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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Great work Dobber I love the flanker-splinter camo SV-51 and the colorful VF-0A. It still makes me amaze that the VF-1 is dwarted by those large early VFs.
  2. ALL JAPAN PLAMODEL RADICON SHOW 2004 http://business1.plala.or.jp/plamodel/
  3. @Grayson72 It was a landing gear ? Didn't remember seeing them in the tv series. What can of panel lines does it have ? Perhaps you should do a review of the Dragon.
  4. Interesting marriage between the F-14A and Hawk SAM.
  5. Grayson how does the Dragon and Catseye kit look like ?
  6. David The AC2 F-15S is really a F-15S/MTD with wings and stabs from the ATF program. I didn't know that had such ambitious upgrades for the Ealge at one stage. And that AFDS F-15U Plus really is "RAMJET" from Transformers. So the idea was way back in the 80s ?
  7. David AFDS had fictional planes too like the Jerry Mouse, Vic Viper.etc Also the wings and stabs of the AC2 F-15 doesn't resemble any real F-15.
  8. @David Hintgen which version of the F-15 Active they used in AC2 ? They had stealth like stabs not seen on the actual plane. I always wondered how the guns work because of clearance problems with the F-18 stab size canards. Also i heard the XFA-27 is based on an actual stealth concept. Being a swing winger i wonder could it have been a contender for the NATF. @mikeszekely I am surprise someone mentioned Air Combat(AC1). That was the prehistoric grandfather of the series. Think you could fly only 10 planes and just a handful of missions. I have AC3 and think it has some of the freshest mission designs ever seen in a shooter. Enter Geofront was way too cool. In fact all the planes in AC3 are unmanned drones controlled by AI. The Aerozoa, Delphinus and Orcinus are seem to be named after marine animals and even have a seaquest like organic likeness. I actually though Delphinus 3 was cool and it had those plasma laser thingy. The Japan version allows you to fly the Remora and all other planes in different colors. You could play out different endings none of which really good in that version.
  9. Although i loved AC2 and the Scarface squadron after playing AC4 and then playing AC2 again it felt odd that ceiling height was so low and the planes stall so easily when you excedded the clouds.
  10. 51st Fighter Wing based at Osan is known as "Mustangs". I am sure there are others. Ever heard of a unit called the triple nickle ?
  11. David Don't they Osan based units spot a Mustang logo ?
  12. heh that's the show i am having trouble figuring out ...its been a long time. All i remember is that the Alien have grunts that wear suits which resemble the mask black rider.
  13. Yeah..it never entered service but neither did the F-23 Black Widow. I mean the F-16XL in the game is still a bombtruck. P.S Can you type more precisely...its hard to read your lines at times
  14. It is a MiG-31. You can tell by its tandem main landing gear. I wished they give the planes more realistic looking payloads though. I mean if its set in the future why not give the F-14s ACIMDs instead. I also hope they think out of the box and give the F-16XL guided weapons instead of just pure iron bombs. Picture ACIMD AIM-152.
  15. VF-14 is called Tophatters
  16. BAC TSR.2 http://www.thunder-and-lightnings.co.uk/tsr2/
  17. Seeing that TSR.2 making an appearance in AFDStrike how would you compare it with the Tornado MRCA ? Had it entered service imagine it flying low-level airfield attacks. For me TSR.2(F-108 and the Arrow) never had a chance to prove themselves in combat so often its operational shortcomings are overlooked. TSR.2 was more like a better F-105 than a F-111 equivalent being meant for the nuclear delivery role. The bombbays are quite large might carry some 7000lbs of stuff. Not sure if the wings can carry anything but drop tanks. Never liked the Mirage style air intakes of the design...would have prefered those seen on Tornado or F-15. btw there was even proposals to create an interceptor variant.
  18. I have a strange feeling that the B-52 would eventually outlast the B-1Bs. Isn't it better to just maintain the B-1 since the AF doesn't carpet bomb anymore. I wonder how is the Sewer Hornet better than the A-6E TRAM never mind the proposed A-6F. If you are hearing this from service personnel some of them mind be trying to protect their career advancement prospects. Sewer Hornet doesn't have the range or payload of the A-6. Mostly a PGM user anyway carrying a handful of stuff plus drop tanks for most mission profiles.
  19. The VF-0B has not appeared in any of the OVA so far hopefully we get to see it some time in the future. The unit with forward swept wings is the Ghostbird aerial drone.
  20. hmmm...the much older AF Delta Storm already inclkuded the I-2000! http://www.konamistudio.com/ad2/air.html
  21. I am beginning to have some interest in this game but i still hate the "Halo" like flight suits the pilots wear. Some aircraft i like such as the F-15U Plus, F4D-1, S-55, YAK-141 Japan and US Version seems to feature slightly different aircraft lineups. Il-10 Sturmovik for Spitfire ? X-32A for F/A-32
  22. Found the "live" version of the song Love Stone...really hard on the ears...sounds like yellow in labor.
  23. Time to start the Asran Mercenary Air Force
  24. VF-9, Dolza DYRL version, Soldier, VF-5000 StarMirage Fighter mode
  25. @kin Live Version of Love Stone ? @valk1j The pilot seems to sits upright. The don't look to be hanging from the straps.
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