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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Kin...that was awesome. Do you have that song Love speak in cosmic waves and the song yellow sang when Stick(and the rest) destroyed the Invid hive in New York ?
  2. Maybe the final version of the F-35 would look different from the ones flying now just like how YF-22 looked so different from the final F/A-22A Raptor. Maybe bigger to carry all that junk inside to maintain stealth.
  3. The Bug would be most likely inferior in terms of payload, range, sensors and i prefer side by side seating for a striker rather than tandem. A-6F is a bombtruck. And probably make a better tanker than both Superbug and S-3 Viking The Bug would be better able to defend itself although it might need to dump its ordnance before taking on anything more than a cropduster.
  4. My guess is he is flying either the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior, Black Hawk or CH-47.
  5. And Max's promotions ended there or he really commanded the Macross while holding the rank of Captain(O-3) ?
  6. Has an uncanny resemblance to the Mitsubishi F-2 operated by the APW at Gifu. Loved the deck launching box art. Maybe it will appear in the final episode or maybe just Hasegawa's fanwork just like the undercarriage of the SV-51r
  7. 2500th VF-1 constructed by Stonewell-Bellcom/Shinnikasu(spl?)
  8. And i thought it was some paveway like smart bomb deployed by UN Spacy fighters.
  9. Sad day indeed. Perhaps even the E-2s will be replaced by some AEW Super Bug. They already done that to the S-3. Then finally all the helos will get replaced by a VTOL version of the Hornet.
  10. The showboat Isamu and Hikaru would get their ass kicked, Only Max is good enough to fight someone equal or better than Roy.
  11. Why no one mentions the Chengdu J-10 "Lavi" and how it compares with Gripen, EF2000, F-18 and the like. Maybe Dave and others would like to comment.
  12. That's right the Mitsubishi F-2(FSX) is an F-16 derivative powered by the GE engine procured for the fighter support role and anti-shipping. It has a redesign canopy, full digital cockpit displays with digital backup displays and larger composite 'plastic' wings. Japan actually tested canards on a Mitsubishi F-1 and certainly have the technology to do so. The US refused to give Japan access to the FBW source codes so MHI had to come up with their own which delayed the project and balloned the cost. To save cost they deleted the intake mounted canards thus losing some but not all CCV capability. I won't say it has worsed avionics but it is certainly more than adequate for the job the F-2 does. Although the will get one of the most powerful F-16 engines it actually has a slightly worst power to weight ratio. Hasegawa has actually released great kits on this F-2 but they seem a little hard to find.
  13. Those Conquest fighters did a good job against Rattlers Seriously though the X-29 is like a F-20A Tigershark with FSW. I believe it will make a great close-in fighter. AV-8 which model ? A,C or B.....in a dogfight maybe the AV-8B because of the JSF rear blindness
  14. Dave I was looking at AC4's F-15C ACTIVE. Was wondering how practical it is to have the canards mounted without having to relocate the gun ? I notice the real active test plane are 2 seaters with F-15E style cockpit and they have no gun.
  15. I hope David will step in to answer this one but FAE(Fuel Air Explosive) bombs are generally a type of napalm. CBU-52/71/71A are examples of US small size FAEs. These create a small mushroom cloud when dropped. Daisy Cutters Apart from the huge one drop by the C-130s, the USAF also deployed conventional bombs(Mk82/83) with a fuse extender and reffered to them as daisy cutters. Used alot during the Vietnam conflict as anti-personnel weapon. The long fuse allows them to explode above the ground.
  16. So who is gettin them ? The Austrians ?
  17. The F-20 still had the twin M39 guns(also used by the F-100) because it was a direct descendant of the F-5E. Perhaps a M61 installation could be made ala F-18 style but how large a drum could it carry ? I understand most F-5E operated by Singapore had 1 of the guns removed to make way for the Grifo radar.
  18. Dave Hintgen About the new Boeing AL-1A airborne laser was wondering whether the upper deck of the 747-400F is from the classic 747...it seems shorter than a passenger 747. Any ideas ? and way of of topic here but are there any kits out there of the 1969 Penguin Submarine with flippers ?
  19. Are you listing US planes only ? F-11 Tiger F-6 Skyray(Belated) F-111 Aardvark F-23 Black Widow F-19 Stealth Fighter F-29 Retaliator F-22 Lightning II or Raptor F-9 Panther or Cougar ? A-5 Vigilante
  20. Just out the link below folks, http://www.j-modellers.net/vf1.html
  21. They could probably lose the ejection seat, the landing gear and the gun...now would cut the 3000lbs.
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