Michel death was manly, but is too recent
  2. xD Diamond Crevasse always has been my favorite, but the version in episode 20 is outstanding
  3. They actually stopped just a second, as if they're reading ranka's mind and continued attacking more fiercely Regarding the song, the only thing that occurs to me is with the song she can read the emotion index
  4. Nope I Know how to make gifs, so I made it when I downloaded the Divx raw xD
  5. so we'll get a berserkForever???
  6. I don't know EDIT Just remember I read it somewhere, that's the dates of some concerts
  7. The easy way is that someone translate this SS
  8. Sheryl FTW!!!!
  9. if you are interested I can help you, send me the timed subtitles, I can make the two colos subs and a patch right now I have an iso of the remastered DVD, but the HDD where's stored is already disconected
  10. you can count as "major" characters the bad guys, so yes
  11. +1 When I remember the English Fire Bomber I just get sick
  12. who cares the subs will be out tomorrow
  14. I wonder if the vajra attack because she guides to the fleet unintentionally after she gets owned
  15. look into this file, it's a toturial for subbing dvd's http://rapidshare.com/files/112086225/Blin..._Guide.rar.html I'm already using it on the Macross 7 DVD's and works fine
  16. After having seen Ozma's death flags, I prefer to wait
  17. look for aegisub, with that tool you can edit timings
  18. I don't know if this is a bug but.... EP 18 EP 19 PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MINDS xD
  19. I figured that. but in the gifs case I use "123 avi to gif converter" too easy to use
  20. hit pause, then go the the file menu - Save Image... before that, check the options menu. you must have some like this
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