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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. I think you do need to get all S at hard level to get the X-02 Switchblade. The white X-02 paintscheme requires all S at Ace level and that is freakin hard.
  2. As far as i know the Su-27IB became the Su-32/34 Fullback series of penetrator/strike aircraft and not meant for carrier ops. There is another variant design for the naval training/possible strike role called the Su-27KUB which has a conical nose. I don't know the status of the project. The Su-25 as far as i heard are UTG carrier ops trainer variant and have little attack capability. Kuznetsov has 2 elevators and i am sure they can shuffle like child's blocks. I am not so sure. Found them at this forum. You should check them out. That board is rich. http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=5
  3. The proposed MiG-29K for the Indian navy. Looks kinda different from the 29K of the 90s that was derived from the advanced 29M.
  4. Time for some Russian naval jets. Kuznetsov hangar deck crowded up with Su-27K fighters. Note folded tailcone and nose pitot tubes.
  5. The corydoras VF-5000 looks nice even if the stabs look way too large.
  6. The packaging labels it as 'Mujin Thunderbolt' which literrally means Unmanned Thunderbolt. Its the VF-11 with the cockpit section replaced by a primitive AI system making it an easy target for the Ghost X-9. I bet it doesn't transform. Mospeada had something similar in the Mujin Legioss and Dark Legioss. Perhaps nanashi can fill us in on this.
  7. That looks like the 1/72 version. It is mentioned as 1/144.
  8. Here is the other photo of the Mujin Thunderbolt. Yamato should release on too.
  9. Could that X-9 be any of these ? http://www.geocities.jp/kanseihinmiyako/macross-08-x9.htm
  10. haha! More fodder stuff Fury vs F-86 ? Depends on what versions you wanna compare. The FJ-1 had straight wings like the Panther and was definitely inferior to the land based Sabres. FJ-4 was widely regarded as best Fury/Sabre out there. Basically the navy was satisfied with the Cougar and Fury were plagued with development problems. F-108 Rapier vs F-12A Since the F-108 never made past the mock-up stage we can only speculate on it. North American in fact continued development of the Rapier into the early 60s well after the AF canned it. The last configuration looked something like a Avro Arrow but with cranked delta wings like the F-16XL. Perfomance wise the F-12 was likely faster, fly higher and have greater endurance and more payload(4 vs 3 Falcons). The F-108 was probably cheaper to operate and more 'agile'. F-4E vs Lightning I actually liked the Lightning alot. It looked like a powerful brute who can take on any russian bomber of that time. Basically the Lightning was a pilots airplane. I heard it was a joy to fly and using the right tactics could beat the Bitburg F-15s in equal dogfights and definitely kicked the Tornado F3 straight on the ass. But it also had the a cockpit of very high workload, unrealible missiles and lack of range. The thing actually carried its drop tanks on top of its wings. Might have been hairy to jettison them in flight. MiG-29M could have been the ultimate Fulcrum short of the completely different aircraft in the MiG-33(the one i posted a drawing of). Too bad Mikoyan didn't have the resources to developed it further and the internal struggle with its new parent company wanting to concentrate on upgrades for the older stocks of planes. Give it a fully integrated avionic and weapon delivery system and it will match an early model F-18C. a bit out of topic but have you guys seen the show called the marine version of baywatch called "Pensacola" ? This show sucks even more than Supercarrier did in the 1980s. So we have a marine squadron of only 4 amigos and their commander likes to order the navy around. F-18 shots recycle over and over again. And the base they show the Hornets getting airbourne doesn't look much like Pensacola to me.
  11. hellohikaru

    Custom VF-17S

    That red VF-17S looked exactly like the one CCC President Manfred Brando used in VF-X-2.
  12. yeah a remake of VF-X-2 for PS2 with the Sega AM2 control style seems best. Add the VF-5000 and VAB-2 into it and it will kick major ass. They can even recycle the cutscenes and music and cockpit views from VF-X. One thing i found chumbersome about VF-X-2 is the usage of defensive systems(the chaff and flare/shield) which needed to be selected first. I wish there were extra buttons to use them with switching. Also gerwalk movement is really silly. I found myself hitting the L1 R1 buttons frantically. This is very tiresome in missions like 'singing in the rain'(using VB-6). Finally VF-X-2 needed a true radar/tactical display that was probably in the US release.
  13. The Macross 2 shooter was great. This is a game where you advance only if you played well. I believe the special stage cannot be replayed. The Mac Plus Acade was tough. I think the planes have very large hit zones.
  14. Be careful there VF-19A and the YF-19 are externally identical.
  15. You will fight Barnrose a 2nd time after you defeated Giliam. Although Barnrose seems to be convincing Aegis about who the bad guys were, he didn't believe her. The Full Armoured Thunderbolt also has that big ass cannon and grenade crushers.
  16. There is more to a VF-19F/S than just the wings. Completely different vernier arrangements, different canopy, different v- stab position, shield, etc. Not sure if a wing conversion set can turn the Hase kit into a S/F.
  17. Yamato holding the VFX-2 license and not releasing a VF-17D/S and VF-22 ? It will be a great waste if they don't. And why would they need Kawamori approval when releasing something. Even Hasegawa didn't follow the lineart very much and i doubt Toynami even bothered with the process.
  18. yeah they will probably released another kit with the decals for Kakizaki, Max and Milia.
  19. yeah...the bad guys had some strange names too Red VF-17S- Manfred Brando Pheyos - Timoshie Daldathon(Timothy Dalton?) Soup up VF-22- Wilbur Garland Red VF-1S - Maria Forkina Barnrose Ironically the best VF to handle the Ghost is the VF-17D because of obvious reasons.
  20. There is no difference whether you choose Tohma or Suzie as your wingman other than a slight difference in dialogue. As for the ending you see Aegis visiting Gilliam's grave with a tombstone and a broken helmet with a sunset background. The ending song is Shoot & Shout.
  21. Ruak Awesome! How did you achieve that effect ?
  22. A 1/48 VF-0 is hardly big to those of us used to 1/48 F-14 and F-15 kits or those who build in 1/32. There are even C-130 kits in 1/48 and no is complaining. Why worry about the size so much ?
  23. hmmm....certain large battleships can move the barrels of their guns independently. I think this is either to facilitate reloading or for spreading the shots.
  24. This is nice build of Shin's Crusader as depicted during the attack of the large depot. http://homepage3.nifty.com/YODASHP/f8f.htm
  25. Check this guys site out he has a monster. http://homepage3.nifty.com/YODASHP/monster.htm
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