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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. ahh...MiG-29....I am sure the one in M0 is a MiG-29 Fulcrum A version. The Hase kit looks a repackaged version of the Fanborough airshow bird that appeared in the early 90s. Dave Hintgen should now about overall kit accuracy but i think it is the correct version with the correct payload.
  2. How bout the familiar ace pilot.
  3. Ok...color scheme time. Too bad it lacks panel lines.
  4. Thanks Joseph I use Paint Shop Pro 7 for this one. Sometimes i use photoshop but i not very good with it. I am now attempting to paint an improve version. Do you know how to add highlights ?
  5. Its mostly guesswork as i am no expert but tell me what you folks think ?
  6. Macross RPG Community seems to be the most stable and consistent site around nowadays. If you don't know about it please give it a try. www.macrossrpg.com
  7. Where did you get that info from? Andy Bush who is a former USAF A-10 pilot mentioned that to me. I also have a pic of an USAFE A-10 pilot in green head gear. And don't forget USAF pilots in Vietnam also had green/khaki tape on their boredom helmets. Should i scan a pic ?
  8. USAF A-10A pilots use to wear green HGU-33 helmets in the 80s. Navy pilots in the gulf and balkans also had camoflauge helmets.
  9. How big is that thing ? Looks like it will only fit me when i was 10.
  10. Jedi Knight If you can provide bigger or higher resolution scans even better. Especially the VF-19S...its very hard to make up some of the panel lines. Looks like i will have to trace the VF-19S but the VF-2 should be not so hard. Yes i will give credit to you for supplying the scans and will rpovide templates for your own color schemes if you want.
  11. Else Just do the Iron Eagle "play music, rock & roll" trick...you will never get hit.
  12. Take a careful look at the contains of this links be sure to spot any links to blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...t=513;hl=blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...5;t=1;hl=blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...t=362;hl=blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...t=360;hl=blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...=1261;hl=blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...=1236;hl=blanks http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...t=958;hl=blanks Else ok...i suggest you do a search in the old forums Type in "blanks" hightlight fanworks and be sure to set this month and older below.
  13. John Don't forget the Lancer space fighter. It can be found at Nanashi's.
  14. Jedi Knight Can you scan them and post them here ? Thanks
  15. Sorry i miss the post Here is the link for the text http://macrossmilcomnet.net/vf4.htm & here for the schemes http://www.macrossmilcomnet.net/squadrons3.htm You can see a C model here. So what did they call the Commander version ?-->VF-4S ?
  16. I have no reference that indicate any significant differences between VF-1A, J and S types other than a different head. I know J and S types may have better avionics and targeting computers but it does not make them more agile or less well armoured ? Anyway Robotech seems to interpret this different...at least in the game Battlecry: VF-1A Statistics Armor: 5 Speed: 4 Maneuverability: 4 Missiles: 4 Targeting: 4 VF-1J Statistics Armor: 4 Speed: 4 Maneuverability: 6 Missiles: 5 Targeting: 4 VF-1S Statistics Armor: 3 Speed: 5 Maneuverability: 7 Missiles: 5 Targeting: 5
  17. I will take the trouble Maybe they really did repaint a Max VF-1D just for the occasion after all he is their darling ace pilot.
  18. John hmmmm.....i think i know where to get a good sideview drawing of the VF-19S clipped wing Excalibur. Did a check on the macross 7 model section for the bandai 1/100 VF-19S. Now you must get someone who has the insturctions to give a nice large high quality scan of the color guide.
  19. Did they change the head ?I though the VF-1D had 2 head lasers like the 1J. But it does seem like the single seat VF-1 chestplate as mention by gundamhead.
  20. John Busasha Looking good....glad you were able to find the VF-19 and VF-22. Actually the VF-11 sideview is supposed to be that of a VF-11B, the A model had a shorter anti-aircraft laser. VF-0S actually since that is Roy's version. yup....the YF-19 was very similar to the VF-19A series. But the second generation VF-19s(F, P, S) are very different indeed. I doubt there are any proper drawings for sideview outthere. Now we need to look for the VF-9 Cutlass II btw may i ask how did you get them to match in the correct size ?
  21. I wished the animators had taken the time to redo the cockpit scene rather than come up with a ridiculuos explanation like F-14A+ Kai crap. Anyway how does soft overtechnology actually improve an existing design ?I don't any improvements besides the use of more advanced flightsuits ....perhaps it allows for structural upgrades, lighter materials, better targeting computer.etc
  22. Virginroad Max1J What is the role of the virginroad VF-1D ?I though its suppose to be nothing more than a wedding limo so why carry a gunpod ? And if they(Max & Milia) are getting tied why not have a combination of red and blue on the valk ? Do you think they dispense with the standard practice of painting PL-Max Jenius and PL- Milia Jenius on the canopy with Groom- Max and Wife-Milia(haha just kidding)
  23. I think this is the VF-0 you looking for. Found it while checking around www.1999.co.jp
  24. I think this is the VF-0 you looking for. Found it while checking around www.1999.co.jp
  25. Does this answer the question
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