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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. Looks like an early 80s ATF design. It probably would have been too expensive to build. Doesn't look too stealthy to me.
  2. Actually there is a non-matching bottom view of the stealth pod that comes with the side view. I have only seen the type in the game VF-X Digital Missions and it was all purple i remember. There weren't any marking of affiliation on it.
  3. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=2993&st=180 There are somemore several pages back.
  4. It could just be a sensor to help the valk aim the gun, a strobe light or a flash light when valks are hunting prey inside a ship.
  5. There are blank multi-view linearts of the VF-2 in the fanworks colorscheme thread which you can use to try different colors.
  6. Why is evryone suggesting caucasians to play the japanese characters like Hikaru and Misa, i am sure they are lots of japanese people can take the role.
  7. And behold the Starsky and Hutch version of Macross
  8. Later FW 190 like the Dora-9 and Ta152H all have liquid cool engines optimised for higher altitude fights. They were more of an interceptor than a dogfighter, The german 30mm 108 guns led to the French DEFA and British ADEN, eventually to the powerful BK27 27mm gun. Powerful weapons those. Russian fighters like the La-7 and Yak-9 were excellent low altitude fighters and were quite tough.
  9. Graham Is your title "Minmay's Panties" attainable or is it a custom one ?
  10. It was an easter egg. Kawamori and gang also work on SDC Orguss.
  11. nay..Hasegawa doesn't deal with huge alien spaceships . They might do a cheyenne or other destroids since they have made valkyrie battroids, a break from their tradition of mostly aircraft. I don't think they are done with Macross Zero yet. Might get battroid models for the SV-51 and VF-0 plus a weapons set for the VF-0. Maybe even a drone/Ghostbird/booster set.
  12. The P-51 is somewhat overrated IMO since its reputation has excedded its actual ability. I prefer the P-47D/M/N over it anytime since the Mustang is too fragile. And a P-47N easily has more range than the Mustang with drop tanks. The Jug would have made the better choice for a ground attacker in Korea too since the ground fire was intense and the Mustang's liquid cool engine didn't take damage very well. The Jug on the other hand was legendary for its toughness. The Zero(Early to mid war) could be the most capable planes in term of agility and turning performance but like most japanese fighters of those times there were very lightly built and fragile. Later model Zeroes became heavier as they evolved and lost some of their handling qualities. A P-40 could take on the Zero provided you not enter a turning fight with it relying on BnZ tactics. Of course in IL-2's PF the US side AI doesn't take advantage of this and your squadron will suffer heavy losses.
  13. Did someone mention SV-52 ? Is it revealed yet ? I too am OK with the design of the SV-51. Looking at it does remind me of the Pteranodon or any of the Pterosaurs. It certainly has the crude but functional feel to it. My only major dislike is the ugly choice of color for Nora's Gamma. Then again that sadistic bitch might not have much of a taste for color.
  14. hellohikaru


    Jet seaplanes are a very much possible provided the intakes are position in such a way to prevent sea water ingestion. The US Navy had tested the Convair Sea Dart and P-6M Seamaster but never accepted them or the concept. Seaplanes have the benefit of not needing an aircraft carrier and save alot of money too.
  15. wow...Poland must have plenty of FB2012 fans.
  16. I suppose this is the "new" pit. Could have done this 20 years ago.
  17. Here is the A-10C. Externally looks very similar to the A-10A with its last upgrades.
  18. I tend to agree. And Patlabor had non-transforming robot but it too didn't get much attention from Bandai. Even the cool kick-ass enemy mecha of Gundam didn't get the same amount of treatment as the overdone hero mecha.
  19. This is quite a sad sight for many. I can't believe this. Even 15 year old F-14D had been scrapped despite not even half of its airframe life used. http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story...1017&ran=138750
  20. As far as i know the only A-10 N/AW was built from the Y/A-10B. There weren't any single seaters. This photo shows the plane with its engines removed.
  21. This guy has some incrediblely detailed models. http://www.scottsaircraft.com/home.htm
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