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Everything posted by CAG

  1. Yeah, I unlocked everything /w codes (but i did use other models besides the 1-A) and you just have to go back and replay certain missions that have a high number of the enemies you need for the medals over and over again.
  2. Any carrier based UCAV thats combat capable should be angular, painted black/dark blue, and designated as "ghost"........
  3. You know what really worries me about Ep 3? Lucas has this silly preoccupation with his movies only being a certain length (think its 2 and a half hours.....not sure...). When I watched the DVD of Ep 2 for all the cut scenes, there were a ton of great scenes that they said they liked, and they fleshed out characters, etc. but they only cut them because the movie had to come in under a certain length. Tell a story, and take the time you need to do it. I don't want to see Ep 3 get short-changed and rushed because he doesn't want to break his silly rule.
  4. Well, what do you expect. Look at RT 2004....no new information, and whenever anyone asks for any over there they get dogpiled on.
  5. CAG

    What do one want?

    I agree with WDC, I'd really like a strategy game of some sort.
  6. What's that sweet VF-11 w/ fast packs and where can I get one? VF-11 here
  7. What this all seems to come down to is that now someone has to have the balls to try and market some Macross merchandise so this battle can be fought in US Court, and we can finally get our hands on what we've missed out on.
  8. I'm a rather mediocre video gamer and I was able to unlock everything in about a month and a half/two months time. And the pain in the ass was sniping 50 MPAs.
  9. Don't ask. You don't want to know.....just walk away. EDIT: misspelled "just"
  10. At least Ewan's a good actor. Kinda like Mohammed Ali once said "it ain't bragging if you can do it."
  11. That's an appeal to authority fallacy isn't it? Your proof should be well documented and easy to find then. Just post it once, and it'll be here ready to be linked to whenever its needed...(or should exist elsewhere ready to be linked to...) If I understand correctly, noone's arguing that DYRL wasn't integrated into the mainline continuity, the crux of the question is what was its original intent? Can't say that officially....bad for morale and all. Though maybe one of Kak's Kin got squished sitting at that same steakhouse
  12. But they're just as good as cannon fodder....they could have bought it when Kamjin rampaged through the ship. 18,000 civillians were killed during the war (or 'reduced by attrition').
  13. S P A C E B A R...........use the spacebar!
  14. Amen, BYG, amen. But that ep wasn't all bad- it featured the Crimson Guard! I don't know if they're gonna release the old epps...they released a bunch on VHS. The movie and two mini-series are out on DVD....maybe they'll do the Dragonfire mini-series next?
  15. Well if they're anything like Kakizaki, they probably didn't.
  16. Snake Eyes didn't make a sound during the movie, I assumed that was just an in-joke. What have they done to Beach-head? He was one of my favorite Joes, and I picked up his new figure because it looked pretty bad-ass, and they turn him into a surfer? Overall, I liked it. I was expecting it to be pretty commercial since its being marketed with a 2 pack of 12inch action figures, so taking it for what it was, I thought it was pretty decent, and could get used to the animation style (though I thought Duke looked an awful lot like the hero from Small Soldiers too.....but then that movie was inspired from GI Joe figs, so its an endless circle....). Hopefully, if it is picked up as a series, the eps will have some more depth. And that scene with Snake Eyes, Stormshadow, and the grenade pin was sweet.
  17. Exactly. All stories have to end sometimes. Once the peace treaty is signed with the remains of the Empire, thats it. The end. Everyone lives happily ever after. There's a definite slide in the quality of the work too. The Zahn trilogy was great, could be three more movies (and they'd be better than the mixed result thats coming out now). The X-Wing novels were pretty good too. Nice side stories that were well written (of course, I am a Stackpole fan) and fleshed out parts of the story that had been skipped past. But clearly, some of the books were just filler put out to make a buck. (Worth noting, there's a new Thrawn book coming from Zahn that ties into the prequels-that should be cool.) Except for prequel stuff, it kinda seems like the story of SW is over. And NJO just doesn't really seem like SW to me........maybe next they'll go the Exosquad route and have the Invid invade the SW galaxy!
  18. I'd say probably not......it seems that the anti-UN forces generally favor hit and fade tactics, and thus highly manueverable mecha. Destroids seem to be mainly for defense of static targets. I guess its possible they do, but I'd imagine they'd focus more on faster, more offensively oriented mecha.
  19. Exactly what I was saying guys!
  20. The profile of those missle launchers reminds me of a certain Destroid we all know and love....
  21. I'm off of Brookland/CUA at the University. Power flickered, but we have backup gens, so it didnt go out.
  22. Occasional flickering in DC, but we're being told its gonna be bad at 10pm or so, and I'll probably have to disconnect then, because their expecting power surges. Also, there's a number of tornadoe watches for the area.
  23. AgentOne, if you can convert those to mpegs, I'd be interested.
  24. In DC, we'll see how it goes.....
  25. The point I was making about privacy goes towards the number. DVDs are for private, non-commercial use. If I show it to 1,000 people (300 in an auditorium 3-4 shows) but charge no money it is non-commercial. But it doesn't constitute a private use. Same deal....you send an MP3 to your friend for no money, its private and non-commercial. You let 4 million people at a time have the chance to upload the file and its no longer private.
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