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Everything posted by CAG

  1. Didn't the British defense of Crete prove so costly for the Germans that they decided to forgo an airborne assault on Malta? Midway was a fleet engagement without the vast inequalities that existed between the Zentradi armada and Spacy forces, and nowhere's near the numbers difference. Don't really see the analogy.
  2. Like I said before, commercial or noncommercial is irrelevant. Something shared among 60 million isnt private by any possible definition. So it doesn't matter if its commercial or not.
  3. Not necessarily. See the key word there is private. Nobody is getting sued for having MP3's on their computer. Its people who share files or let people download from them that get sued. I think its pretty hard to argue that sharing MP3's among 60 million people is private, don't you? Much like rebroadcasting MLB with implied oral consent, if you're gonna share MP3's you really should read the fine print.
  4. Actually OneKlump, I used to work in an FYE and that was one of the things they were supposed to be bringing into the stores. Never happened though, as they were hemmoraging money. But then when their CDs were ridiculously overpriced anyway, what did they expect?
  5. I agree with treatment. They already had Athena (Adama's daughter) and Sheba (the pilot from the Pegasus), who were relatively strong female characters. Just give one of them a more pronounced role. Smells of changing things just for the sake of changing them to me.
  6. Sweet. Galactica was awesome....well before 1980 anyway. And thats really friggin sweet that the centurion's eye works. Anyone else gonna give the BG PS2 game a try? "See the evil robots from Battlestar Galactica fight the gay robots from Star Wars!" -The Simpsons
  7. Correct. The base is already destroyed by the time that Breetai and Exedore's cruiser arrives at Mars, and they state something to the effect that it was destroyed during the last war.
  8. Whatever happened to that lawsuit alleging that the RIAA was essentially price-fixing their CDs? 'Cuz, ya know that's just as illegal as stealing..... Two wrongs don't make a right, but the music industry is gonna have to pay the piper for not competing eventually...like when their out of people to sue, and people still don't buy CDs. But there may be hope. I was able to pick up the new Maiden for 11.99 (new, at Best Buy). At 11 tracks on the CD that works out to about a dollar a track, essentially what I-music is charging.
  9. I live in a dorm. I dont have a stereo, I use my computer. I don't have the right to listen to my legally bought CD on a computer? Or in a car (comp locks usually dont let car CD players read CDs)? JsArclight is right- fix the world, not the problem.
  10. Without digging out my macro-econ textbook, I believe that this is an example of the substitution effect. When a product is priced too high for the market, a lower priced (in this case "free") product comes out to replace it (CDs vs digital music). Sales of the original product fall, as consumers use the more desirable substitute. Thus, the original producers adjust the price level of their product to compete with the substitute. (I recently saw an article saying that there are indications that digital media is going to take off-less CDs and DVDs, more people paying for streaming access to movies and songs). So like I said, this theft occurs for the market to indicate that CDs are priced to high. Once the RIAA decides to compete (and there are some signs like I-music and the Universal price drop), then the theft becomes morally wrong. I don't think they're exactly the same. I'm limiting my discussion to music, as I think that movies are priced much more reasonably and the piracy is much less prevalent than music. Additionally, the bootlegging of Macross products is used to fund some pretty evil activities-something that is lacking in PtP sharing. Right now I think the theft is more in an economic sense.....if record companies start competing, they'll do alright and piracy will drop off. If they dont, well lets take a reducto en absurdum. The lawsuits shut down all PtP sharing, without addressing any of the customers concerns about their product. Sales do not pick up. Are they going to sue people because they're not buying CDs? In the end, I think its a moral grey zone- it is theft and is wrong, but at the same time its the way our economy is supposed to work, and is right.
  11. One point about the greenhorns: Since many of them were civillians, might they have adapted quicker to spaceflight because they didn't have to unlearn all the now-lethal habits of flying in atmosphere (with the obvious exception of Hikaru)? Also, how experienced were the majority of the Zentradi? How much campaigning do they get out a typical regult-piloting grunt?
  12. B5 was written as a 5 year story arc from the beginning. It was a novel with a chapter played out weekly, with a definate end in sight. What messed it up was when JMS had to rush the end b/c the 5th season got cancelled and he wanted to resolve the story. Then, when the 5th season got picked up it wound up being weaker because the pacing was thrown off.
  13. Yup. He really sounds it in the cartoons doesn't he? Its much more prevalent in the comic books. He even has his own castle.
  14. Destro wears his clan's ancestral Scottish battle mask.
  15. Wow.....by the numbers: 1.Rocco While I understand to a point the analogy you're making, I hope you're not suggesting that we don't even try to enforce drug laws. What's lacking in the MP3 case is a serious social evil. (Sorry for nit-picking, but I'm a philosophy minor and strongly considering DEA). 2. White Drew True, but you're missing another point. MP3 piracy is exactly what's supposed to happen in capitalism. As far as I'm concerned, when the RIAA makes competitive MP3 services available, then d/l-ing illegally is morally wrong. 3. The RIAA is trying to fight capitalism. They're sticking their hands in their ears and saying "La,la, la....i can't hear you market forces !" CD and DVD prices have not fallen the way other tech has. Music is more mass manufactured and just generally sucks more than ever. The majority of the non radio songs on most albums are crap (with a few happy exceptions). But the Record companies stopped making singles so you're forced to buy a whole album, for a whole album's price. 4. People always like to have the album. Established bands will always sell well. I bought St Anger despite its dubious quality. I'm gonna go buy the new Iron Maiden tommorrow, and probably would if there was even one song I knew I liked on it (I haven't heard any of it), because I like the band and I like actually owning the merchandise. I don't think this lawsuit nonsense will continue much longer. Just ask the USSR, they found out what happens when you ignore basic economics
  16. ST doesn't have to die.....unless B+B stay in charge. As long as there are relevant issues confronting mankind ST can thrive if it has good writers. For instance, given current events, think of all the stories that could simply be structured around the Prime Directive (should we interfere in other cultures, how do we do it, how do we deal with it afterwards, and how the rule developed). Loads of good dramatic material in there, especially if they could get writers who could think on their own and not fall back on traditional stand-bys for the series.
  17. CAG


    I can't wait for the Hase VF-0. I want to rig it up with an F-14 and pilots/deck crew in some sort of carrier scene. Depending what we see in the rest of the series, maybe there'll be some kinda cool SV-51/Typhoon dioramas....
  18. I think what people are forgetting is that Star Trek isn't supposed to be a war show. The combat is underdeveloped becuase its only supposed to be a secondary device...(plus IMHO 18th century naval warfare is just really cool, and Horatio Hornblower was one of Roddenbury's inspirations). At its best, ST has always been a morality play about relevant issues, using outer space to examine controversial topics without immediately putting people on the defensive by distancing the story. The only 'war' show was DS9 (which I loved) but that was to show how these people would react in such a situation. Even though it was a war show, DS9 still examined relevant issues (Homefront, Inter Arma Silent Leges, and In the Pale Moonlight). To be fair B+B seem to have forgotten what its about also. ST needs new people in charge who can revitalize it....creative and risky writing while remembering that first and foremost ST has an underlying philosophical current. Geek points: 1. In the several fleet actions we see in DS9 they do indeed use fighters. Fighters seem to lack the 24th century equivalent of the WWII torpedo (a compact weapon carried by fighter that could deal more damage than another capital ship could), so they don't seem to be as prominent as they are in modern warfare. 2. Mass drivers and railguns wouldn't be effective against shielded ships, as they have shields that deflect asteroids and the like.
  19. I would love to see a series set between M+ and SWI. Hopefully it will be realistic, ie no singing Valks. The only thing that dampens my enthusiasm is the difficulty of watching new Macross in the States.
  20. It could work (but IMHO I don't think a return of Kirk is what should be done-too stereotypically Trekkie), but it dodges the bigger issue. NEW CREATIVE BLOOD NEEDS TO BE PUT IN CHARGE. Why 'save' the franchise only to have the tools in charge serve up another crap-fest series afterwards. John Logan really let me down with Nemesis. I could see where he took the best scenes of II and FC and rearranged them with some new bridging scenes to make it coherent. (Mind you, I still thought the movie was enjoyable....just not as good as it should have been). I loved DS9, because it was different and took dramatic risks. Enterprise is suffering from planet of the week syndrome. Moreover, there's no real sense that this is humanity's first big push into space. Its boring, corny, and predictable. We saw how long this whole 'no transporters' thing worked out because the writers are lazy and unimaginable. Until new people get put in charge, I don't think Trek can be saved. I'll have to console myself with the DS9 box sets....that and I think that Alex Siddig (Dr Bashir) is gonna guest-star on MI-5 next week.
  21. Definately gonna see it in theatres, but I hope that the Scouring is included in the Long-cut DVD...
  22. Ayup.....its a Simpsons figure.
  23. CAG


    Not sure if this is what youre looking for, but I'd like to see a workup on how to build a carrier deck scene (specifically the island).
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