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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. ooppss my bad...i was too focus on the head.
  2. Is that some kind of Varuata valk ? What model is it ?
  3. I use Photoshop...it allows working with layers. Background is something i found at a Halloween website.
  4. How bout the M7 CFs ?
  5. Here's my go: I still can't master the shading effects so i have to leave it out maybe next time
  6. VF-11B vs VF-11C But all visible external difference are limited to the fast packs and gun pod right ? So all Macross 7 VF-11's are of the C version and all Macross + VF-11s are Bs. From the conpendium: VF-11B: Standard UN Spacy version, circa 2040. Lengthened barrel on the head anti-aircraft laser and redesigned single-visor sensor system. VF-11C: Upgraded version of the VF-11B, featuring enhanced communication/navigation systems. Fleet-wide upgrade of all VF-11B fighters to VF-11C versions begun in 2040.
  7. Nied I think the the only visible difference between the C and B variants are the fastpacks ? The C has square nozzles. Go ahead and make the C fastpack fighter. btw Don't worry about the size...i think its actually better to be larger to begin with as most of us scale it down later.
  8. Nied that blank is really good very clean. May i suggest you make the black bands around the forward fuselage clean as well so we can choose a color other than black ? VF-11D ?Is that a 2 seater ?!wow..looking forward to it.
  9. Collecting the blank valkgirls now!
  10. Thanks Jeff i will definitely try it.
  11. Jeff How do you add the shadow and lighting effects ?
  12. The Angel Birds are a great one. The name sound ok to me. Maybe in Japan people generally want the mainstream colors like Hikaru, Roy, CF and the like but i think someday Yamato will come to it(as Hasegawa did)
  13. Stories CAN be changed just look at Macross Zero and the mess it did when they introduced the VF-0. Now how are they going to fit that with the old VF-1 development story ? Imagine a sequel where we see Hikaru and his new Skull Squadron battling in their VF-4A/B Lightning IIIs ...maybe he sempei a new ace pilot as well taking the role of Roy. Maybe the selfish kaifun joins the anti-UN Minmay trying to kill Misa because what jealous.
  14. Maybe it is shoot and shout ?Its the ending song for VFX-2 and perhaps the only other song in the CD beside Get Free.
  15. It would be nice if someone can create a better even cleaner larger version. I'm still new at these things. For the newbies: A way you can use the blanks in Adobe Photoshop 6/7 is to use the channels to separate the black lines. First click on the channel tab, then hit the small dotted circle icon at the bottom of the window(the first one?) The select inverse in the selection. Next click the layers tab and add a new layer. Sure a dark color(black) and with the flood fill tool click on the canvas. Hit Deselect. Whola! you got yourself started. Sorry if it sounds too layman like but i am still new to these terms and still learning as i go.
  16. Dna The Pukin Dogs are a real life squadron. The logo of the winged creature is no dog but rather a mythical beast(?) known as a Grpyon/Griffin. You can read some history of the Pukin Dogs here http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-squadron-vf143.htm Jeff I though you never ask. The image has been around at nanashi's for ages now...its the one at the valk size comparisons page. Its not on par with the VF-4 blanks or those based on the hasegawa VF-1 kits but at least is there. I added some detail for the tail though othervise it looks too barren.
  17. The suits look kinda freaky if you ask me http://unsd.macrossrpg.com/uniforms.php See bottom btw how did Miho Miho get an appearence in the VFX Valhalla III ship ?
  18. The cult of Thunderbolt will not let this thread die Description: SVF-143 was one of several UN Navy fighter squadrons deployed to space with the UN Spacy. This example here was piloted by the DO Lcdr Valentine Vargas was embarked on the strike carrier UNS Enterprise.
  19. ooppss my bad..try this link http://unspacy.msyte.com/images/blanks/blanks.htm
  20. Just wondering what is age of macross fans out there nowadays ? I feel most are in their late 20s and early 30s. I am 22.
  21. Yes...it wouldn't have been called VF othervise.
  22. hi there... How bout black with red trim or low-vis two-tone grey ?Its up to you actually You mean blank profiles like the one in this link ?See bottom of page.
  23. This is the one done by Takazora but the patterns are different. See the purple.
  24. Don't mean to kick sand on your work but that purple color isn't right...its suppose to be something of a light blue. This one looks more like something done by the artist K.Takazora but the pattern follows the Hase kit.
  25. Aegis Focker flew VF-11Bs and later on the VF-19A(you can tell from one of the stills). In one of the later missions after a long dogfight he managed to dispatch Commander Garland's VF-22 although the latter was equipped with a jammer device so its still up to pilot ability. You put duds in VF-22s and they become cannon fodder as well. Besides the high cost of production for the VF-22 means far fewer can be produce and not to mention the higher maintenance and support needed. If it not for the "i cannot be killed complex" of Max and Milia even the pair of VF-22s will be overwhelm by the much larger force of FZ-109s. I think a high/low mix of VF-19s and 22s backed up by lots of AIF-7B Ghost drones offer the better option.
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