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Everything posted by Xeros

  1. let my guess, Ozma Taking out Ranka to sing to a horde of vajra?
  2. Well, Im pretty sure at least here in Chile that was the case. If I not mistaken the first translated VHS came around at time of the Macross Plus release, and if you wanted to get something more specific, you had to resort on a LD rip with english subtitles, wich means the kids were put out of the picture by a language barrier (thank goodness my parents sent my to a british school) Now on the macross case, putting aside macross plus there were nothing available so no wonder people doesn't care about it And I still enjoy saying "HERETIC" to my friends when I show them macross stuff and the say "oh, that's robotech"
  3. What can I say... I like Macross 7, but I get nauseas when I hear Planet Dance...
  4. It's wonderful all the free time has that guy... XD
  5. Fixing Something...

  6. Hayate no Gotoku Manga chapter 204 LOL
  7. That is his girlfriend posting, but it seems he is OK
  8. Men That is one of the worst areas, did you have an e-mail to try in facebook or something?
  9. Hi all Reporting from Chile What can I say, only 30 minutes ago I regain total Electricity, water supply and Internet connectivity, Here in the town where I live the Quake's Hit was low (regardless the 8.8ยบ richter) but in the nearby areas the destruction is very High Yesterday we have electricity for a couple of hours and the destruction in others cities is overwhelming for what can I see on TV. At teast 2 Coastal cities were half destroyed by the tsunami and a town in the Archipelago Juan Fernandez aswell I don't know what news you have, but here the total victims is already over 711 people and nobody wants to give a number of missing persons, because all ne numbers raises minute by minute Now at night the real concern is the security because the panic plunders are starting and at least one city is under military control Well, By for now
  10. If someone needs seeding on the torrent, just send me a PM
  11. I would say that's true, that's why I'll never do any DVD patch in spanish xD
  12. LISTEN TO MY SUBS!!!!!! or it was song??? xD I'm sorry for the delay, my video card collapses with windows 7 and I found myself making rare customizations in order that it could work. Still I can't watch a video on the PC, but Aegisub works fine.
  13. Ok, Here is the volume 4 of frontier http://rapidshare.com/files/287124982/Macr...ntier_DVD_4.exe Now I'm going to work on Macross 7
  14. I just want to say... I'm agree +1 Etc.... I'm quite happy with my old ps2, and besides the Ace Combat series the only games I play are RPG style so I'm not willing to buy a 360 for just one game.
  15. There's even a video around. And I remember las week reading about a pre-sale on Amazon Germany
  16. Since yesterday, I've had many difficulties to see the forum during the evenings
  17. of course
  18. Long ago, I've read that is a common problem of IPB when the database is too large
  19. I'll said it again, extract them Instead of complaining, you should learn how the MKV format works Hint: search google for Mkvextractgui
  20. Maybe you must just extract the subs from the MKV's files and modify them to your taste
  21. Then why when I look in the link almost everything is copyrighted by HG and tatsunoko??? http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon...&PAGE=First I'm really don't know how it works the copyright in the US, but seems to me that someone is stealing
  22. In that case HG wants to be the middleman, just sit around and count money while BW and Banday do all the work
  23. That reminds me A few days ago I tried to register on macrossgeneration, but I never received the confirmation email
  24. I was banned once, only for being a Supermod in another forum :S
  25. I read that the people of the building were surprised "I'm sure that the pilot greeted me" someone said xD
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