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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. Well Now I'm demuxing the DVD 2 to make the second subtitles patch. Nevertheless, I like to know if the new versions of the VIP subs has big changes. If that is the case I'll have to look for these scripts instad of those I already have
  2. My explanation is simple. Macross is not only mecha, but the mecha action is so damn good that all mecha addicts wants more.
  3. that's true, otherwise we would have an ending at Macross Speed
  4. There you have xD http://i35.tinypic.com/2ajz9mo.gif
  5. like mine???
  6. Speaking of avatars, time to change it too
  7. http://gabrielarobin.com/287/northern-cros...anslated-lyrics
  8. I was here before closing...
  9. Well, since they are posted in free image host I don't really care about it The sites that I remember are amimesuki and a blog posted here in the catfight.. emmm I mean Miss Macross Contest thread.
  10. Some people took the remote url of the avatar and use it
  11. At least I saw my old 1.1MB bitch slap avatar in another sites
  12. The real contest begins when the Little Queen recovers her memory Anyway, my vote remains in Sheryl
  13. look in the old news thread is a retcon from the new BD - DVD release
  14. so SK pulled a Lucas Trick...
  15. I posted in the gif thread the method that I use to lower the file size
  16. /looking for MDE Rounds in the nearest Ammo dump xD
  17. The trick in photoshop is import the gif as a video, when appears the selection file window put *.* and push enter. Then you have all files in display so you select the *.gif When the the file is imported you have to cut identical frames of animation an play whit the delay between frames (by default is 0.04 so I changed mine to 0.08) If you don't have photoshop, look for Beneton Movie GIF, is the same idea
  18. I was able to edit mine myself with a little trick of photoshop
  19. Damn... I just came back and the torrent is a fake
  20. yeah, It is as if she was crying while she sings
  21. I was looking around other webs waiting for subs, and I have a big LMAO
  22. The eyecatch says Michael Brun So, I'll said it again PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!
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