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Everything posted by hellohikaru

  1. I didn't make the Type 90 girl but she is supposed to be based on the JGSDF Type 90 tank. http://schafe.z1.bbzone.net/kasumigaura50/kasumi50_90_03.jpg http://images.google.com/images?q=%EF%BC%9...lr=&sa=N&tab=wi
  2. Nice one Polidread. I always wanted to ask you how did you make them shine so brightly ? Are you using the lens flare effect ?
  3. Make it bigger like that jet powered B-52 that crashed some time ago.
  4. Seen it a more than a couple of times. Was quite OK IMO. Had Gary Busey and Bill Paxton in it. The chick is the one from Arnold's Running man. As for the skulls i can only think they come from other franchises done by the company that made Predator.
  5. HWR MKII I seen the bootleg version of this Leopard II R/C. Comes prepainted though. I would assume there is a Japanese Type 90 R/C of the same scale as well as well.
  6. I know this isn't exactly macross. Here the Type 90 MBT girl.
  7. That's the so called VF-22C i heard from the the former macross UK. Graham still hadn't come back with info on that one though.
  8. Maybe Dragon doesn't first concult a proper F-14 reference book before making them. They repeat the same goofs with their flight crew lineup.
  9. Looked like Akt_m used oil pastels to color them. Reminds me of the one Beware of Blast did a couple of years ago. I think Shin is asking about the software.
  10. AlphaHX Need you to take a look into your magic bag of images again. Do you have any straight on top/side/bottom views for the Dragon II air superiority fighter or the FL-200 ? Thanks
  11. I guess they may be some political arm twisting again since the RSAF is mostly US made or the F-15T is not some watered down Mudhen like the pathetic F-15S for the Saudis. Should it win the F-15 would be the most expensive plane ever operated by the Singaporeans. Not sure about engine choice yet but i guess it would be the latest F100 since RSAF doesn't have any F110s. Rafale while certainly not cheap either is of more recent vintage than the F-15 though it would end up being cheaper to run...though the French spare parts and weapons are damn expensive. I am sure Peru and other smaller Dassault delta operators would testify to that. Another thing is that almost all Rafale strike configurations include one of those large drop tanks..though the F-16 and 18 is little different. Wished the EF2000 stayed in the running. At least it offered something different. F-15T for Taiwan ?More like F-15F (Formosa) if they ever get interested. T from what i read stands for Timasek=Singapore.
  12. EF-4C is actually a real aircraft..the first wild weasel phantoms. It didn't have the football though. Maybe they have have called their EF-4EJ ? As for the kitbashes they look definitely Yukikaze inspired.
  13. There is a photo at hobby search. Nora and DD again.
  14. Check the links inside the table to find all kinds of weird marriages between aircraft, http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/n_sor/faf.htm
  15. Sorry for the OOT post but any of you guys pick up Trumpeter's new 72nd J-10A. Does look promising. http://www.worldaffairsboard.com/showthread.php?t=4272
  16. Wolframbane No problem. Unfortunately that is the only one i have
  17. Interesting trivia i found about the Deuce 102 Delta Dagger. "The F-102 was deployed to Southeast Asia beginning in 1962, and as American involvement in Vietnam grew, the Deuce took part in missions which included escort for B-52's, ready alert duty at bases in South Vietnam, and then later during Operation Stove Pipe, the F-102's 24 2.75-inch (70-mm) FFAR's were put to use against targets on the Ho Chi Minh trail. F-102's and TF-102's would fly at night along the trail and try to pinpoint targets using their IR seekers and then attack potential targets (including campfires and warm truck engines) using the IR-guided AIM-4 Falcon as well as their 70-mm rockets. TF-102's were also used as fast-FAC aircraft, using their rockets to mark targets for incoming fighter bombers. The F-102 was also used on CAP duty as well. " So 102s can use their belly mounted rocket packs for A-G as well...that's something seldom heard of in most books.
  18. F-8E with Snakeeyes and LAU-33 rocket launchers.
  19. F-8E with assortment of weapons. Are those M118s ? Those are very large sized bombs. Must have been a real burden.
  20. Thanks for the comment. The linedrawing is actually traced from a mechanic model sheet sketch provided by MWer Jediknight. Here it is
  21. Why must they released the same ol Ivanov and DD kit again ? Why can't they just do a weapon/booster set for both Su-51 and VF-0 instead. At least we get some new boxart.
  22. Was bored today...so i did one quickly.
  23. Is that an Aurora Spyplane next to it ?
  24. I would assume the PPBS system only got more advance in Macross Plus that they could make it a small enough device for mecha protection. It still only covers a limited area at one time though. IMO=In my opinion IMHO=In my humble opinion
  25. This time i am with Graham for the VF-17 Nightmare. Give me a perfect proportioned 1/48 desk model anyday. VF-3000 looks a bit like a VF-1D on steroids. I would be surprise if it gets too many votes.
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