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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Nice large scale warplanes here. http://www.largescaleplanes.com/
  2. A very interesting thread comparing the MiG-19/J-6 and the F-100. http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/showthread.php?t=37701
  3. Anyone notice that Mika Doi looks more reserved, quite then everyone else. I notice this look too in other photos of her. This is how Misa was like in SDF Macross.
  4. A more recent photo of Roy/Kamiya
  5. I am well aware of the ANN. But there is hardly any photos/links for Arihiro Hase, Mika Kaneko, Eri Takeda, Katsumi Suzuki and so on. Looking at some old mags is old the ideal solution since many fans especially newer fans have virtually no access to them.
  6. I am not sure if this has ever been done before at MW so bear with me. They are those among us who wonder how the voice behind Kakizaki or Mika Doi really look like in real life. Take this as a challenge and look for the obscure picture. To kick start the thread i present you Ishtar/Kasahara Hiroko
  7. mook=macross book
  8. http://jns.ixla.jp/users/anglers326bb652/myweb1_002.htm Be sure to check all of the site.
  9. About the Saudi F3 Tornodas, they are not loaned from the RAF. This belong to the RSAF and took part in the 91 Gulf war. Last i heard they had plans to adapt them for the wild weasel role. They only bought like 24 of them. Maybe the F-15C suited them better though they should know better the ADV was never much of a dogfighter. The Hind is actually faster than the Cobra/Apache i heard even if not as advanced. As for the mention of Sidewinders, only the USMC deploys the AIM-9L/M on the AH-1T/W. The army Apache/other helos while having the winder capability never deploys Sidewinders operationally since they have the smaller Stingers. I doubt the Comanche could carry AIM-9s inside the weapons bay. They would need to be carried on the stub pylons. AH-66 Comanche would have been the ultimate air-to-air helicopter. "What do you think of the AH-1Z in comparison to the AH-64? The UH-60 in comparison to the UH-1Z? The Kiowa in comparison to the Longbow?" Kiowa Scout/Warrior has very little combat capability compared with the Longbow. More of a scout/reconnaisance helo. Its not as well protected and certainly not as fast too. Cobras have almost proved more reliable in the field than the Apache in terms of maintanence. Other than that the Apache is the more capable helicopter compared with pre-AH-1Z cobras. With the upgrades the AH-1Z will have its flight envelope greatly expended making capable of doing what the Apache can. It carries the same amount of weapons as Apache too. I don't know too much about the UH-1Z Huey other than it will share engines and shaft/boom with the AH-1Z. I take it as a lower cost UH-60 perhaps.
  10. Isamu is a skillful pilot no doubt but his lonewolf tactics are more suitable for a World War I flyer. He obviously has little concept of team tactics. I find him a very likely reminiscent of playboy ace pilot Hans-Joachim Marseille. Maybe Kawamori based Isamu on him ?
  11. What are exactly Miyataka's designs in macross ?
  12. Try these http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...36&st=0&hl=va-3 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...55&st=0&hl=va-3
  13. I think the F-22 would be deployed in small numbers as elite "silver bullet" squadrons. Who knows maybe there are some already doing experimental testing over Aghanistan or the middle east. What we might not see is the F-22 carrying bombs.
  14. WM Cheng What happened to the booster ? Can't wait for the restart.
  15. How do you guys rate Hiroyuki "Cary" Tagawa ?
  16. I think Hasegawa not making a VF-11 is because its simply not the main mecha in any macross series and didn't feature serious among time with pilots like Hikaru, Isamu and Max/Milia. Its all got to do with the Japan market which prefer top of the line good guy mecha. Look at gundam, how many of the obcsure bad mecha have made it to PG or even MG scale ?
  17. OK, here's the only lineart pic I have of the ship that the VF-X Ravens are based on in the game. Sorry, I've no idea what the name of this ship is. It may be written in Japanese, perhaps Renato could tell us? Graham Graham if you could get a bigger clearer scan of the text area in that pic, maybe we could translate the name of the ship.
  18. @Ewilen Most of us can't see the news since we need to register(most of us rather not) so if you would just paste it here instead @Shin Slammers will have clearence problems if fitted on the nacelle of the X-31. Perhaps they could try putting small pylons on the main landing gear door like those Sparrow on the early test F-16. X-29 FSW is said to be the tightest turning aircraft, thrust vectoring only an advantage at higher altititudes. Rear vision from the X-29 seems a bit bad since its F-5 canopy. And the X-29 would need a total avionic upgrade...its mostly old gauge type cockpit there. Although i agree the F-22 has the advantage in BVR combat, thing like "slaughters eagles and falcons close in in mock fighting" sounds a bit exaggerated to try sell the Raptor as a 100% all round winner.
  19. I remember in the popular survey sim ATF Gold you could fly the ultra agile MBB F(X)-31 EFM/Vector. That plane has yaw vectoring non of the other planes in the sim did. And IIRC it was armed with Slammers, AIM-9X and a M61 internal gun. The main drawback was its lack of endurance and armor. DH and others What do you think an operational F-31 ? Is it viable as a fighter without enlarging it? To me it seems the plane is too small to have a M61 class gun and the wings are too small to carry missiles. Discuss.
  20. If Isamu was in Skull or any Space War One squadron he would have got people killed and his butt chewed by Misa and Roy.
  21. Very Nice I notice the nosegear is different from the Hase too.
  22. Dive bomber ?
  23. Kurt Does the kit have any detail for the cockpit ?
  24. why did Club-M include an extra set of UUM-7 pods and RMS-1 missiles which seem to big for the kit ?
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