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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. ...as in an emotional roller coaster? if so, heck ya...
  2. and i thought he has another motive of wanting to see someone via the fold quatz (thats from the comments of Omni's ep.24 summary @ RandomCuriosity) another thing, didn't Bilrer wants to connect Galaxies?
  3. so there's no 'Lion I' to be sung within the show other than the OP? (at least Triaglar wasn't sung by either Ranka/Sheryl, as it only appeared in OP/ED)
  4. hey Mr. March, do you think that the armor pack on the vf-25s have a shield generator beside each of the outboard launchers? (it is covered up most of the time...)
  5. wow...nice drawing (if that is your work that is...) anyways, why haven't the lobsters analyzed the Quarter's "quantum cannon", while analyzed Frontiers main cannon, as they're gonna face them both in the future (episodes)
  6. errr, all the more reason i want to ask... ...as in the fact Cathy punished the 2 guys for sneaking Shreyl on board Quarter? haha another thing, what did Alto said that made Cathy got them to do more laps? (the fact that Alto got quite a face afterwards says a lot there)
  7. one question, what did Alto and (of all other ppl in SMS) Micheal did to piss off Cathy so bad that she got them to go around the hanger in unpowered X-Gears?
  8. looks like another "cost saver" based laziness to me, cause we have NEVER seen the NMC for Galaxy yet edit:...at least, I haven't
  9. just a little look on the 'jump seat' for the vf-25... http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Macr...0Large%2032.jpg it can fold inward by the looks of it... edit: changing the tag to not overload random curiosity's image server
  10. it might be just something from the stockings(ie. long thin socks) that she wore. Otherwise, we would see it a few episodes before now
  11. well, that says a lot (like i can keep up with Ozma's talking ) at least he unknowingly "received" 2 "gifts" for the promotion
  12. hold it, i thought Alto was already a lieutenant Jr (since ep. 11 12 ... maybe even earlier) edit: ops
  13. I just don't think that you should set Alto being "extremely feminine" here only with the reason that he acted as a woman in a traditional kabuki ... 'movie'(?) he's relatively hot headed almost all the time... => masculine in my book
  14. if I recall correctly, Ozma mentioned that capitalism was the reason that SMS even exist with such advanced stuff (better than the military units anyway) in ep.3 2 there's nothing to confirm the exact size (or are you pulling that idea ...out of nowhere)
  15. Maybe it's the Macross Galaxy tthat goes byebye, since it is a sister fleet of Frontier
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