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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Jeff 1. I don't understand the first step "panel lines". Is this part dealing with the weathering ? I selected the background but can only color the white and not the lines... 2. You mention a grey with 215 for each RGB but what is a luminosity of -85 ?How is this done ? Sorry had to ask. Thanks.
  2. That blue and yellow chevron below the UN kite logo...isn't it the Diamond force logo ?
  3. Thanks Jeff...that was really helpful as i am still struggling with the shading part.
  4. I like Graham's idea of a post 2012 scenario too but hopefully without involving any of the original characters. A VFX-2 based series woud be nice also...where we can see the nephew(?) of the great Roy Focker eventually rise up against corruption in the UN. Post 2050 what can Valks are we going to expect ?Shinsei Industries have strong footing with their successful VF-19 series while General Galaxy continues to fulfill spec ops VF requirements. Something from Northrom perhaps ?
  5. Graham nails right on the head. But if you remember the game VFX-1 fighter mode is almost useless besides allowing for faster transportation.
  6. Try the gimp(spl?). Its a free software said to be "similar" to Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop. Here is the link www.gimp.org/
  7. Pilot's tactical callsign(Killer, Boots, etc) weren't that popular when Macross was made. The movie Topgun actually caused the boom in the callsign crazed. Then pilot more commonly starting spotting callsigns. This is an explanation given to me by a former fighter jock at simhq.
  8. This is one of the squadron of the MRC. The Cobra logo is actually inspired by a popular comic. The description is authored by Cobalt. Description: The SVFA-88 "Cobras" Space Warfare speacilist squadron fly their Nightmares and Sturmvogel IIs out of the Macross 15. A black sheep squadron with a history of creative reinterpretation of their orders and as many reprimands as commendations, Cobra Squadron has reputation for doing the impossible and surviving no matter what the odds.
  9. Here's the blank
  10. The F70 was intended as a modern F28 replacement too bad Fockker folded b4 they could be produced in significant numbers.
  11. I'll let you guys start first though as i am going to bed.
  12. I think the only reason to use the older TV style arrangement would be its the only one available before the upgrade was introduced. Isn't the DYRL HUD displayed directly to the canopy without the use of a combiner glass like the current fighters of today.
  13. No..its quite relevant actually for comparison purposes. Or you can even say its the block 6 or later machines. the DYRL style controls is more of evolution of the original design. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...s/variable/vf1/
  14. DYRL is a movie and uses upgraded VF-1X Valkyries as stand ins for the out of service original A, J and S. Original had the center stick and glass HUD right ? The F-16 had a sidestick because the pilot is seating on a more reclined ejection seat than those of previos fighters. This is suppose to allow them to sustain more Gs although i see no real purpose for this in macross except for the cool factor i guess.
  15. It is Focker not Fokker. If it is inspired by the Fokker aircraft company then how bout Focke-Wulf ?
  16. No one seems to like the Vampire either. I guess its the feel good i have the uber VF-22 or VF-19 or first love VF-1 that makes these polls end up as it is.
  17. I found some mention of the VF-11MAXL taking wings and engines from the VF-16(now how does that look like ?) here http://www.steelfalcon.com/Macross/vf11kai.shtml but i guess i should have trusted the compendium more. I hope the none-kai MAXL avoids the boops.
  18. yep....there are many variants of VF-11 that are yet unseen. VF-11D trainer and the short head lasered VF-11A. I don't count the VF-11MAXL kai though as it is based on the unseen VF-16. We have also not seen any wing mounted ordnance carried but the leg mounted launchers seem to small to accomodate too many weapons.
  19. With the exception of the VF-1...you guys are all uber VF-22/YF-21 and VF/YF-19 I hate the bubble above the canopy thing which makes it look silly. The VF-17 is way better looking. Anyway my favourites are VF-11, VF-5000, VF-4 and VF-9 Cutlass definitely the most slick looking ones beside the VF-1.
  20. I have a cat too and he likes to rub his head and shoulders around things in the house. Luckily he doesn't do his marking there ....wouldn't wanna fill up the valk cockpit
  21. There should be at least some difference if your VF-1 is fastpack equipped.
  22. VF-3000 Crusader... abit lacking in detail though
  23. Thanks Jeff! If there is one thing i dislike about the VF-9 is the tail placement of the UN Logo as seen on M3. Now where to relocate it ? Anyone wanna try make blanks for the VF-3000 ?
  24. White Drew Carey Do you have a bigger version ?Would love to try some camo schemes.
  25. That's cool...where did you get the sideview ? Is it this one :
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