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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Oh next time i want to poison someone with pills, i tried to remember not to get pills with POISON in 7 color written on the pills, it will not work so well. wait. oh i am sorry, this cartoon is made for children. looking at some children post here, they need confirmation, like flashing color bold letters words to tell them what is going on. Oh yes, macross frontier need to take care of these children.
  2. this 11 is a waste of space, and we even need to wait 2 weeks for it there is nothing in there, vote negative the sound engineer also got it wrong the limo with the kabuki actor sound like a jet engine does japs sound engineer know the difference with a turbine engine sound and internal combustion engine ? hur? does the people here need the director to write GRACE is agent G in bright flashing letter for these morons. this is not the engima code. you dun need a brain surgent to follow the story. but they come out with grace is just eavedropping... something is wrong with your head. go watch mickeymouse if you cannot follow. also ranka lee song are getting worse that is a horrible ending song i hope this is the last i hear it
  3. my company are full of people having same surname but none of them are related
  4. too late for me i only catch the end
  5. no GO. someone took out MBS for good. keyhole for MF is finish - selected program has reached user limit can one of you quit and go to sleep early you are screwing me
  6. sorry i read post 29 i still dun understand why they have a break this week sorry i dun get it
  7. does your klan klan in your avatar have glove or dun have glove? make up her mind
  8. oh that, i c now, yes indeed, wrong hand. damn, why did i miss that in jpg. hit myself hit myself.
  9. EP.04, 1811, there is nothing wrong, explosion throw the gun away. They pick it up later. EP.08, 1911, it is just a simple knob, so when the wind blow, it can be broken off, it is normal and correct. EP.09, 1239, the camera is pointing from top down on her face, then the shot move to the front, it is correct. But you are really good. What about when sheryl fall down from the iceberg, she was wearing an uniform, when she fall on alto hangs, it is a tube.
  10. hur???????? take back my words, you are copycat. why you copy from chinese and paste it here.
  11. tonight is normally the night where i get a new dose of MF does anyone know why there is a week break? Is there some sort of holiday in japan? anyone know the reason? i feel sad. i have withdraw symptom
  12. really i would want to check it out i have problem with aia part 1, cannot read using software to convert to my iphone mkv does not work i need avi would check out shinsen and see
  13. aia iz translation are superior, linguistic chihiro are speed demon both are good i hope that both stay the course til the end pls, no more drop out thank you fansubs
  14. hur no look like it is just the lighting effects
  15. if it is classified, how the hell do they get the story to film the film so accurately. i think it is no more classify actually anyone can explain what happen to zero. the plane crash and the main actor dead. what was the story all about. the part where some force bring him up, is just an artistic expression right. artistic expression like when during the sheryl concert, ranka did not talk to sheryl, just an artistic expression to bring two person closer, and understand each other.
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