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Plastik Missle

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Everything posted by Plastik Missle

  1. My first MWCon. Had a blast geeking out with my fellow fans. Much appreciation to all the people who helped pull this off!
  2. Isn't that how Mikimoto draws himself?
  3. Its curious that Sheryl is doing so well in this poll (third so far), seeing that its all based on one song. Young Ms. Nome, we shall watch your career with great interest.
  4. Yes, second most favorite. Since I highly suspect voting for the most favorite would lead to a landslide victory for a certain half Chinese chanteuse. So I thought voting for second favorite would be a lot more revealing. So have at it.
  5. Damn... The guy wrote music for two of my favorite anime shows. Macross and Takarajima (Treasure Island). RIP
  6. Damn, he was also Tatewaki Kuno from Ranma 1/2
  7. Really? Which ones? 421648[/snapback] Well, for one the cpatain of the Battlecruisers is a dead ringer for Cap. Global. 421689[/snapback] Down to his russian (I think it was supposed to be russian) accent from Robotech. There was also a fighter called the Valkyrie but it didn't transform.
  8. Its been 20 years since Macross hit the waves so I'm pretty sure it's present in the minds of most otakus. So I was thinking about afore mentioned people making homages to Macross in their own productions. The ones I am aware of are: Nadia: Secret of Blue Water, Project A-Ko and Otaku no Video. Are there any others?
  9. I don't think this has been posted before http://youtube.com/watch?v=0BiLU-%20Prm6w There are some noteables missing from the lineup, but its still pretty amazing.
  10. Holy poo! These are amazing. Macross the Musical is awesome!
  11. Just keep reading Graham. Suffice to say Ramsey has his own agenda. Won't be really clear until the next book.
  12. Actually you can play it as a 3-player game but a lot of the atmosphere and backstabbing is gone. And I know your pain, its very hard to round up 4 players much less 5.
  13. Hi. I usually lurk, but I couldn't see an ASOIAF thread (I'm a huuuuge fan) without replying. As for the game I own it (not the expansion though). And its great if you can find enough people to play (5 is optimal, but 4 isn't too bad). It accurately captures the feel of the books. Lots of wheeling and dealing and treachery.
  14. Woohoo! Finally some good Zentradi gear. Count me in
  15. Miria this time. drawn freehand by mouse.
  16. Hey this is pretty fun! I just butchered one of my favourite scenes in Mac Plus, but I guess that's the point
  17. Isn't this from the episode where they were celebrating the anniversary of defeating Bodolza by renacting the battle? If I remember correctly they brought in performers to play the roles of the historical characters, except for Max and Milia who played themselves (cute reaction from Mylene; "Were you really that big Momma?!")
  18. I have runner in my mobile phone too! Where can we get that ringtone? Runner is one of my top Macross songs too
  19. Oh I have that game a copy though. Its fun but gets boring fast. Pm me if you want a copy. It sfor PSX not PS2, Unless you are talking about a sequel. oh back to topic Rockman Power Battle Is fun for PS2. It is the arcade fighter many people have on mame and such. Well they made it for PS2 Power Battle and Power Fighters all in one disc. The one for the PSX was Remote Control Dandy, and I don't think it got translated to English. The sequel for the PS2 is Robot Alchemic Drive and has what is probably the worst dubbing in the history of gaming. Its so bad its hilarious. The game itself is fun though.
  20. 2nd Ending credits is Dakedo Baby And Plastik, Pillow Dream is the song Mylene sings for her mother and father (Max and Millia) when she first has Dr. Chiba's spiritia thing on her back. Ah now I remember it. Yeah it was pretty sweet So many cool Mac7 songs, so little time
  21. Hmmm I don't recognise the name. When did she sing that one?
  22. Ah that's a real shame. I don't like most of Mylene's songs except for that one and Sweet Fantasy. Oh well.
  23. It's the song Mylene sings floating in space when she's trying to break the mind control that took over Gamlin. What's its name? And more importantly, where can I find it?
  24. That live show didn't include Humming Bird, just the VAs and some no name band. Humming Bird themselves have disbanded in May 2000. But lead singer Yoshiki Fukuyama (the singing voice of Basara) is still active. http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/alinda_sue/page2/profile.htm
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