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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. OMG those look so cute!! Kinda SD to me.
  2. Here is the only drawing from the TIAS Macross Plus book i think. There aren't any straight on top and bottom views that i know of. Incredibly I never noticed the gun gondola all this time.
  3. Mispost.
  4. yeah i saw that long sleeved turtleneck too after the awards ceremony. Now just what is worn under it ?
  5. Maybe it didn't work very well in battroid(wings folded) or it needed to pivot or be jettisoned. Are they any drawings of the early VF-5000 in battroid form ?
  6. well alot of the aircraft designs in macross are from the early 80s so i doubt he used the Mi-28 Havoc or Su-25 Frogfoot for it since very little is published or known about it that time. IMO the Commanchero is based on the Hind obviously, the Avenger II maybe a Fairchild T-46/Saab 105 and the Tunny looks like a lengthen C-14 airlifter. And he just loves to give them downward pointing winglets.
  7. Sure....here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=14044&st=0#
  8. There are 1/144 scale. The tail is a tad too large. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ic=14018&st=20# If isn't much trouble does anyone have any more pics from the TIAS Macross Plus book ?
  9. sorry AlphaHX..i was reading and typing too fast so i tend to miss out sometimes. Is that top view from Designs works too ? If so then i will try get a copy. Actually it sort of does. For instance the VA-3 has alot of tiny surface detail on it that isn't very evident due to the small size and enlarging it doesn't help.
  10. I think most of our scratchbuilders can come up with zentraedi ships using off the shelf materials like the cucumber and egg plant.
  11. I never seen them before on the lineart and yet the Corydoras kit has them too. Are those gun gondolas like those on certain wwII fighters ?
  12. I can't seem to find any entries for the QF-9000, what does it look like ? Is it anything like the QF-3000 ?
  13. hey thanks AlphaX and Joseph Those are great. Where are they from ? Do you have even larger versions ? btw what those gondolas sometimes under the wings of the VF-5000 for ?
  14. Hey AlphaX those are great!! I never seen many of them in their pure lineart form before. Any other views for the VF-5000 ? Can you post larger versions of them ? I would love to use to them for canon and fictional color schematic work.
  15. You wouldn't say that had Macross II not had the word Macross in its title would ya ? M7 had Kawamori's hand in it and still wasn't that great either IMO.
  16. Macross 7 for me since it became more of a platform for selling noisy J-pop as mentioned by Aegis. While it did introduced some cool valks like the VF-11D and VF-5000 they were never popular enough to generate any toys or mass production scale models. OTOH I like alot of things about Macross 2. Cool mecha like VF-2SS and Metal Siren and certainly better looking destroids than M7. Much better clothing and fashion sense too. Ishtar wasn't anyway near as annoying as Mylene. So it was a different kind of macross but it was macross at its core. The music in m2 is actually quite good once you have listened to it. Just because it lacks the MTV style publicity that is M7 doesn't mean it is worst. While i never considered Macross 2 to be a true sequel to SDF it was at least watchable and entertaining compared with the weird M7. Just my 2 cents anyway.
  17. I think they might be wearing something underneath that jacket like a long sleeved pull over or something. Just look at the edge of their sleeves.
  18. I'll say it once, and for all. When in doubt, to make an aircraft as cool as humanly possible, you just need to paint it black and white. If you, don't want black, go for something dark. I don't think it has anything to do with the cool factor here since Indian Navy Sea Harriers are painted just like that as were Royal Navy ones during the 80s. Helps to conceal the plane when flying over water.
  19. Of course they are. Prototypes of both planes existed. And it can carry alot of dump weapons.
  20. Maybe z-ro is looking for the VF-5000, VF-17, VF-4 or VF-11. Save for the VF-4 i never seen any plan/bottom/front/back for these valks.
  21. Why is Shammy the only bunny with socks ?
  22. Nice, that must be the descendent of the purple ox squadron from the Sega AM2 Macross game. Weathering is very anime like too. Feel free to try other VFs too. btw Welcome to Macrossworld!
  23. I always thought the bridge bunny uniforms are like Japanese sailor type school girl uniforms that have short skirts. It doesn't show any cleavage though it does expose the midriff. Are these uniforms only limited to the bridge personnel or the entire crew ? Maybe jumpsuits like those in Star Trek, Sea Quest or SAAB might have been more practical.
  24. Ever wondered what alternative are available for the Su-25 FROGFOOT ? Behold the Il-40 BRAWNY and the 90s-era Il-102, jet powered brethens of the Il-2/Il-10 Sturmovik series. And they have a tail gunner as well.
  25. The lack of mention of colony fleets doesn't mean they are or aren't there. What bugs me is the different insignia and the destruction of much of the Alus Nova ship SDF-1. Still enjoyable none the less. As for continuity i doubt Kawamori cared much about it...just look at Macross Zero...completely different in feel from its "sequels" IMO.
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