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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Kin Is it possible to make different versions of the Legioss(namely the Houquet and Rey types) by just changing the head/adding the head laser ? btw i wonder are the wings are always anhedral in armofighter mode or are they adjustable for whatever reason.
  2. A-4R ? I though it was A-4AR Fightinghawk or something like that. Highly modified ex-USMC A-4M with APG-66 replacing the Hughes ARBS. A-4S RSAF Skyhawk Walkaround http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/AWA1...Lee/walk502.htm Info http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/singaporeskyhawksmy_1.htm
  3. Piranha was definitely not just a trainer.
  4. I didn't know that the Swiss had a advanced lightweight fighter too. Might have been comparable with Gripen and J-10.
  5. Just finish epiosde 12. Not much action in the last episode though. Somehow i prefer the original 1985 version more. Yoy don't get to see how Mickey gets his F-14 or Shin in his F-20 Tigershark. Wished they followed the manga though. Wished they hadn't gone for the stereotype good guys fly Western planes baddies the Russian stuff unlike the old series.
  6. Dave When did VFA-41/14 and the Nimitz switch over to the pacific fleet ?
  7. Old news but Hasegawa(not Fujimi) has released a special F-14A/F-8 Area88 DVD package. Interesting. I hope they make a Kitori(Mirage F1)/Kim(Harrier combo) but Hasegawa doesn't have a Harrier kit in that scale. Who is the old man with the eye patch who flies the Buccaneer ? And why Saki doesn't flies his Kfir like in the original series ?
  8. Very nice but she doesn't have that japanese look of Misa perhaps she can be Milia.
  9. Dave Which websites are best source for Harriers ? And what does the current configuration for the Kfir 2000/Nammer upgrade look like ? Can't seem to find much info behind the iron curtian.
  10. Oh i see then Anasazi and the other custom decal makers should be able to accomodate them Maybe next they will be forced to paint their jets pink or use some weird font for any lettering.
  11. Dave So why the E models get the nice paintjobs ? Just because so admiral comes from the single seat community ?
  12. I doubt a harrier can do more than mach 0.95 level..perhaps about mach 1 in a dive. Harriers have too much drag from those huge elephant ear intakes and gunpods, pylons and stuff. It also lacks reheat.
  13. Boxer I traced the lines on separate layers so if that any screwups can easily dealt with. To trace them basically i just use the path tool and the stroke path option with brush(define size, type). I haven't tried Illustrator myself so i can't comment on that. I think if you can create the lines on a white background(or have a scan lineart image) you can the photoshop channel to separate them. Check back to the first few pages on this thread to see how this is done.
  14. How bout a full set for this valk
  15. Nah....Nimitz never had VF-1 Wolfpack stationed aboard her during that period. Only VF-84 and VF-41 were embarked.
  16. Doesn't quite capture the look of the armo fighter mode...tail rudder too small...main gear too short. We need yamato to give us the perfect Legioss
  17. I heard the RAF EF2000 Typhoons would regain the gun they deleted in the first place but only as a ballast(without ammo) because the modification needed would increase the cost. So perhaps the older guns from Tornado would be installed. Starnge
  18. The J-10 series of fighter has the potential to be the MiG-21 of the 21st century. Has connection with the Lavi and using Russian and Chinese avionics the Vigorous Dragon will be the main multi-role fighter of the PLAAF and several other nations.
  19. Dave or anyone Is this Flanker a J-11B with WS-10 powerplant ? Nozzle design is definitely not AL-31F
  20. Boxer Thank you for your comments. Yes capital ships are an eventual possibility but i am not sure when i can ever get to these. I look the Neo-Glaug too but found it hard to obtain any good drawings. I use purely photoshop to create(trace) them.
  21. There is some talk in other forums about the Japanese planning to cut down on F-2 production and closing the lines at just 96 planes instead of 130. Too bad because the F-2 for all its shortcomings was one of the first planes to have an operational AESA radar and that composite wing. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/newse/20040808wo01.htm Yomiuri Shimbun The Defense Agency plans to discontinue procurement of the F-2 fighter within a few years, an agency source said Saturday. The plan, which is part of the review of the Air Self-Defense Forces' fighter units, will be incorporated into the new five-year Defense Buildup Program that is to be drawn up by the end of this year. The agency has concluded that the F-2 is the least cost-effective of all available options, making it necessary for the agency to procure an alternative aircraft. The F-2 was jointly developed by Japan and the United States, with Tokyo originally planning to deploy 130 of the aircraft. In a rare move for Japan, procurement will now cease well short of that number. The move comes after the Defense Agency decided to scrap its division of fighters into two categories--interceptors tasked with combating enemy aircraft, and fighter-bombers designed to attack land and sea targets. Instead, the agency plans to have future fighter aircraft assume various roles, including reconnaissance. Under the new defense plans, to be drawn up under the new National Defense Program Outline, the agency also intends to shift from the current three-model fighter system--the F-15, F-4, and F-2--to a two-model system. As the result of study made on the basis of these plans, the agency concluded that: -- The F-2 had become too expensive after development delays caused its unit price to rise from the originally projected 8 billion yen to about 12 billion yen, or about the same as the larger, more capable F-15. -- While the F-15 is being upgraded, there is little room to upgrade the F-2 with new equipment because of its smaller size. -- The F-2 can carry only a limited number of weapons. Based on these conclusions, the agency has decided to discontinue procurement of the F-2, but to make a rapid start on selecting an aircraft to succeed the F-4 fighter, which will reach the end of its service life in the near future, the source said. In 1995, the Security Council of Japan decided to buy 130 F-2 fighters--a decision approved by the government. So far, however, only 76 of the aircraft are either deployed or under construction. Next fiscal year, new contracts to purchase an additional 10 to 20 units will be made, marking the end of the procurement. The plan to introduce the F-2 was incorporated in the Defense Buildup Program of 1985, with the aircraft intended to succeed the domestically manufactured F-1 fighter. In selecting the model, Tokyo indicated it wanted a domestically developed aircraft, despite pressure from Washington to buy U.S.-made fighters to help cut Japan's trade surplus with the United States. In 1987, the Tokyo made a partial concession to Washington, agreeing to base the F-2 on the U.S.-made F-16 fighter.
  22. This mospeada series is awesome IMHO much better than "Waiting for Admiral Hunter" Robotechie version. My favourites episodes are the ones where they fought in New York, the one where they were trapped in some subway and thew final epiosde. The Dark Legios looks really cool. Too bad they aren't any perfect transformation toys of it.
  23. I have the fighter pod Gnerl in the drawing board. Perhaps the next one down the pipeline after i complete the VF-2SS SAP.
  24. I suppose i can complete the other views but it would be hard for me to do the VF-2JA Icarus or even non-sap VF-2SS as i don't have much reference apart from a model kit's instruction scan and some screencaptures of the show.
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