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Everything posted by CAG

  1. "In America, you reward knowledge......here in Japan we punish ignorance!"
  2. M7- Just thought I'd get that out of the way. Yup. Star Trek:Enterprise tends to get people very fired up too. (ENT-, by the way.) Maybe because character development takes up the other 60%, thus making mecha secondary.
  3. In no particular order: -B5 Starfury -X-Wing -Kilrathi Dralthi from WC (kill these pancakes by the dozens, but they look cool) -Hellcat from WC -Colonial Viper -Peregrine class from ST (more of a PT boat than an actual fighter, but still....)
  4. Aren't they supposed to show the whole run in one sitting at some point? And I'm guessing I missed when they showed all of Season 1 together....
  5. CAG

    Macross PS2 Game

    There may yet be hope for seeing this game in the states......(see the Copright debate thread). Hopefully we'll know more this summer.
  6. Lol. Gloval's really hauling ass out there. Its probably made out of the same material the portals are....don't we see a Super 1A blow up outside one later on in DYRL?
  7. For HG to fall back on "We can sell anything because we're a store, we don't need rights" is odd in the face of the infamous C&D letters they sent out.
  8. I voted DS9 all the way! It changed the paradigm, took dramatic risks, and asked some tough questions especially in regards to spirituality and morality in war. ENT is seriously lacking in quality and will hopefully be put to pasture soon. TNG was also great, but I think DS9 slightly edges it out for me. TOS is where it all started, and was great and still has a few eps that stand up real well (though I enjoy most of them).
  9. I don't think the number's important. If they want to kill a good pilot they just have to aim at the VFs that aren't Brown and White!
  10. Looks interesting, but I'm not sure how the Cycs will work in FPS......its gonna have to be pretty good to fit into my videogame budget though......ROTK, Starcraft:Ghost, that X-Men RPG and maybe even that ST game that just came out are on the list......
  11. One of my Texan friends tells me that the local PD has two APCs, lovably dubbed "Bubba 1" and "Bubba 2" (they do a lot of drug intercepts).
  12. "Perhaps we should exchange mono-syllabic expressions of arrogance in person..." Great news, I've been watching this regularly since it came back on the air. Ditto on the Weinstein ep, but its similar to the banned Seinfeld episode where Kramer accidently burned a Puerto Rican flag. It was pretty funny, a bit of physical comedy but everyone blew it way out of proportion.
  13. I'd have to go with Wing Commander for real hollywood type flops. But it popped into my mind right when I saw this thread-Mutiny in Space! I couldn't believe it when I saw it on MST3K Santa Clause and some witches flying spliced footage from Battlestar Galactica.... But then there was that one with Raul Julia trapped in Casablanca.....and Parts: The Clonus Horror with Peter Graves.....so many bad movies.......
  14. I'm plenty steamed.....but with the original Macross finally coming to Best Buy, it doesn't really matter, as I'm much more interested in that than a few new RT clips and a new theme.
  15. This is the most inane line of reasoning ever. Its the same as saying crap product is better than none at all, so consumers have no right to criticize merchandise because they should be thankful that they even have the option to buy anything. (This argument comes up often when the new RT comics are criticized) Talk about a supply-sider theory......... Eloquently put Bsu. Simple and too the point. Look, I'm definately gonna be voting with my dollars. The option (and subsequent decision) to simply not buy these new sets occured to me as soon as I heard of them. That doesn't mean that there's no room for legitimate criticism of this move. This move is nothing other than milking the cow....unless they've animated a significant amount of entirely new sequences to include, there's absolutely no reason this wasn't the initial release. HG, move on stop milking the fans and put out a new, quality product (like this oft rumored RT 2004....soon to be RT 2005).
  16. Is the game out yet? Is it any good?
  17. to say the least. Seriously, this is f@#%-ing ridiculous! I mean, wtf! I've tried to be neutral on this whole issue because I love RT (and Macross) and I don't think HG's particularly evil, but COME ON! There is no reason for this, none at all except to milk even more money. Why didn't they release this way back when instead? This is a blatant slap in the face to fans who bought the first ADV release (like me). Between this, and the dearth of RT:BISI info (Robotech: Believe It when I See It) its really starting to become hard to retain any sort of consumer goodwill towards HG........
  18. I disagree with that statement. They're incredible reads, some of the best I've ever read. I read them first, but I completely enjoy the movie and don't sit there and pick it apart. There's no way they can be carbon copies of the books because they're a different medium-you have to accept this going in to them.
  19. Not true....the sarge talked to Obi-Wan through the hologram. Grand total: 2 lines of dialogue. I thought it was awesome when that one ARC trooper caught a blaster shot in the head when they were pinned down. I know they're only three-four minutes but I find myself really getting into them when they're on.
  20. The second Ep was sweet.....the third starts in 10 mins! I'm also glad that they put them up on the web so you can catch up if you miss one. That space battle was kick-ass also.
  21. Saw this tonight, and thought it was very cool. I think following them all might be a problem, but we'll see. Realistically, I think I'm gonna have to wait for a DVD release or 'marathon' to catch all these. Also, it would have been cool if they showed two tonight, especially since the first one was really just an elaboration of the end scene of Ep II.
  22. I'd assume that the Destroids would be susceptible to knee-capping (ambushing a mech and try to jam a satchel charge in it's ankle or knee), or swarming. Again, works most effectively in urban settings, so if you want to take a city, you'll probably need more 'conventional' forces. Also, I think the destroids of the future would be more like non-transforming battroids, instead of the lumbering SW-1 kind (Monsters excepted).
  23. Are you sure that's true?.....The stargazer seems to be a reassembly of a number of Constitution class elements, kinda like DS9's Frankenstein fleet with the Excelsior. But its possible i guess.
  24. Bold is mine. And I think that that seems to be the key point. They probably wouldn't have know if the attack was a localized one, or a planet killing bombardment.
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