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Everything posted by novaflo

  1. it should be a law that if you make a anime: ...you must also immediately release LINE-ART of the mechs!!!!!
  2. yep..knock out has real potential..but its hard to get exited with his small size(scout class).. hopefully he'll get a larger treament like acree(who's head sculpt is but-ugly)..and a repaint! the little acree is great too..i ripped of her equally ugly head;and put on a gudam chicks head...it's like a little ride armor!!.. ill have to check out vipers creed..any models/or toys for this series? +++that 'Chromia' is bumming me out..very lazy with NO legs...what a cop-out. i'll buy it and scratch build some legs since otherwize it's also very artmic-like! and my insane lust for variable bikes in un-quenchable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. digg it..artmic rules the day! yet...i'm bummed out that we don't get the new variations that macross/gundam fans enjoy..new versions every year practically. the new transformers 'knock-out' looks great..i can sink my teeth into this design..more artmic like than other transformers..have you see this one?
  4. thats all they're worth..those arms SUCKb@lls!!! now, in other news.....
  5. no doubt ..wow,what a freeked-up design..very avantgard! thou i perfer the artmic offerings... -im not complaining about any variable bikes!..exept Some transformers, gobot designs..yuk.
  6. yes///i'd love to see sany pics from rideback.... ..hopefully we'll se some kits or toy produced--especially if you''ve already seen prototypes! thanks man!
  7. any variable toys/models from this series going to be produced??? i can't even find line-art too see how the bike transforms..
  8. do you have the low-vis woodland+gbp for cheap??

    i'd love to order but can't find your site ..novaflo

  9. i expected the cm's to be fiddly,,which would be ok for $30 each...not $70 like the fuke/shin!!!!!!shhhhhhechchsss. yes great variable for it's size..not it's price! hell..they are only a hair bigger than the sh!tty little old Gakken versions!....but 100000% more accurate !!!
  10. yep..ive got the large red lightcycle from medicom paid $50....rocks! they mislabled these bikes..says mine is flynn's with flynn figure..but it's rams bike in the movie. i want to go for the small versions that come with the: tank..recognizer..mcp but very pricey collecables now.. sue we will see medicom re--release for the new movie..they would be dumb not too ...
  11. nice indeed! ..i want the metallic yammie bad! .......but $90 shipped is just too much cash!!!!!doubt it will go on sale like the original versions..
  12. i'm officially brain dead.. i don't know how i switched format...i thought the site was f*ked up!!!.....thanks for the heads up
  13. what up with the new format on this site?? ...very diffucult to navigate with this configuration.. i may visit the site less now.
  14. whan is the mospeada art book coming out???
  15. novaflo

    1/48 GBP-1S Set

    is kevins site down............ http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com ???
  16. ok...but look at the nose that megahouse stick/ley bike..whatthf@)k??? admit:the beagle's fuke nose needs less pointy shape.. ...also:2 high up position in mech mode making the arms look 2 low + cant see her shoulder pad sticking out.. so,,ok lets give the beagle team a terrible beating so they shape it up!!!!!!!!! eathe fuke is a prototype thou.. ...im staring at but ugly megahouse in my home..uughghh
  17. yeah ..i thought the first megahouse ride pics i saw were a joke..or fan scratchbuilt!!!!!! it's almost like they actually TRIED to make them suk!! ..the front of the bike? ...c'mon now.. blowsup was a bit improved but the mech mode is ghastly! ..the boots are way tooo short..chest too huge:ph34r: yuk. yet,i bought 'em any...cause i'm a sucker for mospeada. personally,, i'm hoping they viscously beat the sculptor till he is within inches of death..then nurse him back too health..only beat him more viciously until expiration..ect.. and hire the beagle sculpt team for a decent fuke!
  18. yeah where is MegaHouse??? if they poop out and don't produce the fuke:........ i'l just scream...!!! .and then say :FIdDLesticks!! because, i got my BEAGLE FUKE!!!!!!!!!!! ...beagle can just have MH's $$$$MONeY$$$$$$$!!!..i'll buy extra beagles if no meghus fuke's too distract me. so hurry up megahouse!..as if u read these boards i hope they show at least a prototype soon...
  19. im on this like white on rice.. bring em on!!!
  20. have you guys heard anything about this???? the screenshots look HOT! also..it seems this game is japan only. ....yet this game site is selling a version that can be played on ps3 from ANY country...! ...for twice the price of the standard japan release..here: http://www.gamebaz.com/?a=i&i=13099 any info on this????
  21. yaco's site shows a page that seems to say...the re-issue will about 2o,oooyen..only :$$200ish!!!! ...beats 300$
  22. i hear gayporn pays pretty good!!.shshzzzJ/K.. that sucks....no pun intended
  23. CM's..IF the connection is improved... with those intakes and weapons... I WILL BUY MANY!
  24. duhhh,,, yep i ment the :MANUVERslaves from megazone...not moto slaves! these organic figs are for cheap on HLJ as posted $6 each on sale! but, about those first 2 motoslave variable pics..what companies made these(thought the 1st was scracth built..featured in an old hobby mag) so..?these must be super rare thou.. ive only seen a couple resin kit manuver+moto-slaves hear and there>> before new yams and ashoimakit? what do you think these old slaves would sell for,availability?
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