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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. The clear plastic ones seem to be limited editions with different decals. If you wanna paint them then buy the white plastics ones else you wanna nice crystal Valk get the clear plastic ones.
  2. hey newca Thanks for the info. BTW i do not own the macross fan creations , i am just a member there under the name vf11forever. The MFC belongs to yellowlightman.
  3. Hey newCA Is that Tomcat kit Hasegawa ? And where can i find that Nanchang 1/48 ?
  4. wow...these look awesome! Please give us more pictures of the Cats Eye....from every angle ala WMcheng, and a size comparison with the VF-1.
  5. That Angel Bird's scheme is awesome...only gripe i have is the red VF-1 silhouette behind the "Angel Birds" logo.
  6. What is Gamma ? Is it the name of the SV-51(R?) ?
  7. Strange.....the Yellow painted kit is supposed to be the VF-22S and the black and white one is the YF-21 not VF-22A
  8. What other colors can i use for one of these ?
  9. IIRC the VF-5000G Zolan model appeared in mD7. The VF-5000B model which i prefer appeared in the Macross Plus movie edition PS game and the special edition VFX-2 disc. A 1/48 or 1/72 fighter mode kit would be nice.
  10. emmm..strange i never had that problem....have you made sure you didn't accidentally map 2 functions under the same button ?
  11. Nope....the game chooses for you.
  12. Remember the movie Interceptor(Prochnow, Divoff)...i think it had one the the Nighthawks painted in a splinter scheme.
  13. Actually VFX-2 does have a forward view but you need to enable it. Go to the screen where you can customise the controls and set the forward view to ENABLE.
  14. hmmm.....i am OK with both the SDF and DYRL uniforms...just that why isn't everyone in the same colors like everyone from Skull squadron should have a yellow color on them. The strange "mechanical-looking" suits in VFX-2 i think are really cool and original. ...as for the ships crew/bridge bunnies whatever...i think they should wear more "warlike" attire kinda like the ones in SeaQuest DSV(just like how crews in submarines wear) or even Babylon 5...not some colorful marching day decorative types.
  15. Since i have no time to invest at the moment anyone wanna try color this one ?
  16. You guys gotta love this one. Inspired by Nied's VF-4 here.
  17. 1) 1/48 or 1/72 VF-11 or VF-5000 2) 1/48 Fan Racer 3) Any of the Zentranedi Green Cucumber ships in reasonable scale 4) F-203 Dragon II 5) Cats Eye
  18. Wonder how well Marine valks weather in a warzone without any touch-up to the paint job ?
  19. Nied's profile seems to be based on these sets but for my color profiles i added some detail like rudder based on the Club M kit. Hope this helps
  20. hmmm....all the 1/60 valks look weird to me due to some production limitations so i guess 1/48 would give a more accurate looking valk. Besides the VF-0 is not much BIGGER than the VF-1 like some people put it.
  21. Roy Focker, Isao Ohta, Nobita, Yellow Belmont, Cyclonus
  22. Something less military and very clean looking i bring you the
  23. 3 more coming then we move to a different subject
  24. Is the carrier name nice ? Taiho...Great Phoenix like the squadron itself rising from the ashes.
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