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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Cannon Fodder

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  1. A remake of the original series have the same ~happenability~ level of it, but I'm not rubbing it on nobody's face :3 Dream by dream, I'll stay with my Megaroad series Ç2
  2. Nice Devil's Advocate here: You just forgot the armor covering the cockpit while in Battroid mode :3
  3. The point is: We are getting old. It's normal don't like some new things when compared to the old-but-loved ones. I don't like the "emo-style" on every-frakking-where in animes nowadays, but when it is in something new, I somewhat accept the fate, but if it's in something that already existed (and I liked the old way) well, it get on my nerves. If you know what I mean
  4. Last time I've said this, I was bullied, but since you're already talking about it, Why not a new Movie/Serie/bunch of OVAs about the Megaroad 01? I dream with it since, well, since DYRL :3
  5. Bakuman, Hunter x Hunter (2011/2 series), Uchuu Kyoudai and *cof cof* Uchuu Senkan Yamato :|
  6. Dude, leave Macross 7 alone. We deserve an explanation about megaroad-01
  7. Just discovered and came here to tell you, but you alread knew. Very, very sad. My condolences to Hiroshi Kakoi's family. Like said:
  8. Just the movie. I mean, DYRL. The first series no =/
  9. - When you blame a Gundam fan just because it exists. - When you see relation between real life and Macross EVERYWHERE - When you call itself "The bigger seeder of Macross of the Latin America" - When: Without count the DVD collection and the 3 diferent versions (original en_us sub, original pt_br sub and remastered en_us sub) of the Original Series SDF-Macross and the repeted torrents just to seed.
  10. I've Watched M:Zero, SDFM, DYRL, FB2012, An anniversary edition (its funny at all), M2, M+, Frontier and now I'm watching M7 and everything 7 related (and HOPE someday find it all remastered, I just have the first 24 epsidoes in wonderful quality :'[ ) Am I losting something? Ps. MAN, Heart and Soul is so farting amazing T.T
  11. What was seen, can't be unseen! LOL
  12. PLEASE NO!
  13. ...and I was 6 years old, hehe... ...and I was born 6 years after ;D
  14. Something like M+ will be great!
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