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Cyclone Trooper

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Everything posted by Cyclone Trooper

  1. Light-up features can either elevate or kill something like this. The one big complaint I've always had with lights or LEDs in toys is the god-awful way these things illuminate the plastic around it from the inside-out...especially if the plastic tends to be extremely thin in some areas or is clear with a coat of paint applied over it. I mentioned the "Big Millenium Falcon" a few posts back. I own one of these monsters...and it illustrates what I'm talking about perfectly. In the cockpit, behind the 4 seats, there are two orange LEDS on each side of the back wall that are designed to give lighting inside the cockpit. In a dimly-lit room, these LEDs shine through the paint applied to the canopy, thereby giving it the strange illusion that the whole cockpit is glowing. Bad execution of a good idea, IMHO. I wouldn't want to see something like this happen with the legs of the SDF-1. The 1/2000 Valks/Destroids can be seen in the pics of the prototype SDF-1, so there's actually visual confirmation that these little things may be included. But every single one of them appear to have a small round base, hence the "chess piece" appearance. Yamato still has 11 months or so to refine things on the SDF-1, and may decide to go with "baseless" figurines. As for the Launch Arm idea, that may be something they're kicking around. If you look at the proto-ARMDs, the launch bays appear to have deep recesses instead of shallow paneling with dark paint to give the illusion of deeper recesses (like the WAVE version has). A plug-in launch arm with a Valkyrie attached would be small, but not completely impossible to do. For ages, I always thought that the famous "window scene" took place on one of the same giant viewports that we see at the beginning of the movie. But later on, I began taking note that this particular window is much smaller and actually stuck out from the hull like a bay window in a house. It has three sides and a glass (transparent aluminum or transparisteel or whatever they use in the Macross universe) top to it, while the giant viewports simply follow the shape of the hull. The smaller windows had clamshell-like armored doors that covered them. These windows are obviously somewhere on the legs, since Hikaru had to run through a completely deserted shopping district in Macross City to get to the one Minmay was at. But if they're considerably smaller than the bigger viewports, we may not see them on the finished product.
  2. In Entertainment Bible #27, there is a section that shows all of the Destroids in full-color. The way they are presented there, the mono-eye of the Tomahawk is indeed red. This may be the reference material that the folks at Yamato used when designing the Destroids.
  3. I thought about that, actually. It could be done with existing battery-free low-tech methods...such as the "soft opening" style mechanisms like the ones found in modern stereos that still feature cassette decks. Tension springs and gears instead of battery-powered. The aforementioned movie-style Transformers like Optimus Prime had a similar "self-transformation" gimmick that didn't require batteries...although the transformation DID trigger battery-powered lights and sounds once it was underway.
  4. Yamato has never had a history of loading its Macross toys with "gimmicks" per se. No spring-loaded shooting missiles or light-up features or electronic sounds that I'm aware of. Rather, Yamato has (for the most part) faithfully recreated exactly what has been seen in the anime that a particular mecha is from. Opening missile bays with removable missiles, high level of articulation (as much as a mecha design will allow, in any case), and with each passing year, more and more "perfect transformation." Now IF the price of the SDF-1 remains around the 50,000 yen/$500 price point or above, at least a handful of us are going to expect it to have extras that warrant the high price while others see this price as perfectly reasonable (note: check these people's meds! lol). The open window bays on the legs have already given rise to a plethora of speculation that it may feature a Macross City that will be viewable through said windows. For $500+, I'd like to see some sort of "self-transformation" similar to the Leader-Class movie Transformers. This isn't too much of a stretch because the only real part of the SDF-1 that transforms is everything above the legs. Press down on the bridge and activate a fluid transformation where all parts of the ship convert all at once...from the main cannon booms to the shoulders to the ARMDs moving into place. Considering the transformation of the SDF-1 isn't exactly a lesson in origami, and the sheer size of the thing, it could be possible to do something like this. That said, I still think gimmicks like electronic sounds (Global yelling "Heshin!" followed by the main cannon firing) or a sound chip with Minmay singing Ai Oboete Imasu Ka would throw it into the realm of being cheesy. Stuff like that appeals to kids, but adult collectors...not so much. The only confirmed "gimmick" the SDF-1 was shown to possibly come with are a dozen or so 1/2000 scale Valkyries and Destroids, which looked like they were little more than really tiny chess pieces.
  5. Did he help design the Albion? Wow...ya learn something new everyday. If that's the case, then I stand corrected. The ARMD and Daedalus influenced the Albion, not the other way around...
  6. True...either way you look at it, SOMEONE is being told to bend over and hold their ankles while their wallet's being emptied!
  7. And to me, it looks VERY similar to the Albion from Gundam 0083...but without the outboard finnial/wing structures. Assuming that this design idea wasn't "Harmony Golded" from Gundam, it seems to be a fusion of the TV and DYRL ARMD designs with the "dual-bow" of the Daedalus on the front.
  8. This is just my take on this...which may not mean jack to anyone else. I think the reason why there's been so much misuse of the Macross/New Macross monikers is because so many terms in the various series seem to be interchangable. The captain of the Quarter even takes the time to elaborate on why the Quarter has "...been given the honor of being designated the name 'Macross,' even though she's only a 400m class." Apparently being called a "Macross" ship seems to denote that the vessel simply shares similar design elements with the SDF-1 such as the ability to transform into a humanoid Storm Attacker mode, has a main superdimensional energy cannon, and a pinpoint barrier system. To elaborate further, its the same as grouping the Mustang, Camero, and Charger all under the classification of "muscle car" even though they are all made by different automakers. I think its the same thing with "Macross" ships. The SDF-1, SDFN-04, Battle-7, Frontier, et al. are all considered "Macross" ships for the very reasons I just stated, even though their outward appearances vary somewhat from one another. But to say that they are specifically a Macross-Class ship would be a misnomer. Ships like the Megaroad Class would not be considered "Macross" ships since they are just large city ships similar in layout to Zentran ships. So to paraphrase... Macross ship = ability to transform and kick butt All other ships = no ability to transform but can still kick butt
  9. By the way, VFTF1...you've finally begun your 15 minutes of internet stardom...check out my sig! LMAO
  10. Some of us are still in "sticker shock" over the price...that's all. For me, personally, its because I see other items around the same price range at work that are WAY bigger...a 24-volt battery-powered Fisher Price Power Wheels vehicle, for example. These things seat kids up to 7 years of age and have a top speed of 5 mph. The new Hasbro "Big Millenium Falcon" is 2 1/2 feet long, but is only in the $150 range. Of course, I realize that Fisher Price and Hasbro manufacture products in much larger volume than Yamato ever would...but still, its difficult to justify to your wife/girlfriend that you're throwing the equivalent of a mortgage payment and car payment put together at what amounts to nothing but an oversized "transformer". Macross collecting: For Singles Only
  11. Agreed. For those who credit Shoji Kawamori with being the One-True-God-of-Macross...not so fast. Mikimoto is the one responsible for most, if not all of the character designs for both the TV series, DYRL and Flashback 2012. He refined many of his main characters for DYRL (compare the two Minmays and you'll definitely see a maturing of artistic style) and further tweaked them for Flashback. Flashback Hikaru looks like a completely different character altogether and a thirtysomething Minmay remembering her "heyday" as a galactic pop princess gives her an edge she never had before. But that whole scene was surreal anyway. There was "older" Minmay leaving aboard the Megaroad...while "younger" Minmay was watching the ship leave orbit with the crowds of people. And to thoroughly confuse the viewer...older Minmay waves goodbye to young Minmay. Years later I understood that it was supposed to be a metaphor for Minmay saying goodbye to her young immature self and accepting her role as "savior of humanity," but at the time, it was just strange to watch. But I digress...
  12. Its basically everything you need to know about DYRL...and then about 300 things you never really thought to ask. Everything from mechanical designs showcasing how the Valkyries, SDF-1, Zentraedi, Meltrandi, etc. were "updated" into their motion picture versions...to very nice character redesigns that are subtle, but actually make you take notice (Misa's hairstyle is completely different in DYRL than in SDFM, for example)...and some redesigns that smack you in the face like an angry pimp (Britai and Exedol, for example). As I have mentioned in the "1/2000 DYRL Macross" thread, the pre-crash Meltran Destroyer that eventually becomes the DYRL version of the SDF-1 is showcased, but was never actually shown in the movie. Max is shown in his "macronized" state (40-odd feet tall) wearing what appears to be a Meltran dress uniform and cloak instead of the Q-Rau flightsuit...er, no pun intended with the "dress" comment there. Squadrons stationed aboard the Macross are covered in the text, and its interesting that besides Skull, there was Angel, Apollo and Diamond (perhaps where Diamond Squadron came from in M7?). Oddly, there seems to be no mention of Vermillion in the DYRL book. I mean its just got line art out the wazoo! Its chock-full of stuff like that...completely useless information that, at the same time, plugs in answers where there were none from just watching the movie itself. lol Oh...and the first entire third of the book is nearly a cel-by-cel full-color print of the movie itself...I kid you not. Over the years, I've had Japanese friends teach me what they could here and there to read SOME Japanese, but let's face it...I'm not exactly the Rosetta Stone when it comes to translating the Gold Book. So as a result, I continue to learn new stuff about DYRL from this book, and I've had the damned thing since 1988! But that's one of the things that keeps the book fresh for me IMHO. If you're thinking of snagging a Gold Book, be warned that the average price for one in decent condition can cost anywhere from $200 to $500, depending on how scrupulous or greedy the seller is. But is is worth it? You betcha! The book hasn't been in print in nearly 2 decades, and will probably never see a reprinting...so its actually a little piece of Macross history in that respect.
  13. Don't worry. Yamato isn't planning to drop this monster (not to be confused with the Monster Mk II) until around this time next year. So clear your schedule and bank account for Q1 of 2010. There hasn't been any new information pertaining to the MSRP---last rumor was 50,000 Yen. The good news is that, as of 3:30pm EST today (March 11, 2009), the currency exhange between the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen is 1 USD = 97.3826 JPY. This has lowered the price to $513.44...down from $535 the week Yamato announced the SDF-1's release. The bad news is that its STILL over $500! lol
  14. It depends which WAVE SDF-1 you're shopping around for. If you've done your research, then you already know that there are two versions of it. The "original" sports a slightly metallic paint scheme with a gunmetal blue color on the main body, main cannon booms, ARMDs, shoulders and the front and back of the legs; and everything else molded in dark gray. These tend to be slightly cheaper at around $90 to $120, depending on the seller. This is the version that I own, and honestly, I don't mind the color scheme. Back last Fall, WAVE rereleased the SDF-1 in a more "movie-accurate" paint scheme. This version features a truer light gray/dark gray color scheme that is done in a matte finish and also has more details such as tampo-stamped "hull panels" scattered across the hull. This particular version tends to be the more expensive one, with a price range of $150 to $300, depending on the seller. Aside from the new paint scheme, there are no new improvements made over the original. Its nothing more than a repaint. Honestly, if you're willing to shell out $300+ for an SDF-1, hold out for Yamato's 2-foot-long DYRL SDF-1. Right now, its suggested MRP is around $535, but if the world economy continues to improve---at least the Dollar/Yen conversion---then it may actually end up being cheaper.
  15. I will however say that if there is anyone who owns a Q-Rau and doesn't particular like it, particularly the blue Max version, and would be willing to part with it, PM me!
  16. I have all kinds of original Mikimoto lineart of her in my DYRL Gold Book, but unfortunately I don't have a scanner. Someone else with a good scanner may be kind enough to indulge you, though...
  17. ...and a kickin' sound system to blare the opening theme as the SDF-1 slowly lumbers out of the shadows!
  18. As I stated before, Yamato's penchant for after-market add-ons is what would potentially sour me on getting a 1/60 Glaug or Regult. It would be done exactly like the current Valkyries. First, you'd get the basic battlepods for $90 to $100. 3 to 6 months later, we'd get the $80 "Regult Armament Pack" that would allow you to make the various other versions of the Regult. This pack would include the two different missile launcher systems with removable missiles or opening armor panels.; and possibly a snap-on front faceplate and ELINT gear to make the Scout pod. This would then tempt many collectors to quadruple their Regult collections so they could have one of each version. That would then be followed by a $120 "Glaug Booster Sled Pack" that turns the Glaug into a space fighter. Now, while Yamato is marketing these add-on packs, it will simultaneous release a "Kamjin Perfect Memory Glaug" that comes with the aforementioned booster sled, special paint scheme, and a non-articulated Kamjin figure...for $200. The Regult would also get the "deluxe" treatment by being sold with all of the Armament Pack accessories as well...just like how the VF-1J comes with Fast Packs. And boom...suddenly Yamato has saturated the market with TECHNICALLY 4 different versions of only two Zentran mecha practically overnight. That's understandable. Its maximizing the potential of a single mold. Hell, look at the rainbow of repaints of the Jedi Starfighter from Ep. III that Hasbro has cranked out over the last 3 years. Its the same concept. A year later, both of these mecha will then be given the "weathered special" paint scheme and have a $500 price tag slapped on them. ...and half of us here on MW will be posting "JUST PREORDERED TWO OF EACH!" lol At least this is the formula Yamato's been using for releasing various incarnations of the Valkyries over the years...
  19. I do remember reading someplace (maybe the Gold Book?) that the Protoculture not only had the Factory Satellites, but also had entire Manufacturing Planets that built the larger aspects of any given Zentraedi/Meltrandi fleet (like the Boldolzur and Lap Lamiz mega-ships and Vhrlitwai Adoclass Command Ships). Apparently these planet-sized manufacturing facilities are also responsible for cranking out the satellite factories too. If that be the case, it's not out of the realm of believability that a factory satellite could be roughly as large as our moon. As far as I know, no one's ever said if these are Earth-sized manufacturing planets. As far as resources go, since Kawamori went the route of using DYRL designs with TV storyline in Macross F, I've always wondered about Zentran/Meltran technology. By all appearances, the Zentraedi and Meltrandi use a heavy amount of what looks like a fusion of biotechnology and cybernetics. DYRL/Macross F-era Zentran ships look like organic sea creatures with internal structures resembling muscle tissue. Bodolzure himself was little more than a head in a jar with dozens of cybernetic links hooked to him. His "arms" were massive versions of the same tentacle-like arms that Exedole has, and even featured "hands" that, again, resemble slabs of exposed muscle. Britai (and all other clones like him) all have the cybernetic eyepiece and weird bio-wiring at the rear base of the neck. The Meltrandi ships all look like they're roughly chisled out of stone instead of forged metal and Lap Lamiz is little more than a head atop a membrane filled with some sort of foggy gas. The resources used then seem to be "grown" instead of mined from a planet's crust like we would normally do in building starships. But no matter how much we debate things like this, we'll probably never get straight answers...just like what happened to Megaroad-01...because it seems as time goes on (and new series are added to the mix), definitive information is becoming more and more fluid instead of a fixed set of numbers.
  20. OR... It COULD be a simple case of a second, completely new bridge tower was placed atop the ship...based on schematics culled from the destroyer's computer systems. It resembles the original in overall shape, but just rescaled slightly smaller for human (miclone) use. I just find it strange that this ship was nearly as big as a Megaroad Class before it was rebuilt. Of course, the reality of the whole argument could be that the Gold Book simply has a misprint...lol
  21. I was going to point out something earlier that 505th's scan clearly shows... Originally, the ASS-1 Meltran Destroyer measured 1500 meters in length. After being rebuilt and rechristened SDF-1, it measured 1200 meters. Somewhere along the way, 300m either got sheered off in the crash or was refitted into a smaller ship. Go figure...
  22. IIRC, none of the DYRL Meltran ships were ever made into models, toys, or anything else. According to the Gold Book, the ASS-1 was never animated, but was included as a reference to what it originally looked like prior to being rebuilt. Now MY question is...if this is a class of Meltran ship, where are others like it? Modern Meltran ships are covered quite in depth, but its suggested that the Meltran Destroyer might be an older model of ship class...and subsequently is not included in the ships of the line that appear in DYRL. Considering that Zentran/Meltran ships are in service for literally hundreds of thousands of years (Bodolzer states that he, as a ship, has been in service for over 150,000 cycles), new ship classes obviously aren't introduced at any kind of rapid pace by the satellite factories or factory planets. This may suggest that the SDF-1 is rebuilt from a ship that was in service back when the Protoculture were at the height of their galactic empire. The only resource I know of that actually shows the ASS-1 is what is now called the "Gold Book." This is a hardcover Perfect Memory book that was released back in the summer of 1984 when DYRL was released in theaters. It's been out of print for about 20 years and those that you can find on eBay will run you anywhere from $200 to $500, depending on what condition its in. I got mine from a comic shop back in the late 80s for $100, and have kept it in relatively good condition since then. The pic of the ASS-1 I used here on the forums is courtesy of the Macross Mecha Manual fansite.
  23. LOL...I meant relatively speaking when compared to a 2-foot-long version which will probably have many more minute moving parts to it in spite of the SDF-1's straightforward transformation sequence. I wasn't trying to make it sound like the WAVE is akin to a Transformer with Level 1 difficulty.
  24. Correct. They were basically Elintseeker VF-11Ds that were retrofitted for KISS...
  25. I've started looking at the WAVE SDF-1 as the DYRL version of the old die-cast non-transformable Takatoku/Matchbox SDF-1 and the Yamato version as the new answer to the Takatoku 1/3000 version. So that said, I actually like having a smaller "desktop" version that I can just grab and transform anytime I like. The Yamato SDF-1 will be used for more of a "centerpiece" of a lot of collections where it will most likely be displayed in one mode or the other...only to be transformed maybe once or twice a year otherwise...
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