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Everything posted by Panon

  1. Sigh, it's got nothing to do with this supposed victimization UC fans have a complex about. The Zeta openings and the ending were composed by an American musician by the name of Neil Sedaka. If you go to his page there, take a look at his biography and you'll notice that the guy does appear to have quite the lofty opinion of himself, so the chances of him asking for a considerable sum of money for rights to the music is one I'd quite easily believe. I'd equally believe that Sunrise would take the cheap option and not pay it. Seriously, you people who think they're out to badly treat the UC need to get the hell over yourselves and take a look at reality. If you think the AU series are given such great treatment, then you've obviously ignoring the fact that the Wing dvds were DUBTITLED, and the G-Gundam dvds also had an innaccurate, quasi-dubtitled sub script that often differed from what the characters were actually saying (do I even have to mention what they did to G's dub?). In fact, the only parts of Gundam to be treated well so far are the UC series, since the UC original movie trilogy, the OVAs and Char's Counterattack are the only ones to really come out with no issues. Bandai USA don't do this stuff, their hand is forced by Sunrise in Japan and when it comes to screwing up anime, nobody does it better than the Japanese. I mean personally, I think they should have spent less time and money on things like pencil sharpener figures and getting art done by the Saber Marionette guy and more on making that "Perfect Collection" name on the front of the box true. The should have gone all out on that - I paid $250 years ago for the complete 36 episode Macross set, and I was only too happy to do so - I would have done the same for 50 episodes of Zeta in a second if they'd treated it with similar respect. Unfortunately Sunrise just don't seem to get it. Theres little anybody can do about it either except vote with your wallet. I won't be buying these imperfect dvds and will just get the R2 ones instead.
  2. My Blast Impulse hasn't arrived yet, but I've had pretty similar experiences with my Sword and Force Impulses. Sword is flawless, no QC problems at all. My Impulse however had a slightly warped wing on the flight pack. Nothing noticable on the shelf, but if you look up close you can see they're off line and not symetrical. About the only other downside is they almost seem anorexic standing next to my GINNs, which just have a more solid feel.
  3. Nope. They even acknowledge that Rau's genetics are messed up (the only other known clone in the SEED universe, Prayer Revarie, also suffered from similar genetic problems) and he also takes them numerous times when he they wouldn't be needed for mobile suit piloting. Nobody knows what Newtypes are or that they even exist.
  4. Nope. Older model GINNs and CGUEs are still in plentiful use by ZAFT's main forces.
  5. It's a large scale Earth Alliance attack on the PLANTs. The mobile suits you can see are the new EA mass production model Windams.
  6. I haven't actually got a copy yet, but I believe the latest reprinting of the novels has the names all revised to their official forms. As for which part is canon, I believe that while the TV and movies are both canon in their own way, but the movies take precidence when the two conflict.
  7. You do realise he didn't actually buy it or anything, he's just engaging in some rage-against-the-evil-Bandai stupidity based on what he's read here.
  8. In English or Japanese? Is it by producers who were actually producers during the production of the film or just some dudes recently hired by Sunrise? Not sure, I haven't actually gotten it myself. I believe it's in English though, as the dubs ADR Director also take spart in the commentary.
  9. First disk has the movie with Japanese and English 2.0 audio tracks, and mechanical files (mobile suit and mecha info) Second disk has the movie with an English 5.1 audio track, an audio commentary track by the Sunrise producers, trailers, image galleries and a Universal Century timeline guide.
  10. I'd say not, since the three haven't exhibited any Newtype-like traits, being a Newtype doesn't not grant one the ability to use Coordinator level mobile suits (remember Mu as a Newtype had no ability to use a mobile suit until Strike was equipped with an Orb made Natural OS) and that nobody in the SEED universe actually knows of the existance of Newtypes.
  11. No, just no.
  12. Repeats are on Thursdays. It's probably one of the best anime series made in years, even though it's risking a bit of hype backlash now. Premise, story, characters, music, they're all great. It keeps itself grounded by having an element of humor but is quite a dark series (it's on AS for a reason). It's just remarkably well put together. Very little filler in it's 51 episodes, and almost everything matters - things that seem like minor events or one-shot characters all tend to have some importance in the overall story.
  13. I don't see how Impulse is not clearly superior to Strike in any way you can compare. It's power is essentially unlimited - no battery limits like Strike. Striker Packs weren't made for automated and efficient rapid switching and Impulse's are. Impulse's weapons load out is *vastly* superior to Strike's, making it a much better multi-purpose unit.
  14. Which part of the DYRL story "stomps" over Macross TV? The turning of the background story of Protoculture/Supervision Army/Zentradi issues into something so simplistic and trite as "men vs women!", as well as dumbing down the story as a whole? The sheer lack of character development? The poor pacing? The transforming of Roy into a drunken caricature, including having his own cliche 'heroic death' versus his shocking and realistic one in the original? The replacement of the meaningful "Love Drifts Away" in TV's final battle with the more general love song "Do You Remember Love?" in the movies final battle? DYRL has superior animation to the original - and nothing else over the TV series. I would place Zero, as well as any other part of Macross (maybe with the exception of Dynamite 7) above DYRL without a seconds thought.
  15. I love Macross 7, but trying to inexplicably tie it into other parts of the Macross world through dubious leaps of logic based on flimsy evidence or where it honestly is never even hinted at, is doing those parts a disservice. Seriously, not even Kawamori looks at Macross this way and has said as much. Macross has never had a continuity where you can join up all the dots perfectly at it never will. Different sides of the same coin, and all that. Macross Zero certainly doesn't make any clear distinctions. You could argue it runs off the proper timeline, or the alternate DYRL one. We know from the original that the Protoculture visited Earth, and manipulated what would become humanity. It makes perfect sense that they might leave behind a 'defense system' if you will to ensure what they've altered doesn't enter space as a culture of warfare. As much as I find any DYRL elements creeping into the canon distasteful, at the same time, DYRL's take is viable, where the Protoculture lived on Earth in peace, but fled when the war they had created through the Zentradi/Meltrandi finally reached the Earth system. It also makes sense that they would leave behind a system, given that they faced their own destruction at the hands of one of the creations, that they would leave something behind to ensure that the race their had influenced would not become a race of war, in the event that they could one day return again. Beyond that, there isn't any real link as such to other parts of the series. I honestly believe there is *no* link to Macross 7 in this show other than the very basic Macross theme, and there isn't meant to be one. Nor is it needed.
  16. I got the dvd a couple of days ago. The movie is terrible. There are so many things wrong with it that it's just easier to list the things they got right - the music and.. well, it certainly looks like it was an expensive production. That's it. Do NOT take the trailer as an example of what the movie will be like as it is incredibly deceptive (that description on cdjapan is also wrong). Think it's going to be an action packed special effects showcase? Nope. The movie is 141 minutes long. The action scequences (of which there are about three) probably make up not more than 8-10 of those minutes, tops. The rest is one of the most tedious, incoherent and painful to watch movies I've seen in recent times. Plot holes galore, nonsensical subplots and twists, weak action, no character depth and absolutely no fun factor. It just bluntly hammers and hammers away at a theme which we've all seen and heard before. 1/5.
  17. What kind of broken TV are you watching these on? Neither are "VHS rips"
  18. I think you overestimate the Japanese otaku. They will buy the DVD nonetheless, and hardly anybody in Japan looks at non-Japanese language homepages anyway. Anyway, the Japanese who wanted to download this would have grabbed it off Winny the day it was released, not because an English fansub got released.
  19. I don't see where the conflict was. The relationships with Aries and Claudia were during two very different time periods, the one with Aries being much earlier and being over by the time Claudia came into the picture.
  20. You can repeat yourself as much as you want because I've no interest in arguing semantics. Bandai's representitive has said their are no plans at this time for an individual release set. If you can't see that for what it is, then feel free to keep your head placed firmly in the sand. Zeta has been relegated to a niche title and while there very well may still be an individual release done, it won't be any time in the near future - in other words, you don't get the LE, you could be waiting a long time.
  21. http://a.scarywater.net/aone has active bittorrents for all four episodes that have been subbed so far.
  22. Uh.. that's EXACTLY my point. It's 2004. Valkyries should be made to look cool and to look like advanced superfighters compared to conventional aircraft. They should not have to fit some standards for how they look or move that was set 20 years ago. As I said, for additional balance and so the hands don't take 100% of the stress from the recoil. As for the arms, no missile launchers on the Mk1, added later to the Mk2. As you can see in the picture, the arms are almost totally taken up by the 'claws'.
  23. No the problem is that people for some unknown reason expect an animated feature made in 2002-2004 to be restricted by the limitations of animation from 1982. Things just look more details and move better because the difference in animation quality is large. The VF-0 does look like a "crappy" VF-1. It's bulkier, less aerodynamic and has bits and pieces all over it. The VF-1 is smaller and more streamlined. Likewise the Monster MkI is a crappier Mk2. It has lesser armament, a bulkier stability system and greater recoil problems. Huh? The Super Valk was made for zero gravity combat in outer space. It didn't 'need' the boosters because of weight. The 'claws' are NOT for hand to hand combat! They're for stability - the 'claws' as well as being able to lock in on the carrier would work off the carrier (unlike the cables suggestions) as the Monster could take a position and spider in (that's what the appearance of it looks like) fire, then disengage and be mobile again. Also the Monster does have an extra 'tripod' leg - it extends from the rear and absorbs the recoil there, to balance the handling of recoil between the front and rear. They're not missile launchers.
  24. http://forums.animeondvd.com/showthreaded....=&Number=655677 No plans to release individual disks in the forseeable future.
  25. Of course not.
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