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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. I think the Mitsubishi F-2A/B is unofficially called Falcon-Zero. Its not right to compare the F-2 and F-16C in the strike role because they have totally diferent mission requirements. The F-2 specification called for an F-1 replacement for the Antiship role. The F-2 would be tasked with attacking landing ships and craft approaching japanese beaches. While the F-2 could carry more ordnance than the F-16C...its the F-16C that can carry a wider range of ordnace types. Also F-16C depending on avionic suite can perform Wild Weasel and Night Attack missions which i doubt the F-2 is equipped for. The production was set at 130 units but i guess following cancellation they would only get about 5-10 more units perhaps topping up at 95 aircraft ? In any case looks like 1 unit will get F-15J Kai instead. i doubt it got anything to do with cost otherwise they wouldn't have started production in the first place. The JASDF is obviously dissatified with the F-2's performance which is particularly underpowered. Also they are some sources indicating wing cracks and the aircraft not being adequate in terms of payload which ever you wanna believe. You think the japanese are proud they improved the F-16 ? Somehow i doubt it. They are some more colorful languaged critics out there is call it the "American Rapped Baby". Maybe the US pressured the weak japanese goverment to base the design on the F-16 as i recalled they could have made a strecthed Tornado ADV derivative. Politics suck.
  2. Hey guys Does anyone know of a toyline that has lots of small diecast jets, helos, tanks or other vehicles that can be based in some carrier vehicle or base. The were only 2 factions in the series. I think one side had their vehicles in a sand like color. The other one is greyish IIRC. Show was never aired BTW.
  3. Are you sure you wanna do that
  4. The Grumman X-29 is going to make an appearance in AC5 probably as a flyable. There are screenshots of it in the japanese AC5 website that show it being armed with Sidewinder AAMs in addition to the F-5 style M39 guns. Of course X-29 also made an apppearance in the Area 88 manga and Janes ATF series. I wonder how feasible is a production F-29A ? Are the wings strong enough to support the weight of all that stuff ?
  5. Dodo is a nice one. F-35 Swissknife F-35 Kiwi F-35 Accountant
  6. Well...The F-16E(XL) would eventually be made for export so you would expect the customers to demand some multirole capability like interception, airdefence.etc The prototype flew with 4 dummy slammers mounted comformally. Hence the XL doesn't have the dorsal fins From F16.net John G. Williams, lead engineer on the XL: "The XL is a marvelous airplane, but was a victim of the USAF wanting to continue to produce the F-15, which is understandable. Sometimes you win these political games, sometimes not. In most ways, the XL was superior to the F-15 as a ground attack airplane, but the F-15 was good enough." Besides said potential ability to supercruise the XL being a delta would have better low-level ride comfort and also easier to maintain. I don't have the figures for a production F-16XL E/F so its hard to come up with a reasonable power to wight ration comparison with the mudhen. Of course the FSD aircraft figures aren't that impressive. Namco's AC5 is going to feature the XL F version so i am definitely looking forward to this
  7. Remember the cranked delta F-16XL E and F Strike Falcons. How good are they in the fighter role ?And what if they had GE F101s instead of the PW F100 fitted ? How would these have compared with the supposedly inferior but good enough F-15E Mud Hen ?
  8. What did they talk about...transcripit please.
  9. Nah....they should chuck away the stealth carrier idea and just produced submarine aircraft carrier like in macross zero
  10. Boxer Feel free to post the templates here or ask for an account for yellowlightman. btw what prog are you using ?
  11. I don't think a black tail is gonna have any effect on the outcome of a battle...afetr all aren't most engagements BVR avraam and escape types...i don't think visual range combat is often as some people might think. And like DH indicated yes the fancy colors can aid indentification and prevent fracticide. Hint: IAF Kfir and Neshers.
  12. Maybe the space airforce uses VFs, controls the the satelite defence network and posses AMRD platforms ? But then i though that is the role of the Spacy but oh well ask Egan Loo I think there is a UN Army just because it isn't listed as the UNA doesn't mean they don't exist.
  13. That mospeada Shinobu(the military reporter) used must be a Dark Bartley but i am not so sure. Anyone ? I though Bartleys are for females only but can they actually use Mospeadas or Blowsperiors ?
  14. Mint's birthday oh now that you mentioned it i think i watch that one. Not much action though but you get to see Jim flying. Strange how they get to launch so much hanabi despite the presence of the enemy
  15. Wow...that's huge. Almost as big as the 1/32 F-14. Looks like an early Su-27...russian AF markings only. Hmmm...there are some colorful schemes outhere like the Indonesian and China schemes.
  16. Kin I never seen that episode...where can i find it ?
  17. I *think* its called Ai No Koishi(Love Stone) you can find it in serverVii..its the 14th song on disc1
  18. Awesome work Kin Your legioss puts the MPC to shame. Love how you make armofighter mode look so well propportioned.
  19. The bloody pheyos pilot in VFX-2 is called Timothy Dalton!
  20. I agree with Graham there about the non-gundam MGs....should definitely have more patlabor and gasaraki types. btw i been thinking about the big zam. MGs being 1/100 scale would mean the Big Zam should be around 60cm tall which is quite small...but the big zam in the gundam PS game appear to be at least 5x larger than the gundam which is quite different.
  21. Any chance of bandai releasing a MG Big Zam....hey the sky's the limit
  22. well....that what i got from this website http://mospeada.gq.nu/photo3.html Refer to the ones label volume 1 and volume 2...... They match the ones in the imacross server.
  23. Just wondering that song Yellow sang in NY is called Stop! ? and the motorcycle freak called "Areno He" is Dead fields ? Strange
  24. I think the resemblance is just superficial but you gotta start somewhere. Maybe the chinese got help from the Israelis but no one is admitting though. Even their PL-8 AAM look suspiciously like the Python 3/4. The SH-5 and J-8II fighter are quite original designs. I don't think they resemble any plane in existance.
  25. ah...i see the typical western view of anything of non-us/european origin. While its true that china may have reverse engineered russian planes before The Chengdu J-10 is not a mere copy of the IAI Lavi. It uses the same basic concept(canard and delta) and maybe the chinese sought Israeli help but the J-10 is a completely new aircraft. The J-10 is not only as good as the Lavi it will be better being developed more than a decade later. The plane will get the new WS-10 engine replacing the AL-31 once that is ready. It will be the Mig-21 of the 21st century when they put in full production. Expect to see current users of the J-7 to buy this bird. My guess is it would be comparable to the Gripen in agility and better in terms of range and payload.
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