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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. That site is wonderful...finally someone giving the Zentrans the recognition they so rightfully deserve. P.s there is even an illustration of Milia in underwear.
  2. Why not have the full-color version yes ?! Hope you guys enjoy this one.
  3. Club-M ? I would love a recast of the VF-11B though
  4. I felt my prev Black Aces was rather bland so i added some more decals.
  5. Here is one of my favourite squadrons from VFX-2. A little background info: SVF-41 is a veteran VF-11 squadron recently upgraded to the new VF-11C-Kai standard. Due to the squadron often deployed for operation in atmospheric enviroments the low-vis scheme was adopted for some of its fighters. The unit deploys aboard the B.J.Gloval.
  6. Too bad the Tomcats were never given AMRAAM capability. and i think the jigs were destroyed. Blame Dick**** Cheney for this. Perhaps this is an accurate sign of things to come the do-it-all not so super-duper-hornet http://www.arcair5.com/Gal2/1001-1100/Gal1...rts/gal1027.htm Nice article though
  7. This movie is one of my favourites...far more realistic than say Top Gun. They even use the Jolly Rogers' callsign accurately "Victory". @coota Isn't using Phoenixs a bit of an overkill ?1 Phoenix could probably buy dozens of Zero-Sens. Sidewinders and the M61A1 alrady more than adequate to deal with them. @Dave Hintgen Weren't the Tomcats of that era(70s) using earlier Sidewinders like AIM-9D, G and H models instead of the L ?
  8. VFX-2 is a good place to start for the civil war stuff
  9. wow.....that looks simply awesome TWDC. Maybe i am feeling lazy here but Is it possible to have the PSD files(shades, weathering, decals) minus the colors available for download ?
  10. Hasegawa detail vs canon material i guess. If you look at the instruction sheet you see the decals are slightly tilted as well. I prefer the original lineart than the Hase one so looks like its tracing all over again.
  11. That has to be crazy canuck!!!To bad the site is down for a while already. I saved some of his images though but they are bitmaps so i can't post eem here coz bmps are not permitted. PM me if you need them.
  12. Jeff Is this what u r lookin for ?I found it some time ago in the old boards. Too bad i can't find any for J and S types.
  13. I load my VFX-1 game again and it seems the VF-19A uses the same scheme as the YF-19 of Mac+ fame. Btw....isn't the VF-19P Zolan model similar to the VF-19A....maybe Hasegawa will release a minimum change kit of it ?
  14. I think the A-7 Corsairs(when they were still in service) have carried their drop tanks on the outermost pylons.
  15. Amazing work !!You really gave the kit a breath of life. The VF-19A from VFX-2 has very little decals compared with the amazing Hase kit. Only the 91 and the UN kit logo i think. btw 1. Are there any difference between the VF-19A and YF-19 kits beside the decal sheet ? 2. How much bigger is the VF-19 compared to your VF-1J ?
  16. The Hasegawa Angel Birds kit actually got the No 6 for the VF-1D. The instruction sez "Reserve VF-1D" How the decal is applied i m not so sure.
  17. Thanks all @Jeff Thanks for the tip...yeah that area with the America CVN is in need of a bit of distortion(will try). And you are STILL the master i have much to learn..yes.
  18. Trying out high visibility colors Updated to newest version.
  19. Imagine this whaf-if
  20. Hope they don't give him a skinhead
  21. Had an F-16C taken down during a trip to canada. 88-0357. Taken down by pelicans in the intake and through the canopy glass. Pilot landed in a tree and only bruised his arm. Back to topic, the VF-22's nosecone is my pick. I saw the craziest thing on tv one night. I believe it was shock tv. This plane was on the deck of a carrier preparing for takeoff and a crew member got sucked up into the turbin. The turbin just spit him out the other side. Crazy I tell you. As for favorite nose cone. I vote for the VF-11. Its got that bird of prey look to it. It almost looks like a beak. The guy who got sucked in the "carrier plane"..did he survive ?
  22. Why not get a used one http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...3119011-3191834 or try the gimp www.gimp.org
  23. I might be confused but there is a Revell 1/48 kit of the F-22 that has US flag markings on the nose.
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