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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Something i pick out of my old game manual for F-14 Fleet Defender. The loadout packages: Fleet Defence Alpha: 4 Phoenix, 2 Sparrow, 2 Sidewinder Fleet Defence Bravo: 6 Phoenix, 2 Sidewinder Fleet Defence Charlie: 2 Phoenix, 1 Sparrow, 4 Sidewinder MiG CAP Alpha: 4 Sparrow, 4 Sidewinder MiG CAP Bravo: 6 Sparrow, 2 Sidewinder MiG Cap Charlie: 4 Phoenix, 4 Sidewinder Which one would you choose ?
  2. XB-44 is a B-29 derivative isn't it ? Very different from the FB-22. Night Raven perhaps ? Here is the hangar shot.
  3. Looks like Namco has gone for a conservative looking FB-22. It is suppose to be a tailless delta..but without the v-stabs. Looks cool nontheless
  4. @David I read an article about an F-8 jockey who said he actually preferred the 9B Sidewinder over the 9D Super Sidewinder. The guy went on a alpha strike escort mission with only 3 9Ds(one was defective and removed prior to the cat launch). During the mission he encountered like 4 MiG-17 Frescos. He guns got jammed and none of the winders scored a hit.
  5. Here it is taking off. Expect to see it repainted soon.
  6. Czech AF gets their first Gripen multi-role fighter.
  7. I am not exactly sure but can't the F-100 carry the improved AIM-9E/J models. It is interesting to note that the F-100D was ordered as a fighter-bomber with little effort to make it an effective air superiority fighter. With so much weight gain and little improvement in thrust the Hun quickly lost it agility and was sluggish compared with other USAF fighters of the day.
  8. oh well...at least part of my Harrier fantasies will be fulfill by another sim. Still love Ac5 for what it has to offer.
  9. As many of you are aware the Hawk 60 trainer series is present in Ac5 but there are no signs of the air combat capable 200 series. I wonder what purpose they serve in AC5 besides the possible inclusion of training missions or some "special" bonus modes. Perhaps a mission that requires you to rescue somene but you can do that with other 2 seat aircraft. BTW AV-8B is included but i don't see Namco letting us fly them once again.
  10. @Shin http://www.angelfire.com/games5/x-plane_planes/ This guy is developing all kinds of AC3 planes. The X-49 Night Raven is next. @David With the exception of Rafale, Gripen production have been mostly single seaters and the South African order is no different. The 2 seater Gripen is too limited compared with the single seater. Not too sure about Eurofighter change of thinking, will need to check on that.
  11. I think the F is really an excuse to finding a job for the Tomcat RIO. btw Shin can you point us to the F-20 article
  12. Perhaps they are doing separate C, E, F and G version Hornets. F is suppose to be the new interceptor capable version with multi-role added.
  13. Dynapolis is good, and it think mission 4 is Night and Day. I just checked the japanese AC5 site no tree yet for F-5.
  14. I wished they use Ac2 style music in AC5. Love all their tunes. Favourite are Fire Young Man, Aim High, Fire Away, Rising High, Meltdown, Blow Away and Aerial Hawk. In Ac4 i ignore the music. Come on Namco give us the ol stuff. AC6 ? btw I notice the JAS-39C will not have its own family. Why didn't Namco include the Draken and Viggen after all they were present in AC2. I see no reason why Namco couldn't add them. Would it be cool if you can define the game to limit you planes according to timeline...say 60s and you(&the enemy) uses only F-4, F-5 and MiG-17,19, 21 types.
  15. Guys Did the A-10's gun feel significantly more powerful in the last AC4 or maybe they will model the difference in Ac5 ? Btw i though the F-14B has the older AWG-9 radar. So maybe the F-14D can lock-on faster, engage more targets and fire AMRAAMs(in the game at least )
  16. The Laser-guided bombs they just are lock-on and release type weapons like the JDAM in AC4 ?
  17. For all the advantage Harrier's got i am sure the Marine guys wish they had Cobra Rattlers instead. Fully armoured unlike the Harrier plus a gunner to chase those pesky fighter away.
  18. That's it!!!! That's the combiner i was talking about. I watched it many years ago under the name Starvenger. Thanks all especially Dangard Ace.
  19. well...i remember one of them was red color the other was blue. I am not sure of the color of their third member but it could be brown/sand. I remember in one of the later episodes which had 2 parts you see the enemy using a 6 member combiner that attacked different cities on earth when not combined. p.s why do so many shows feature combiners that have the mentioned colors ?
  20. Guys F-100D Super Sabre vs MiG-21MF Fishbed-J F-100 -> 4 x M39 Guns, 4 x AIM-9B Sidewinders, 2X Drop Tanks MiG -> 1x Gsh23, 4 x AA-2 Atolls, 1x Centerline Tank Who wins in the dogfight ?
  21. 2 of the F-20 had fatal accidents one at Suwon and the other at Goose Bay. The remaining F-20A is currently at the California Science Center. http://www.californiasciencecenter.org/Exh...aft/F20/F20.php
  22. Does anyone remember a show featuring a 3 vehicle combiner team that allows any one the be vehicles to from the head, upper body. I think the vehicles comprised one 1 plane, 1 car and 1 tunnelling vehicle.
  23. @David Hintgen Any Soviet era jetliners in your collection ? looks like mostly 747 and DC-10.
  24. If you're talking about the same incident I am, they weren't insurgents--it was the Iraqi army sitting in front of Baghdad. I don't have details of the defensive tactics used, but I consider it strange that a group of Apaches sent in to wipe out a large formation would be surprised at being shot at. I stand corrected. Still i feel the Apache is too expensive to perform the job for what its worth. Upgraded Whiskey Cobras might have been cheaper and just as effective. Sand ingestion was a problem in the desert but the Cobras were marinized and had no problem with corrosion. Not sure if the Apache had this treatment. btw can the Longbow radar detect infantrymen ? I heard it can classify contacts by type whether its a tank, IFV, AAA or SAM.
  25. Later model Sidewinders(9L, M, X, P4) have full all aspect engagement capabilities. The reason why the Army uses Stingers is becaused the Stinger has a much smaller minimum range and being a smaller weapon more of them could be carried. Apaches are also operated by the British Army, the Netherlands, Singapore, and in the future Japan. I might have missed some. Australia and Canada do not have any Apaches.
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