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Everything posted by Motorcycle-Punk

  1. Hey Anthony, Would it be possible to replicate the switch mechanism found on those light-up Gundam heads? IIRC don't the Gundam heads use a "magnet" switch, where you can turn on the lights by passing a magnet over the head...if it's possible perhaps that would keep the original look of the VF heads. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but you might get away with one mold for two options...one with lights, and one without for those that just want a straight recast. I guessing some would have reservations of how the head would look if there was a switch in the back. I would like a VF-1S head with all the bells and whistles....light-up visor, hollow metal head lasers. And I think that hologram backing behind the visor would be a very nice touch. The ultimate would have you make the heads such that a talentless oaf like myself wouldn't have to do anything but pop the old head off and put the new one on to have that "I just customized my valk" look.
  2. I feel that Yamato could've done more with these valks. I think they're cool...but they're not KEWL. I was thinking of just getting them both, but since I'm so enamored with the VF0S (must...get....multiples....) I will have to cut back and choose one. Just like Fort Max and Dante74's wallet...mine is whispering "Stealth w/FP" ...however I asked a higher power, my girlfriend, what she thought of the new designs and this was her reply: "I like the Camo version, get that one, the Stealth one looks plain....besides Camo is IN this year" So I guess that's that! Camo is in....it's so simple.
  3. I didn't know where to put this, seems like the logical place. If anybody is interested, a store around where I live is selling the extra long smokestacks for the Hasbro 20th Anniversary Prime. They look just like the MP version and they come chromed. Really sweet. Picked them up for $13 CDN. They have a website if you want to check them out, www.agesthreeandup.com Rohby's casts for the launchers are looking real nice. I was wondering if anybody would be interested in Alternator missle launchers that actually FIRED? Yes...springy missle hurtling goodness. I just want to put the word out there to see if it's worth while doing. It will be of the same quality as the real thing. Leave a post or send me a PM if you think it's a good idea or something you'd be interested in. Thanks for the time.
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