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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. The photo is not of my Fujimi kit. I sold my unbuilt kit ages ago. I remember the kit has also features like weapons, engines, radar and so on. It isn't exactly 100 % accurate looking but you can swing the wings.
  2. That's not a boxart...looks more like a picture of the real thing to me. Now this is a actual boxart. Hasegawa may have better ones too.
  3. Hey any one of you seen the cosplay of Shin Kazama ? http://images.cosplay.com/list.php?exhibit...publicāŒ©=eng Close if you ask me.
  4. I wonder what are they thinking of here ..Too much ammunition near expiry ?
  5. For certain missions a second crew member is desirable. For instance when operating weapons like a Maverick in a fast jet like the F-16 it is very difficult to fly and target small vehicles like tanks. The A-10 flies slow enough for this though. This is even more important when flying in adverse weather and at night. The French AF ordering more 2 seater Rafale is an indication of this trend.
  6. I notice the design of the skull and cross bones changed with every subsequent aircraft till the F-14. F-4B had a waving black flag, F-4J and N had fully painted black tails. And yeah i tend to agree that the Shortnet scheme is OK but not perfect especially the out of place tail codes.
  7. I don't have much in terms of performance for the Fiddler except that it could fly Mach 1.6. It was 27.43m long and had a 19.8m wingspan(sorry no time to convert to feet). That makes it somewhere between the sizes of a 737-200 and a B-58 Hustler. Heard it shot down some NATO recon aerostats(balloon) back in the 70s.
  8. So how many high-vis birds will they have or the CAG bird will be in low-vis ?
  9. Guys What do you think of the world's largest interceptor ever...the Tu-128 Fiddler. Is it any good ?
  10. The Hasegawa decal sheet has the Ivanov skull on it. If only someone could scan it.
  11. Check this thread out about Mountain Hangars. A good read. http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/showthrea...&threadid=21093
  12. Does a Black Viggen look cool I think the color scheme is good for the next AC5 ace.
  13. Yeah..that and the forgotten Dragon would be interesting to see.
  14. well....Hasegawa did recycle the Farnborough plane for their M-Zero kit but they didn't use the correct F-14 either. So which RPG is this going to ?
  15. The model looks closest to the baseline type 9-12 or Fulcrum-A. Perhaps a slightly modified export 9-12.
  16. I have to diagree in a number of things here. Flight sims are definitely not just air-to air and dogfights and just that's just part of the spectrum. And it was very challenging to hit even stationary targets like bridges accurately without much precision weapons then. They had not HUD or CCIP and had to bomb manually while evading so much flak. The US were operating under very restrictive ROE and were not allowed to attack the sams sites unless they were fired upon. They were not allowed to attack airfields and MiG with their undercarriage down. And even if they could see a new sam site or AAA site being moved or set up they weren't allow to hit them. They also had to fly through very restrictive "corridors" determined by people in the pentagon or white house and may not overfly certain areas. I am not so sure about the AF ability to use guns or fire them but the interceptor crews didn't put so much emphasis on dogfight training. Why are you saying most of the US fighters/warplanes did not have any decent onboard guns ? The only planes in theater without a build-in guns were the F-102s, early F-4s and all NAvy F-4s some of the F-4s had a gunpod adapted later. The AF F-100 had 4 M39 guns, the F-104 and F-105 had the M61 gun. The F-5 also had 2 m39 guns. The A-1,A-4, A-7 and A-37 had built-in guns as well. The gun never actually became a factor as the F-4E later proved...Cunningham's 3 kill mission was without a gun too although it was handy to have one around.
  17. Jsarclight CAS boring .. When was the last time we had good CAS missions in flight sims ? I currently don't have WoV myself but SFp1 SP3 has a fictional desert campaign featuring tons of intercept missions to keep it interesting. Actually most of the early "planes" had onboard guns save for the early F-4s. Even the B-57B Canberras had 8 forward firing guns believe it or not.
  18. JsarcLight http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...;f=121;t=001122 There is still lots of tweaking for TK to do but i believe it will turn out to be a great flight sim. Not as hard as F4 to learn avionics wise but FM modelling is good.
  19. Be sure to get the WoV patch which allows compatibility with SFp1 Sp3 planes. http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...t=000793#000000 All SFp1/WoV related talk in this forum(Ask around...most people there are quite friendly) http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...ubb=forum;f=121 Third party weapons pack http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...;f=121;t=000981
  20. I want more missions where you have to use the more specialise aircraft like the Prowler, A-10 or F-117(stealth missions ?). This use whatever you please is a bit too easy but OTOH allow missions to be replayed to try the other planes.
  21. Does anyone also think that Nagase "Edge" is looks alot like Rena Hayami from R: Racing Evolution ?
  22. Oopps my bad The Sp3 patch came out a about 24 hours ago. Going to bring iut for a spin.
  23. Basically its a patched SFp1 with vietnam terrain and aircraft. Most people are still waiting for the SP3 patch which is due "soon". I heard that thrust vectoring has finally been implemented so we get a more accurate Harrier.
  24. That's a bit odd. I understand S-32 was the former designation of the Su-47...so are we having separate versions of the Berkut here ?
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