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Everything posted by novaflo

  1. actually i just spent 12 hours blowing glass in a basement..one of the projects broke..so my wage will be 100 instead of 200 for the night... so...that's enough blood sweat and tears too save my $160.00 for something a little more snazzy...thanks! >>>were the first 1/60's fugging $160.....NOOooo they were $60 ...ask anyone. why should yamato ask 3 times that of just a few years ago??..inflation? ...if that were true a can of coke would be $3.00 bulllsh!t!
  2. wow ....less than $160 shipped-for a 1/60 valk(i that supposed too be cheap??????????????????) when the 1/60s first came out they were $60-80 each;>>> h@LL.. i got TWO toy'r'us cannon fodders for this price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i smell a rippoff! why is it i can get a huge MIB 1/48 WITH HEAVY ARMOR for $100 total? soooo, $160 for 1/60...something tells me these will go WAY thef@k DOWN in price!
  3. looks interesting but..the bike lookz wonky..and fuke looks terrible. ++ price too high for a bootleg scratch kit of: 1/15 imai armor mode. id rather make my own from a 1/15 kit! but with megahouse dragging thier feet>>this guy may actually sell some of these.
  4. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/digitamin/yl47/#10024506
  5. dohhhhhhh ...that sux. hey are theses the toynami beta's or ashioma Tread??? http://item.rakuten.co.jp/digitamin/yp18/ guess there is little difference..i prefer the cm sculpt..less blocky..better articulation.
  6. http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2009/03/2009_part2.html this deserves more attention!!!!!!!
  7. yikes..lets see if this works
  8. yes i most certainly would!! MODs:.....sorry for double topics!.. please delete as needed.
  9. hey raven..do you know where to score that animation bikes book on the cheap?? ive seen it selling on eBay for $100 aaarrrghh! thanx!
  10. here it is(my first poll): >will you buy a Megahouse bartley if it is produced??? well..let the world know!
  11. smashing idea!
  12. one down ...10,000 to go; and we should be all set. -also ..we need someone with connections to megahouse! >>>or even just a fan who can accost them at the next toyfair in japan! GO MEGAHOUSE BARTLEY aAARrHGHGHHHH!
  13. Please: quick post if you want the MEGAHOUSE Bartley!!! >>>and hopefully, we can sway bandai/megahouse too produce this toy! It would be a d@mn shame if they were too go back on thier own announcment of this toy. I know i've waited 20+ years too see bartley type ride-armor toys(thank u beagle/cms)....the lil' gakken=yuk! I'm not letting megahouse off the hook! megahouse...make the BARTLEY!!!
  14. any variable bikes in this series??..or just bikes?
  15. pink floyd hendrix soft machine frank zappa
  16. bring on the DELUXE MOTOSLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. right on...just e-mailed 'em. ..they actually post thier phone # too ...many toy companies hide 'em
  18. diggg it..just seems like such a goofy Q.c blunder >>considering the toy is so kickass....a shame really I think gluing in a tiny ring 'collar' for each handelbar would actually beef-up the appearence of the bars..in proportion to the huge-ness of the bike. ...and i'm not one of those collectors that needs 100000% flawlessness or anything...but for $120-200 they could pay attention too this issue. + i'm just interested in switching the assembly for a unbroken one ...not a whole new toy! plus knowing my luck ...i'd get a replacement bike and something WORSE would be wrong with it!!! thanks for the imput on this!
  19. have u guys seen the 'alternity' line?? not related too the movie..bit the 370z megatron looks delicious. supposedly the transformation for alternity has a special process..where it changes itself somewhat-
  20. just bought my first garland..the 'protogarland' 2 be precsice. i heard they did alot of QC improvents from the first garlands.>>.so i felt confident i'd get a tight item. buttt>>> . . . . ...BROKEN HANDELBAR on (MIB) toy!! arGHGHGHHhhhh! anybody had this problem?? or what are the steps for switching it out ??(if yamato sennds replacment) i've super-glued it using a ruler too match it too the intact h.bar... and it looks fine;;BUT for$120 it sucks 2 be looking at a superglued toy! ....especially one that is soo kick-asss looking; thanks for any imput- depeply appreciated! i
  21. thanks bro...i may start a thread too see what others have done with 'em;; yeah, for durability? transformers Vs. high-end niche variables = ...NO contest!!! its a horrible irony
  22. I can can digg THAT!. . ..just sent 'em an email(polite+ass-kissy)...hoping for the best. do you think the handle ber assembly will be hard too switch out?? - feeling like a bit of a shmuk for liking transfroming robots>>when they are so fiddly and break-prone(japanese toys in general) ..but i can't help myself...LOVE -eMMMmm!!!!! either way:..at least yamato is great with customer servise...so i can live with that!
  23. yeah ..im gonna go kill some chickens... use thier entrails to cleanse the air on this one.. clear out the 'bad vibes' for the futue of megahouse Bartley!!!!! whoops>>> meant to quote jenius..in regards to gakkens demise-
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